From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 318: History Comes Before You Again

The helicopter descended slowly.

Ye Ming clutched the hat of his down jacket, and quickly walked towards the assembly workshop with Qi and Mo.

Compared with a few months ago, the security measures here can be described as heavily guarded, three steps, one sentry, two steps, one guard, the camera does not leave any dead ends, and as early as two months ago, the entire launch base has stopped tourist visits and other launch activities.

After entering the workshop, busy scenes can be seen everywhere.

A huge ship with a total length of 108 meters, a width of 28 meters and a height of 30 meters appeared in front of us.

The spaceship is surrounded by scaffolding and countless engineers are adding insulation tiles and anti-gravity modules.

Paint and ink stopped in place.

Ye Ming turned his head and saw this poor silly girl, not only couldn't move her feet, she even stared straight at her eyes.

Ye Ming smiled slightly—Qi and Mo knew the design and structure of the spacecraft, but the parameters written on paper were not enough to express the shock when they actually saw it.

Let's put it this way, it is equivalent to dividing a football field into two halves along the central axis of the short side of a standard football field, and then building a row of houses from six to eight floors on this half of the field!

Shocked, it took Qi and Mo a long time to hold back two words...

"so big!"

"However, I'm not educated, so I can say shit." She covered her mouth lightly, her brows and eyes were curved, and she hid her self-mockery in a smile: "I lost all my literary accomplishments in high school."

"Me too!"

The two laughed and walked towards the oncoming Director Zhang and others.


half an hour later.

A brief, not-so-formal meeting took place in a conference room in the assembly shop.

In the conference room, in addition to the spacecraft assembly unit, some of the scientists who boarded the ship were also among them.

"In the past two months, we have used half of the previously collected lunar soil to improve the distillation method for extracting helium three."

It was Sheng Fei who was speaking. As a new star in the domestic material science field, this time he was not only responsible for the confinement module of the engine, but also responsible for the experiment and engineering of helium-3 extraction.

"The results are very gratifying. If everything goes smoothly according to the plan, then we will complete the returnable helium 3 collection within 20 days-this is still considering that the south pole of the moon is not conducive to landing and building factories. Down."

"According to the current energy supplement and food supply, we can stay on the moon for three months, and everyone can even stay on the moon for half a year with a diet meal."

Sheng Fei said, his eyes were piercing: "We did the calculations, so that we can probably get Helium 3 for another three hours of ignition test."

Following Sheng Fei's words, everyone fell into a "constipated" expression.

A spaceship is not like a rocket. Once the rocket is filled with fuel, you can’t measure it—if you ignite it, it will burn out, right?

But the controllable fusion engine is possible.

In order to satisfy and guarantee the "fuel" of Yaoyue to the greatest extent, the last test was only carried out for five hours - it can be said that it is quite difficult to analyze and summarize the experience about the engine and helium-3 fusion from these five hours. There is a feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife.

This time, the country generously took out the lunar soil that cost tens of thousands last time to Sheng Fei and the others. The most fundamental thing is to unswervingly implement the "regardless of cost" service for Yaoyue, so that Yaoyue can go up safely. , and come back safely.

This is the overwhelming task!

In this meeting, it is reflected in... whether to use the energy consumed by the "calculated" time to conduct another engine test before take-off, so as to be foolproof when flying into the sky.

——If there are no other issues interfering, of course this is a decision that does not need to be considered.

But the problem is that the biggest difficulty now may not come from the spacecraft and engine design itself...

Rather, it comes from whether it will encounter other threats on the way to the sky.

In order to deal with this, it is necessary to increase redundant energy in the air-to put it more bluntly, it is necessary to consider the use of high-power laser weapons for self-defense interception and counterattack!

After Sheng Fei finished speaking, he closed his mouth, and then looked at Ye Ming.

Anyway, what happened in the past two days... has far surpassed the situation that ordinary people can control and observe.

——As of now, the country has not made any statement on the "unprecedented scale" and "Malabar Water Circus Show" held in the Philippine Sea yesterday.

In this case, the domestic media is better, in the performance of "waiting and waiting" or "waiting for notification".

But the foreign media...has already started shouting that word.


You said, in such a situation, should the Yaoyue be launched into space?

If you don’t go into the sky, that’s good, everyone is happy, and the space competition is over. If everyone doesn’t go up, they will fight for their strength on the ground.

If you want to go into the air, do you need to make defensive preparations when you go into the air?

Don't forget, Yaoyue has clearly and unequivocally expressed the signal to develop and utilize the moon!

If it does, it means that the race for space has already decided the winner in advance!

Therefore, everyone dare not speak out easily.

Including Director Zhang, he all looked at Ye Ming.

