From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 421 Finally a privilege

After returning from the magic capital, Ye Ming put all his energy on the black hole exploration project.

To be more precise, it is about the design of scientific experiments to solve some paradoxes.

——The act of crossing a black hole has different appeals and meanings in the eyes of different people.

People with a pioneering spirit believe that this is very likely to be the door to the stars and the sea. In the eyes of politicians, this can solve many international conflicts, but in the eyes of scientists, especially theoretical scientists, this experiment, It was so exciting.

Because this time not only will you drill into a black hole, a star with theoretically infinite gravitation, but you will also completely wrap the detector in the high-dimensional space membrane, and enter a "pseudo" high-dimensional space—your whole body is covered by the high-dimensional space membrane. If you are wrapped, can you pretend that you are in another dimension?

So how to reflect the slow clock effect?

As we all know, the theory of relativity has already shown that the greater the curvature of space-time, the more obvious the clock slowing effect-for example, if you go to a large gravitational body such as a black hole, you may feel that it has only been a few hours, so people in this gravitational region , decades have passed.

Then comes the excitement.

Assuming that in this high gravitational region, the probe continues to use long-distance communication to communicate with humans, what will be the performance?

Of course, according to the Hollein-Ye Ming high-dimensional information cube theory, when the information enters the high-dimensional space, the cube will also be compressed, and there will be an equivalent phenomenon of "one day in the sky, one year on the ground", but compared to the theoretical , and its actual performance, no one knows.

At present, the conclusion that humans can draw is only that, in the earth environment and in the space environment, the delay of long-distance communication still follows the time dilation effect of the theory of relativity—after removing the delay of electronics and equipment, the delay of long-distance communication Exactly 7 microseconds.

In short, the closer the day of the launch of the probe, the more nervous and excited the scientific community will be.

From all over the world, there is an endless stream of research groups flying to China for discussion and research. In Aita's academic field, various large-scale discussion meetings are held day and night.

For such an occasion, Ye Ming is of course indispensable.

It's just that I prefer to do it instead of "guessing" and modeling.

Anyway, we'll know when the time comes.

Time passed 2028 in such a rapid passage and came to 2029.

On January 13, 2029, Ye Ming arrived in Xichang.


Here is where the spacecraft carrying the probe was launched.

The remaining six spacecraft will take off directly at the space dock of the Dalian Shipyard—the Dalian Shipyard has completed the transformation and has become the largest and most professional functional spacecraft construction and flight base in China.

These seven spaceships are named Xunxing 1-7. From the appearance point of view, the seven spaceships are like septuplets. Except for the different hull numbers, the appearance is exactly the same. Born from a pure mother.

Each spaceship is about 80 meters long and has a "fat" belly. In appearance, it looks like a drop of water that is falling.

The spacecraft carrying the probe was named Xunxing-1.

Compared with its older brothers, Xunxing 1 has a completely different cargo space structure—its cargo door can be opened to the widest extent, and can even be discarded when necessary, so as to facilitate the release of the detector.

The reason for this design is entirely because this detector is really untouchable.


"Hey, don't be afraid, you will be the first human dog to go to heaven."

In the sterile room, Mo Gu, who was wearing an isolation suit, was squatting on the ground, comforting a dog softly.

In the past year, Ye Ming was busy, and she was not idle either. As the deputy director of the Brain-Computer Center, her task is to prepare biological experiments for this black hole detection.

But this biological experiment is not as simple as Laomei sending a monkey to the sky for a walk. The most conservative estimate is that all the animals in the sky need to stay in the detector for a year.

So how to maintain the survival of these animals and how to lose weight have become the most important issues.

Yes, the detector needs to lose weight too...

Because most of the mass is reserved for compressed fuel and energy storage batteries. The former is used to propel the probe to accelerate towards the black hole, and the latter is used to start and maintain the high-dimensional space membrane—why don’t you use a nuclear fusion engine? Sorry, according to the current power and quality of the nuclear fusion engine, one engine is not enough to support the generation of a space membrane that wraps the entire ship.

After many considerations, Mo Gu finally decided to take a dog, a sloth, and a few mice up there.

Ye Ming's figure appeared outside the sterile room.

"Sister Mo, don't say goodbye, you can go up."


Mo Gu responded, and then handed the dog over to the staff.

Then, she opened the isolation door, walked to Ye Ming, and after a gesture, Ye Ming helped her take off the isolation suit.

"Where's Xiaoqi?"

"On the spaceship, she said she wanted to experience being a captain."

"Pfft... isn't it an unmanned spaceship?"

"Theoretically, it is an unmanned spaceship, but even No. 2-7 are designed with cabins. After all, they were designed to be used as shuttles."

The two chatted all the way to the spaceship.

Not long after, the probe was carefully transported to the edge of the spacecraft by the transport vehicle.

At this moment, the voices of Lacquer and Ink rang through their intercom.

"Xunxing 1 requests to start the engine."

Ye Ming smiled slightly, and lightly pressed the walkie-talkie: "Xunxing No. 1, implement regular self-build."

"Self-test passed."

"Then allow the engine to start, pay attention to the idle power supply status."


Hearing Qi and Mo's obviously suppressed excitement and excitement, Mo Gu exhaled softly, turned his head to look at Ye Ming, his eyes were full of smiles.

Of course, Paint and Ink will perform the ignition, of course, it's not that she really wants to be the captain and drive the spaceship to perform missions.

Instead, start the engine to provide power, and then use the spacecraft's own robotic arm to cooperate with the crane to move the probe—resembling a spaceship, to be precise—into the cargo bay.

With the start of the engine, the jet of blue light at the tail of the spaceship suddenly appeared, and then calmed down, entering the main power generation state of the idle jet.

A moment later, the figure of Qi and Mo appeared at the door of the cargo hold.

Holding the walkie-talkie, she and Li Dongsheng began to direct the robotic arm of the spacecraft to cooperate with the crane that had already entered the field to load the detector into the cargo hold.

In the busy, time also quietly passed.

When everything was ready, Qi and Mo came down the gangway, and then trotted towards Ye Ming and Mo Gu.

Seeing her happy like a little girl catching a little butterfly, Mo Gu gently rubbed her head: "How do you feel?"

"It feels really good." Qi and Mo laughed loudly: "So-and-so is finally privileged once."


It's nothing more than the push of a button by the alternate system, which is some sort of privilege.

Ye Ming glanced at his watch: "Go, go to the command hall."

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