From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 335 How can you call a publicity thing a philistine?

In the next few days, Ye Ming put all his energy on the drawings.

Extracting knowledge and constructing formulas and systems in drawing design is a great technical task. But for Ye Ming, he is a skilled worker - since three years ago, he began to analyze the drawings, and finally summed up the "Yip's Equation".

Therefore, Ye Ming analyzed the technologies or application scenarios corresponding to several drawings very easily.

The first blueprint was indeed as he thought, it was used by the civilization where the system was located to realize long-distance communication for all citizens. After analyzing the second one, he thinks it has something to do with the maintenance of the wormhole - but he hasn't drilled it yet, so he can only guess.

The third dense energy confinement force field, Ye Ming believes that this technology should be related to the antimatter engine, because he has seen a large number of dense high-energy YE field designs.

The proton polymerization design in the fourth sheet is related to the previous nuclear force intervention technology, which belongs to the design and creation of material technology. Well... for today's human beings, it is indeed a bit early.

Ye Ming directly analyzed the last DH-DVET material with super simulation, and found that it is a hafnium alloy that can withstand high temperatures of 5,000 degrees.

Hmm... It seems that the most high-temperature-resistant substance on the earth is also a carbon-hafnium alloy.

It seems that in the face of absolute high temperature and energy, even the civilization where the system is located has no way to rely on materials to resist, and can only play with the constraints of the gravitational field.

After analyzing all the drawings, Ye Ming handed over the synthesis of high-temperature materials to Ita, while he focused on the resonance interference technology of Weibo and O-Grct crystals.


"Obviously, according to the design principle, Dysprosium Ye acts like a crystal oscillator."

"Makes sense."

"But it accepts Weibo, and then obtains information through modulation and demodulation of Weibo."


"Don't be like a joker..."

Standing in the workshop in the basement, Ye Ming looked at the pile of circuits and parts on the workbench, and glanced at Ita with some dissatisfaction.

Ita giggled: "According to the laws of psychology, are you a little nervous now?"

"Isn't that nonsense?"

This pile is the result of his busy work this week - a simple microwave signal receiving and decoding device he restored based on the drawings.

According to the principle, after the circuit is activated, it can receive the interference connection established by Ita through the super simulation.

But as an engineer with profound theoretical knowledge, even though this design has passed the "certification" of super simulation, Ye Ming still feels that there is something wrong with this design.

Because there is no coordinate system that spans dimensions.

"Are you sure that you can only use the command of Weibo interference, but cannot know the principle of Weibo interference, right?" Ye Ming looked at Ita and asked again.

"Can you understand how thought governs action?"

"I understand, consciousness is transmitted to limbs through neurons..."

Ita was momentarily at a loss for words: "Okay, you are amazing."

"Well, of course I'm good." Ye Ming exhaled softly, looked at Ita: "You start it."


As Ita turned on the power switch, the oscilloscope next to him jumped up immediately, which meant that the circuit had been activated.

Ye Ming immediately looked at Ita: "Establish a connection."

"Build failed."

Ye Ming was stunned, then turned off the power, stood on the workbench and stared at the circuit.

There must be no low-level errors in the circuit, because Ita has already tested it as a super multimeter before.

And the circuit is fine, so there must be no problem with Ita...

Then there's just...a matter of design.

But the design is again certified for super-simulation...

In silence, Ye Ming returned to the chair and sat down, then closed his eyes, and his brain began to spin rapidly.

After sorting out the design logic of the entire circuit in his mind, he opened his eyes, reached for a pen, and wrote a theoretical model of inter-dimensional and long-distance communication on paper.

——Put the information into the dimensional wave by changing the frequency, then send the dimensional wave into the higher dimension, then take out the dimensional wave from the higher dimension, and read the frequency.

In this model, Ita can directly use the interference technology to put the information into the dimensional wave, and at the same time complete the dimension leap.

For this circuit design, the first thing to do is to receive the dimensional wave.

But it turns out... the circuit fails to receive.

In silence, Ye Ming raised his eyebrows gradually.

"I see, the circuit doesn't solve the coordinate system problem."

Speaking of which, Ye Ming stood up and pointed to the Ye Di crystal: "This kind of connection interference must be unique. If there is no coordinate system, how can we determine the uniqueness..."

Ye Ming's voice stopped abruptly! His eyes widened instantly.

After a moment of silence, he roared in a low voice: "Fuck!"


"I have a bold idea!"

Ye Ming breathed heavily, strode towards Ita, and shook her "shoulder" vigorously.

"Weibo terminal encryption technology!"

Weibo terminal encryption is a technology drawn out a year ago.

Apart from analyzing Weibo's theory through it, Ye Ming never paid attention to it before, and thought it was a technology of little use.

