From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 326 What you are about to take is an unprecedented step for mankind



May eighteenth.

Musk and a group of aerospace experts from NASA and SpaceX around him stayed up all night.

And not just them, in the whole world, I don't know how many people stayed up late, or set the alarm clock, and set the time at 5:00 pm in the East Eighth District time.

At this time, five days have passed since Artemis successfully merged into the earth's orbit.

Artemis is a huge, sophisticated, majestic project.

In order to achieve the early goal of establishing a permanent scientific research station on the moon, the spacecraft will continue to decelerate after entering the earth's orbit, and dock with the resource module that was delivered to the orbit a few months ago, and finally carry enough. The materials and equipment enter the lunar orbit, and then complete the landing in the south pole region of the moon after deceleration.

This period of time will last for ten days—that is to say, if everything goes well, Artemis will actually land on the moon on the 23rd.

And five days ago, Yaoyue announced that the itinerary for landing on the moon was only four days—meaning that they would be the first to land on the moon.

Of course, these are not important anymore.

Importantly, they released the spaceship that looked exaggerated at first sight!

In the past five days, whether it's NASA, SpaceX, or the European Space Agency...

The entire world's aerospace industry has fallen into madness and extreme self-doubt.

Damn it!

These Chinese really designed a spaceship!

Is this enough thrust?

Well, even if they work hard to perform miracles, that's enough.

But how to complete the deceleration in four days?

Well, even if they have black technology, they can breathe fire from their mouths to slow them down.

But how do they land?

How did this fucking body of more than 100 meters stand upright on the moon?

Well, you said that you can adjust the attitude engine, and the buttocks will fall to the ground.

But what about coming back? Come back and use your butt to land slowly, is it similar to rocket recovery technology?

God, such a big guy! And at first glance, it doesn't maintain symmetry! And with such a huge design, is it really possible to recycle the buttocks on the ground?


Every expert in the aerospace field is waiting for the moment when the answer is revealed.

They have to see with their own eyes how the Chinese sent such an awesome thing to the sky!

"Elon, do you think they are designed by Hengchuan?" Director Bowers held the coffee, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Yes." Musk stared at the live TV screen, and said in a deep voice: "Professor Ye Ming told me, I believe he has no need to lie to me here."

Director Bowles nodded slightly: "In fact, from the current posture of the rocket, we can see that they are indeed designed by a horizontal ship."

"It's a spaceship, sir." Musk corrected, staring at the scene.

At this point, it was time for the astronauts to board the ship.

With applause and flowers, more than 60 astronauts walked out of the passage one by one, shaking hands with the leaders who had been guarding the door and important experts such as Ye Ming one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the cabin door opened and the gangway was lowered.

This device immediately caused an exclamation in the meeting room.

"Did they land flat?"

"Impossible! How is it possible!"

"It's possible—the premise is that a high-thrust attitude engine is needed!" An aerospace expert immediately clicked on his iPad, revealing a public photo of the Yueyue: "But such an attitude engine is completely impossible to see!"

"Then how do they achieve it? Are they going to make a fuss? Or are they planning to use the method of forced landing of the plane?"

"And they don't have wheels!"

"Maybe it's hidden?"

"Is it possible that the spaceship stops in orbit and another space capsule lands?"

"Impossible! They said that the Yaoyue is going to land on the moon!"

"Look, look, look, the underside of the hull is not the wheels, but the landing gear!"

As the screen switched, everyone also saw the support frame under the entire hull of the Yaoyue.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"This unscientific."

"You said, is there a possibility that they have mastered anti-gravity takeoff and landing technology?"

Following these almost nonsensical words, everyone shut up instantly!

Then, someone immediately retorted: "Impossible!"

"Then besides anti-gravity takeoff and landing, how can we meet the takeoff and landing conditions?" The engineer pointed at the TV and said excitedly, "Tell me, are they going to perform a funny comedy in front of the whole world?!"

Musk took a deep breath and looked at the director.

The chief also looked at him.

Both saw deep fear in each other's eyes.

——When all possibilities are eliminated, then no matter how outrageous the last remaining possibility is, it is the truth.


Such speculation also happened all over the world.

ESA, Japan Aeronautics Agency, Alitalia, Air France... all aerospace experts are watching.

Netizens all over the world are also watching.

Yes, the ignition of Yaoyue was also broadcast live globally simultaneously.

When the whole picture of the Yaoyue was shown on the live broadcast, all netizens who had a little knowledge of aerospace and physics began to speculate how the Yaoyue landed on the moon.

And according to the simplest method of elimination, everyone can be sure that the Yaoyue is definitely not a regular landing!

So, everyone began to wait.

Time passed by second by second.

Accompanied by the last crew member boarded the cabin.

During the live broadcast, there was also a reminder of the final preparations before the ignition, and at the same time the screen switched to the command hall.

In the command hall, a giant three-meter-by-five-meter array of monitors displayed the external video of the Yueyue, as well as four picture-in-picture pictures of the interior of the spacecraft on the side.

In the small screen, each astronaut has changed into a space suit that resists G force, and at the same time opens the aviation seat in their respective rooms.

In the small screen, the captain, deputy captain, technical officer, navigator and others are all in place in the command room of the spacecraft with a large space, sitting on the aviation seats.

In the small screen, the maintenance personnel in the engine compartment and cargo compartment are also in place.


On the screen, the leader stands up and walks to the podium in the middle.

"... Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and you will form three people with each other. As early as thousands of years ago, the ancients were full of infinite reverie about the moon, but today, you will take the dreams of thousands of years from ancient to modern to step out of this world. The trip to invite the moon..."

"...You shoulder the important task of peacefully using space, developing the moon, going to the universe, to the stars and the sea, and realizing the first step of the common destiny of mankind."

"...Astronauts of the Yaoyue, what you are about to take is an unprecedented step for mankind."

"Here, on behalf of XXXXXX, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and wish your mission a complete success!"

"Next, enter the launch process!"

As the leader's voice fell, applause followed.

After the applause, it was Ye Ming's voice.

"Yueyue, I am the commander-in-chief of the moon landing project. I will announce that the self-inspection of Yaoyue has started."

"Command room, this is Yaoyue. The self-check has been started...the engine is good."

"Hull in good condition."

"Well structured."

"The force field device is good."

"The power supply system is good."

"Fuel system good."


"Report to the commander-in-chief that everything on the Yaoyue is in good condition."

"All crew members of the Yueyue, enter the flight preparation position."

"Control center, start the attitude adjustment of the spacecraft."

As Ye Ming's voice fell, on the main screen, the sky above Yaoyue's head slowly opened, revealing her true face from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the sound of mechanical activation, a launcher hidden on the ground rose slowly.

Yaoyue's head began to rise slowly, and finally showed a 60-degree angle to the horizontal.

"Invitation to the moon, the engine starts."

"The engine is starting..."


"The circuit takes over."

"Taken over."

"Aita, the Yueyue gesture report."

"Commander, this is Aita. The Yueyue is in perfect posture and can take off."

"Countdown! 10!"







"take off!"

Following Ye Ming's deep and calm voice, at the tail of the Yaoyue, the jet that was barely visible before instantly shone brightly!

After a while, Yaoyue was rising slowly in the sky like a butterfly or a swimming fish.

Then, it turned into an eagle, broke through the clouds, and soared into the sky!

sent up.

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