From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 294 Interdimensional Dispersion

Mr. Huo's arrival didn't cause any waves on the Internet—the kind that wasn't even on the hot searches.

The reason, besides the fact that ordinary people are not familiar with Professor Huo Laien, is that the Provincial Department of Foreign Affairs also performed very low-key this time, and only sent a very low-key employment news on the official account and related social media.

Behind this, it is natural that the government is deliberately controlling the influence—yes, the identity of this person is already in a state of "Schrödinger's" decoupling in the relationship between the two parties, and he came to the country in a way similar to "defecting"... …

If this kind of influence is not restricted, God knows how many uncontrollable events will be fermented.

"Keep stable and practice hard."

It is the clear purpose of the first meeting in 2025.

To put it bluntly, it's still not time for a full showdown.

But when Professor Huo Laien successfully arrived at the Provincial Jiaotong University, changed his contact email to the Provincial Jiaotong University, and sent the first email...

Well, there's really no "reaction" either.

It just fell into an absolutely impossible, eerie silence.

No reaction is the greatest reaction.


It has been three days since Ye Ming returned to the provincial capital.

As soon as he put down his salute, Ye Ming went to the new campus of the School of Physics and Mathematics through the underground passage at the back door of the Institute.

The new campus broke ground on the National Day the year before last, and it took a year to build it last year, and it was not completed until the end of the year.

Then the renovation was completed during the winter vacation, and it was just put into use this year.

It's just that there are only offices, teaching buildings, and laboratory buildings temporarily built there, and the student apartments are still under construction, so students have to cross a street to go to class.

Although the school has approached the government many times, saying that the road and the two surrounding communities should also be planned, really can't be planned.

Those two elevator apartment complexes have already risen at the beginning of last year, and now they have risen to 14,100 square meters... Tell me, how do you plan?

Hmm... This also means that the value of the house Ye Ming bought has increased by half.

So, the school gritted its teeth and, with the support of the government, built an underground passage. By the way, it also developed and utilized the space, and set up a few small shops inside, which is extremely reasonable.

It's just that the underground passage is not open to the public... It was rumored by people that it was an air-raid shelter for the bosses of the most powerful brain-computer center in the provincial government to run around with buckets.

From this point of view, the ability of ordinary people to open their minds is quite great.


Seeing Professor Huo Laien waiting for him outside the office door, Ye Ming hurried forward.

The two shook hands tightly, then smiled at each other.

Although the two have communicated in emails for almost two years and have made many videos, this is the first time they have met.

"Professor, are you still used to it?"

Ye Ming looked at Professor Huo Laien wearing headphones, and asked in Mandarin.

"Very good, just a little busy."

"Haha, you have a lot of students here, they will definitely come to visit."

"Hey." Professor Hollyn sighed.

But it was obvious that he was still very happy.

In the past few days, Ye Ming is not around, and being able to meet former students and some scholars who have worked together in Princeton will definitely dilute the feeling of unfamiliarity in many places.

After entering the room, Ye Ming saw that there was already a Sita robot in the room, so he smiled slightly: "Sita can not only be used as a life assistant, but also a teaching assistant."

"Like your Ita?"


"Then I have to give her a good lesson."

"What I'm waiting for is your sentence." After sitting down, Ye Ming looked at Professor Huo Laien, who also looked at him with a smile.

After a few seconds, both of them laughed at the same time.

While smiling, Ye Ming shook his head: "Professor, you already know that your home has been raided?"

"Well, it's a pity that they may be disappointed." The professor's expression remained unchanged: "Those idiots thought it was the Cold War period."

Ye Ming coughed lightly, then smiled slightly.

Now everyone is deliberately downplaying this matter-you are worried that I will make a fuss, and I am worried that you will become angry.

All in all, calm.

But Professor Hollyn, as one of Princeton's leaders and an academic leader, how could his departure be peaceful?

As far as Ye Ming knows, a more rigorous investigation has started over there, and there are signs of expansion, which is quite serious.

Hearing the news, Ye Ming was so happy that he almost couldn't sleep.

——As we all know, whoever starts to play this in the field of science means that whoever starts to lose confidence.

It's just...he can't say these words.

A few seconds later, Ye Ming looked out the window with a smile, and changed the subject: "Professor, this will be your territory from now on, what do you plan to do?"

Professor Huo Laien also followed his gaze and looked out: "The students are very good, but the teacher is not so good."

"That's why I've invited you over since last year."

"Well, I plan to invite some friends over too."

"What did they say?"

"You have to believe that I'm still a bit thin."

Hearing the word "Bo Mian" in Chinese, Ye Ming was taken aback, and then laughed out loud!

"But before that." Although Professor Huo Laien was also smiling, his eyes became serious: "Ye, you have to assure me that science knows no borders."

Ye Ming looked at each other, nodded with a smile after a few seconds of silence.

"What has borders is technology."

Professor Hollyn exhaled lightly.

Ye Ming's words are enough.

In the past few days, he met a lot along the way, and learned a lot with the help of Aita - although he had learned about this country through Ye Ming and some students and scholars from China earlier, even He also came here once more than ten years ago.

But... the real understanding, or the establishment of cognition, was not completed until these few days.

He deeply felt the changes in this land and the thriving atmosphere.

He must admit that this is the place closest to the future of his ideal world, a place full of hope.


He didn't want to see that here he took the road that drove him to leave.

"By the way, I have a new idea about several solutions on the Hilbert space."

Ye Ming coughed lightly again.

——Good guy, just chatted a few words, and now we are discussing academics?

"I found that after introducing Ye's equation and gravitational field equation into Hilbert space, there will be several singular solutions, which will cause the problem of wave function collapse under the existing space conditions."

Professor Hollyn picked up a notebook from his desk as he spoke.

"I don't know what you think?"

With that said, he opened the notebook and handed it to Ye Ming.

Looking at the dense formulas above, Ye Ming took a breath and quickly looked around.

The formula is very complicated, but the idea is very clear, and at the same time... it looks familiar.

Wave function collapse?

While thinking, Ye Ming quickly called Ita in his mind.

"Ita, open the Weibo encrypted drawing."

——It seems that the wave function collapse in these singular solutions is not collapse.

It's interdimensional escape!

Do you want to give yourself such a big gift as soon as you come?

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