Noticing that everyone was looking at him, Ye Ming exhaled lightly, and after a few seconds of silence, he said softly: "For the time being, there is no need to consider the retesting of the engine. The fusion reactor is essentially an 'internal combustion' engine. As long as it can run, you can It means that there is no problem with the design, and the rest is the material of each reaction chamber.”

"And the materials have already passed more stringent tests, including the Kuafu No. 1 pile, which has been operating stably..."

Sheng Fei immediately asked: "That means to reserve enough energy to deal with...threats?"

Ye Ming laughed, he knew why Sheng Fei cared about this - firstly, he was a member of the heaven, and secondly, the current situation was indeed a bit too tense.

Ye Ming knows that now on the surface, the attitude of the higher authorities, and even the will of the entire country are very decisive.

That is, no matter the difficulties and obstacles, Yaoyue must give in to the sky!

But... when it comes time to do it, you said you still have to count on the other side to abide by morality, so why don't you take action against Yaoyue?

Obviously impossible!

Because as long as the Yaoyue is prevented from going to the sky, it means that the domestic space advantage will be cut off, and the power will be brought back to reality and now.

As for how the public opinion is going...won't it be okay to find a few temporary workers at that time?

So... Now the two sides are competing with each other.

"Wait, there may be news soon."

Ye Ming's voice fell, and his cell phone rang suddenly.

After a while, Director Niu's voice came.

"To let you know, the robot supply chain and assembly and transshipment orders have been issued through Aita's authority."

Ye Ming was startled: "Fuck! Who ordered it?"

Now the entire production system of Jizhi Technology, including the production management of all partners involved in supply chain, transshipment, order, delivery, etc., has been handed over to Aita to take over.

This means that Aita only needs to issue a final demand command, and it can instantly assign corresponding tasks to the enterprises involved in each production line!

Therefore, in order to prevent possible misjudgments, Aita's process rarely intervenes from the demand side, and basically establishes a demand model, and Aita adjusts its production capacity by itself. Even if an intervention order is issued...the authority level is extremely high! Not even paint and ink!

Now Director Niu said that he intervened directly through the authorization? How urgent is that...

Director Niu laughed: "Don't lie, the boss personally authorized it."

Ye Ming heard the words again, and growled in a low voice: "Fuck! How many units? Where are they going?"

"Wait to watch the news tonight."


On January 12, the news began to play a piece about the first meeting of the year.

At the meeting, a speech was used to give a strong and positive response to the current actions. At the same time, it was announced that a three-day water and air circus will be held in the following areas in three days Performance.

The performance area will be "125.52510, 26.59738; 125.24471, 25.68625; 123.84273, 23.01488; 122.25850, 21.56663; 118.30492, 20.35504." benchmark.

At the end of the news, there was a huge scene of ships of all sizes moving together, accompanied by countless mech fighters and armored vehicles.

Someone's itinerary happened to be the next day.

The news went online, and in just ten minutes, it instantly occupied all the headlines on the entire network.

... (I try to describe as much as possible, and everyone tries to make up as much as possible)

On social media, emotions that had been suppressed for countless days were instantly ignited.

The scene a few years ago is still vivid in my mind, and today, history has once again come before me.

Countless people vented their emotions frantically.

"Shoot it down!"

"Don't leave when you come!"

"The shame of the past must be reported today!"

"My friends, once again witnessing history."


At the same time, the wall is gone.

At the same time, Jizhi Technology also announced that Aita opened the online translation function to all platforms and anyone, and also announced that it would withdraw restrictions on certain regions.

And so... in just a few hours, the number of users on some social media platforms skyrocketed by tens of millions.

And countless voices gathered together and began to resound throughout the Internet.

All of a sudden, the bosses of multiple "regions" began to shout on the Internet.

"For a long time, XX has ignored a... due dignity. At this moment of extreme crisis, I urgently hope that both parties can calm avoid..."

"Peace is the most important thing, not one of them!"

"...The whole world will pay for the impulse!"


San Francisco.

Twitter headquarters.

Musk stood in the office, looking at the two senior agents opposite, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Since the acquisition of Twitter, he has not interfered too much with Twitter's personnel and operations, except for kicking away a few stumbling blocks that were not pleasing to the eye and did not conform to his philosophy.

Of course, layoffs still have to be laid off.

In essence, he felt that as long as he owns this platform, it is enough.

but now……

"Are you sure, you want me to issue an order to block users from there?" Musk took a deep breath, staring at the other party: "Do you know, this is a huge market with a population of 1.4 billion!"

"I know, but it doesn't matter. Sir." The agent responded to Musk coldly: "Now, the world only needs one voice."

Musk breathed again: "I warn you..."

"You don't need a warning, sir."

In silence, Musk took a deep breath.

He closes his eyes.

At the same time, his cell phone rang.

"Hello Elon, I'm Ye Ming."

"If people talk, the sky won't fall."

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