From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 337 The taste of being roasted on the fire

In the brain-computer center, Ye Ming's office was full of laughter.

"Look, is Lao Mei in a hurry?" Director Niu, who hadn't seen him for several days, came here today, sitting in Ye Ming's office, with a cunning expression.

Ye Ming and He Mo couldn't help laughing.

Bringing Dr. Annie to Yaoyue was supposed to be a favor for Mr. Huo Laien, and by the way, Yaoyue was asked to carry out an image promotion project, but unexpectedly, this upright female doctor couldn't hold back her excitement and directly posted Tweeted a "Fantasy Journey"...

Let's put it this way, there was an uproar on Twitter, and many emotional netizens began to call her a white-eyed wolf, forgetting who sent her, and then found out that she was a student of Professor Huo Laien.

Naturally, the word traitor hung on her head, and it was obvious to the naked eye that a cyber storm was about to start.

However, as the scientific community left the scene one after another, and the domestic people heard the news and went to Twitter to support them, the remarks against Dr. Anne soon disappeared.

In this public opinion turmoil, the Western media did not express their position at all, as if they did not notice it at all, only a few right-wing media sent some sour comments.

This means that Lao Mei can still figure it out—there are still more than a dozen people waiting to be sent back by Yaoyue. You have pissed off the Yaoyue people.

"It's mainly because the white supremacist group is a bit broken, and the others are fine." Ye Ming shook his head with a smile, and said with emotion: "Actually, the most important thing is that the scientific community has realized that the scientific research environment, especially astronomy, the universe Now only we can provide the scientific research environment.”

Director Niu smiled and asked, "Is there only one Weber telescope in the West now?"

"Well, almost. But once our space observatory is completed, there will be nothing to do with Weber."

"It seems that the Prophet of Spring River Plumbing Duck, the ancients never deceived me."

Ye Ming: "..."

"Haha, stop joking, let's talk about business." Director Niu restrained his laugh, pondered for a few seconds and then said seriously: "The above idea is that we can consider Mars."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, and then he became stunned: "Why do you want to go to Mars?"

"Because...Mars has a greater symbolic meaning." Director Niu looked at Ye Ming with a serious expression.

He has dealt with Ye Ming for so long, and he knows that Ye Ming is an engineer at heart-Ye Ming has already said this himself.

And engineers... except for Musk, most of them are very pragmatic.

In the past few years, despite Ye Ming's great ambition and courage, in the final analysis, he made the choice out of a pragmatic standpoint.

For example, engage in quantum computers, develop strong artificial intelligence, and engage in controllable nuclear fusion—when it is found that the upper limit of deuterium-tritium fusion is not enough, helium-3 fusion will be launched immediately, and the engine plan will even be launched at the same time...

These seem to be big steps, but in fact, each step has practical significance.

Landing on Mars has no practical significance.

The earth has not yet reached the point when it cannot hold the population—even if the population has expanded to 230 billion, according to the current level of energy development, it will be easy to support it in the future.

Mars is so far away, and the core is cooled, there is no magnetic field, you still need to modify the atmosphere...

Let's put it this way, unless the sun enters a period of decline, becomes a red giant star and begins to expand, and the earth is no longer livable, it will consider transforming Mars-but that will be hundreds of millions of years later.

Therefore, when Musk invited Ye Ming to go to Mars, Ye Ming refused immediately.

"We need to accomplish a greater goal to determine our true dominant position after mankind enters the interstellar era." Director Niu was silent for a few seconds after he finished speaking, and suddenly looked at Ye Ming with a smile: "Ye Ming, you want Have you ever heard of it, when energy is no longer a shackle, when productive forces are greatly liberated, and when...Internationale is realized, what will be the structure of this society? What kind of political system?"

Ye Ming was stunned and raised his brows.

After a while, he shook his head: "I haven't thought about it, but I think... that should be a community of shared future for mankind."

"You should actually think about it, because there is a high probability that you can see that day." Director Niu smiled and said: "But you are right, we actually have guidance, which is the community."

"But it's not a quarrelsome body, nor a dictatorial body, but a community that should be dominated, or even more selfishly, we should be the dominant community."

"Maybe you have heard a saying that there has never been a bloodless rise."

"But the truth is, we've already had one - and I'm sure you don't want to do it again, do you?"

"So, we must take the lead in all aspects and not give the old forces any opportunities and illusions."

Director Niu raised his teacup after speaking.

He believed that Ye Ming could understand what he said.

In silence, Ye Ming nodded slowly: "Could it be that this moon landing still didn't achieve the intended effect?"

"It has been achieved, but it has not been fully achieved-in the old economic and trade and social systems, the old United States still has influence, and those countries still have...garrisons."

"International politics is a complicated issue, and opponents still have many cards to seize future interests. Under the premise and goal of maintaining peace, we can only truly achieve success if we push our overall strength and influence to a higher level. real, rightful place."

"Rejuvenation is a great project, but it is not a project that can be left to future generations. What future generations need is that we take more and greater steps to solve more troubles, rather than leaving troubles to them."

Ye Ming exhaled slowly.

Since the higher ups are going to end the space competition...

"When was the Engineering Department established?"

"Yueyue will be established as soon as we come back." Director Niu looked at Ye Ming with a smile on his face, as if he was not worried about Ye Ming's objections: "At that time, you will still be the commander-in-chief."

"What about the schedule?"

"I have some news for you." Director Niu said softly: "Musk's engine has been completed and the spacecraft is being assembled. At the same time, there are also signs that their helium-3 reactor is about to complete the engine design."

"We don't know where Musk is flying to, but if flying to know, under the mature theory and design, we are actually only ahead of the gravity field."

"Now the people's expectations and emotions don't allow us to watch them set foot on Mars first."

"So, you know what it's like to be roasted on the fire?"

Ye Ming coughed violently.

After a moment of silence, he exhaled slowly and suddenly smiled.

"Masters in the audience, it's really hard to serve!"


My routine has completely collapsed. .

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