From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 284 Theoretical Basis of Long-distance Communication

Stockholm Concert Hall.

With the elegant music, Mo Gu and Ita appeared at the same time.

Their appearance attracted everyone's attention irresistibly - this was the first time in history that a "robot" appeared at the awards ceremony.

Not only that, she will also go to the stage to accept the award on behalf of a certain Nobel laureate!

It can be said that this is an award ceremony with epoch-making significance and it is no exaggeration.

Of course, for the domestic masses, there is more significance for Ye Mo and his two Nobel Prize winners.

Therefore, both news channels and major social media have launched live broadcasts.

What is particularly interesting is that the translator used for the live broadcast of the news channel is Aita—if you look at Aita and Aita as one, it means that Aita is translating on the spot and accepting the award for Ye Ming at the same time.

The superposition of these many BUFFs turned the entire Internet into a jubilant ocean.

But for Ye Ming...


"It seems that the delay is still a bit high?"

"It's not a little bit, it's very high."

"Well, it seems that long-distance communication must be realized, otherwise the use of Aita will always be a problem."

"I haven't found a theoretical basis for long-distance communication that you can accept." Once we talk about technical issues, Ita's voice will become calm: "Weibo and bioelectric interference resonance technology is my own after establishing a connection with you." With technology, although super simulation can theoretically establish infinite microwave interference, it cannot achieve resonance with the bioelectricity of other living organisms."

"The problem doesn't lie here." Ye Ming looked at the side face of Mo Gu who appeared in sight - she is now maintaining a reserved smile, sitting upright, listening to the introduction of the host's academic achievements.

"The problem is that we can be sure that long-distance communication technology actually exists."

Ita created a cartoon girl shrugging her shoulders and spreading her hands in the picture in his eyes.

Ye Ming smiled slightly, then frowned slightly, and said softly in his mind: "This month, astronomy and cosmophysics experts all over the world are looking at the starry sky, and Lao Mei directly took Hubble and Webb Aim at that side—now some radical scholars have shouted that it is a special primordial black hole."

With that said, Ye Ming sighed lightly.

Compared with the Nobel Prize, he actually cares more about the confirmation of the black hole.

Because this is related to the guessing of the system-although this hidden celestial body does have "guessing" in reality, it is only guessing, and it is still a very bold kind.

Otherwise, why have there been only one or two papers in the past ten years?

Instead, all kinds of mysticism and popular science marketing accounts are hyped up - all traffic.

This is obviously not because the pursuit of astrophysicists is so ambitious that they are not even interested in planetary-level unknown celestial bodies in the solar system.

It's because it's really not very reliable.

But now, under the observations of the astronomy community all over the world, it has become an established fact.

So here comes the question, did Ye Ming really discover that black hole?


It is prompted by the system!

"Since the special black hole can be confirmed, it means... what the system presented in the super simulation, that it can emerge a spaceship out of thin air, is also a fact with a high probability—moreover, it means that the system's dense space with constant gravitational force The current conduction technology is the technology of drilling black holes."

"And since spacecraft can travel across space, there must be long-distance communication."

"I recently studied that piece of junk drawing seriously."

"Which one? Encrypted one?"

"Yes! Weibo terminal encryption technology."

Ye Ming pursed his lips and his eyes lit up: "From the perspective of power consumption estimation, it should not be the power consumption that brain-computer chips should have—so, it must belong to the terminal or relay-side technology."

"Then the question is back, how to achieve information across dimensions?"

"It's very simple, first let the gravitational waves carry information, and then complete the process of increasing dimension and reducing dimension—or vice versa." Ye Ming laughed: "It's just that I haven't found a way yet."


"Haha, hurry up, it's your turn to go on stage!"


In the office, Yang Chaoxiong participated in accepting the award "immersively" without disturbing Ye Ming.

But as Ye Ming's senior brother, full attention is a must! So now he is holding his mobile phone and watching the live broadcast intently.

After hearing the host describe the discoveries and contributions of Ye Ming and Mo Gu, he raised his head and looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming still maintained his posture.

Well, it does seem to be immersive enough.

Yang Chaoxiong smiled slightly.

In the screen of the mobile phone, Mo Gu and Ita took the stage together and received the medal from the King of Sweden.

The audience applauded thunderously.


Yang Chaoxiong put down his phone, looked at Ye Ming who had already taken off his eyes and asked with a smile, "How does it feel?"

"The feeling is that it is much better than the experience of MR glasses, at least the eyes are not harsh, which is very suitable for immersive experience."

Yang Chaoxiong: "...Good guy, I asked you how it feels to receive the Nobel Prize..."

"Oh, I just feel that the Nobel Prize week is a bit long. And the weather over there is cold, and whenever Ita goes out, the battery will drain very quickly... She told me that she was either charging or on the way to find a charging plug."

Yang Chaoxiong was speechless for a long time, and finally raised his middle finger at him.

Ye Ming laughed, and stood up: "Go, let's go to the company to see."

But then, he sat down again.

Because on the monitor, Ita opened an email from Professor Horien for him.

"Brother, wait a minute, I'll read an email."

"Whatever you want, I'll go shopping for a while." Yang Chaoxiong didn't care when he saw this, he got up and walked out of the office - he is still a doctoral student of Lao Tang, and theoretically he is also a member of this brain-computer center.

"Yeah." Ye Ming nodded, then looked at the mail.

As soon as the mail arrived, Ye Ming silently calculated the time zone, and immediately raised his eyebrows——good guy, this old man doesn't go to bed at 1 o'clock in the morning?

"Ye, it's good to see the letter, don't talk nonsense, and ask for advice if you have any questions."

"How do you solve the problem of temperature escape in Helium-3 fusion? Is it purely by gravitational field confinement of high-energy neutrons?"

Along with the mail, a design sketch is attached at the back.

Looking at the sketch, Ye Ming was slightly stunned, and his eyes became sharper.

Helium 3 fusion?

Where is Lao Mei following so closely?

No... how did the other side know that he could solve helium-3 fusion, or that he had already solved helium-3 fusion?

This unscientific!

The whole team, all the design of the Helium 3 fusion engine is kept in a state of strict secrecy, let alone a leak...even Old Tang, does not know the specific progress.

Old Tang can only come to an optimistic judgment through his trust in Ye Ming.

This... How does Horaen know?

But after looking at the sketches carefully, his brows slowly relaxed.

This blueprint is different from his blueprint. seems to be just an idea.

But the direction is right.

It's just that the road is a bit curved.

After much deliberation, I still skipped some plots...

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