From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 341 Lunar Development Report

This meeting on how to carry out the next step of the development of the moon has been discussed for half a month.

If I want to describe it more accurately, this meeting is only for the "space port" and the plan for the subsequent development of the moon - the development of the moon is a long-term large-scale industrial and commercial activity involving multiple industries and fields. The scientists who helped send the spacecraft to the sky can decide arbitrarily.

But the opinions of scientists must be listened to and respected.

It can even be said that the suggestions made at the meeting in Xichang will be the guiding opinions for the industries and departments involved in the development.

Combining the status report and various data sent back by Yaoyue, everyone finally formed a unified opinion.

First and foremost, the meeting came up with proposals to build the first Helium-3 fusion reactor on the Moon.

The Yueyue and Artemis chose to land in the Antarctic region at this time. In addition to exploring water resources, another important reason is that the South Pole of the Moon is in the "polar day" that lasts half (Earth) years and 180 days. During the period, you can enjoy the light all the time.

And when the light period of this half year is over, it will enter the polar night of the same cycle-everything is very similar to the earth.

That is to say, in theory, the factory built by Yaoyue this time will "stop cooking" after four months because it enters the polar night and the solar panels cannot work.

Of course, scientists obviously do not allow this kind of situation of starting work for half a year and resting for half a year-the second moon landing mission of the Yaoyue will lay solar panels on those Yongri peaks on the moon to help factories through the long polar night.

——The so-called Yongri Peak refers to certain high-altitude peaks located in the polar regions. Even during the polar night period, because the altitude is high enough, they can still get part of the sun's rays.

With the helium-3 fusion power plant, these will no longer be a problem, and even the waste heat of the fusion power plant itself is a good resource, which can be used to refine helium-3, water ice, heat supply at polar nights, and so on.

In addition, the electricity from the power plant can also be sent to other regions through the grid to get rid of the half-month-long lunar night—one day and night on the moon is exactly one month on the earth.

In short, as Ye Ming said, build early and enjoy early.

Secondly, the meeting proposed the concept and design of building a multi-industry industrial zone.

Although it is impossible to transform the moon into the earth, it can only serve as a pure resource and industrial planet, but whether it is from the perspective of resource planning or utilization, it is necessary to plan well from the beginning and make good use of every inch of the moon and every grain of the moon. Soil, not leaving regrets for the very necessary.

Moreover, as a responsible major country that is about to actively carry out international cooperation in the development of the moon, taking the lead in establishing and abiding by the rules is also a necessary condition for maintaining order and rules in the future.

Then based on this concept, the multi-industry industrial zone will form a large-scale industrial base mainly focused on refining helium 3, and then supplemented by rare earth and metal smelting, trying to make the best use of resources from the beginning.

——This opinion will also be the guiding opinion of the space cooperation conference hosted by the country at the end of this year.

Of course, there is an accident in everything - what if some people feel that it is not complied with?

Then, please find out who the "infrastructure maniac" refers to.

Then, the meeting also clearly planned the plan and construction steps of the space city. At present, the astronauts of the Tiangong space station have long been unable to sit still. In the daily communication with Yaoyue, the astronauts are envious or envious.

Time to design and start building a rudimentary space city with a gravity facility.


The final report of the meeting was full of 300 pages. From the return of the Yueyue, to the launch of the first transport ship, to the establishment of a large-scale industrial base with an annual output of hundreds of tons of helium 3 and various mineral resources within five years, everything has been done. made a detailed plan.

Of course, whether these plans can be fully implemented, or what difficulties need to be overcome, will need to be discussed and negotiated by multiple departments-this is just a plan made by the Aerospace Port based on its aerospace capabilities.


After signing his name on the meeting report, Ye Ming returned to his office.

Director Niu has already arrived in Xichang ahead of time—there is still ten days before the Yaoyue will start returning.

At that time, there will be international members on the spaceship, and NASA and space agencies of other countries will send people to greet them. The big boss will also meet the astronauts in person to welcome them off the ship...

It can be said that this must be a return that attracts worldwide attention. Not only CNY, but also many departments have arrived here ahead of schedule.

"Good guy, is it difficult to build the first helium-3 reactor on the moon?"

"It's not that big."

Although Ye Ming's office here is temporary, it is also very spacious, and there is a small camp bed behind the desk. After throwing the bag on the bed, he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Director Niu with a smile: "Don't tell me, you have finished reading the 300-page report."

As the head of CNY, Director Niu is of course qualified to consult the report.

Director Niu laughed: "If I want to be able to do that, I would have already engaged in scientific research."


"Just a brief look at the introduction, and I feel that if there are no technical problems, after the construction of this helium-3 power plant, Lao Mei will definitely go crazy."

Ye Ming nodded: "We have discussed it many times, and we have thought about it differently. We think that if Lao Mei snaps a power plant on the moon first... we will not be able to stand it. After all, the fusion power plant is considered a fixed asset. .”

"Yes. But have you considered maintenance?"

"Well, I have considered it, and a large number of robots will be used at that time."

"Robot?" Director Niu frowned slightly: "Aita or? Similar to a shipboard computer?"

Director Niu's attention to the Yaoyue is no less than that of Ye Ming. Of course, he knows that the crew of the Yaoyue complained about the shipboard computer—compared with Aita's intelligence, the shipboard computer is indeed inconvenient everywhere, so they Rather endure the delay and send the data back to Aita for processing.

Seeing that Director Niu's first concern was program control... Ye Ming blinked slightly.

Then, he looked at He Mo: "He Mo, close the door."

He Mo was stunned, but soon stood up: "Can I listen?"

"It's best not to let other people hear it." Ye Ming looked at the people coming and going outside the office door - as the commander-in-chief, many people came to him.

He Mo immediately understood, walked out, and opened the door.

His actions undoubtedly aroused Director Niu's strong curiosity. The latter had a serious expression, and directly dragged the chair to sit opposite Ye Ming.

"What's the secret?"

"Well...Actually, I haven't written it in the report, and I haven't even mentioned it." Ye Ming looked at Director Niu, and said softly: "You know, Professor Huo Laien and I have been building information models for high-dimensional spaces, yes Bar?"

Director Niu nodded.

He is extremely concerned about all the scientific research directions and achievements of Ye Ming.

So...he immediately trembled! The eyes looking at Ye Ming were full of infinite anticipation, so much so that his voice became trembling!

"You, you, you... get super...?"

Ye Ming raised his fingers and let out a slight hum.

"Ita is completing the experiment for me. If I'm lucky...maybe, we can realize point-to-point inter-dimensional and long-distance communication."

Director Niu held his breath for a moment.

"I understand...that, right?"

Ye Ming exhaled softly: "Yes, it is the one who can listen to each other's voices even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of light years."

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