After all, there are so many encryption technologies, and by the time Weibo can be used, quantum encryption will have matured long ago.

Just when Ye Ming ordered Ita to call up the drawings and use the Weibo terminal encryption in the circuit, the phone suddenly rang.

After picking it up, Professor Horien's voice was a little excited.

"Ye, I think that the hypercube can be regarded as the four-dimensional space itself."

Ye Ming was startled, then laughed loudly: "Yes, I think so too!"


Ten minutes later, Professor Huo Laien appeared at Ye Ming's home, holding a Pleasant Goat balloon in his hand.

Ye Ming asked Ita to work in the basement, while he and the old man came to the study on the second floor.

"Know how I realized that?"

Mr. Huo Laien put the balloon on the coffee table and looked at Ye Ming with a smile.

Ye Ming shook his head.

"While taking a walk, I saw two children playing volleyball with a balloon." Professor Huo Laien picked up the balloon and touched Ye Ming lightly.

Ye Ming took the balloon smoothly.

"A hypercube is a balloon."


"And our world is not outside the balloon."


Professor Hollein's eyes were burning: "We don't need to think about the path of information at all, because the higher dimension is within reach and everywhere."

Ye Ming smiled and nodded again.


Because the four-dimensional space is everywhere, there is absolutely no need for the information path.

All that is needed is that the two parties establishing the interfering connection have the same encryption system.

If it is applied to quantum mechanics, it means... After passing through the Weibo encryption technology, the information between terminals has actually completed "entanglement".

Interference is entanglement.

"Hahaha!" Seeing that Ye Ming fully understood his thoughts, Mr. Huo Laien laughed loudly: "Then I'll go back and post it to Aita Weekly."

"Cough...don't drink tea?"

"Don't drink anymore!" Professor Huo Laien stood up and strode towards the door, but the moment he was about to go out, he stopped again, hesitated for a while and then smiled embarrassedly: "By the way, I had a drink a long time ago. Student, Anne Barron."

The name flashed across Ye Ming's mind, and he blurted out: "Astronaut Anne Barron, an astrophysicist, boarded Artemis this time. The main task is to observe cosmic rays and unknown celestial bodies."

"Yes." Professor Huo Laien coughed lightly: "Now...she seems to have no working conditions at all."

After a pause, he continued: "Annie is a very good astrophysicist, and she has a very good personality..."

Ye Ming blinked, then laughed: "I'll discuss it with them."

Professor Huo Laien exhaled softly, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Ye."


After sending Professor Huo Laien away, Ye Ming called Director Niu and said that he wanted to recruit an astrophysicist to work on Yaoyue.

After hearing this, the latter immediately said, "There is no problem in principle."

Hearing this, Ye Ming was very depressed: "What do you mean in principle... If there is one, there is one, and if there is one, there is none..."

"Haha! The problem is that there is no problem, but there must be a reason...and what about the food expenses?"

"... She is a student of Horin."

Hearing that he was a student of Professor Huo Laien, Director Niu pondered for a while, and then said with a smile: "Then let the astronomy group send out an invitation for academic exchanges, and then post more pictures of the joint research on the Internet. Isn't the public opinion always sour now?" , just give us a chance to publicize."

Ye Ming laughed: "Good guy, can you stop being such a philistine?"

"Political propaganda, how can you call it a philistine?" Director Niu laughed, and then said: "But if she wants to join forces here, she has to ask about the food arrangement of Yaoyue."

"There's no need to ask, the girls on the Yaoyue have already started to lose weight."





Anne Barron was lying on a bed less than one meter wide, holding a book in her hand, reading quietly by the sunlight from the porthole.

She has been on the moon for a week. But apart from helping to build the solar panels outside and the crude lunar soil laboratory in the first two days, she has no use for her.

All her observation equipment was in the material cabin - the team members found the material cabin on the day of landing, but it was obvious that her equipment could not survive the fall from such a high height.

She closed the book, closed her eyes, and thought that instead of being in a daze on the moon, she might as well stay in the space station—at least there are a few ray detectors over there, so she wouldn't let herself come here for nothing.

Just when she was full of disappointment, a call from the Kennedy Ground Center suddenly came from the cabin.

"Artemis, this is Kennedy."

"Kennedy, this is Artemis."

"We received an academic invitation for astrophysics from Yaoyue. They invited Dr. Anne to conduct academic research activities on Yaoyue."

After a pause, Kennedy continued, "Would Dr. Anne be willing?"

The commander turned his head and saw that Anne Barron had jumped off the bed, her face full of excitement.

"Of course, of course I would—but did they only invite Dr. Anne?"

"Yes." Kennedy was silent again: "Unfortunately."

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