From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 266 Good days are yet to come

"It's over, BTC is over!"

"No, not only BTC, but all cryptocurrencies are finished!"

"No, it's not just cryptocurrencies, it's the blockchain that's dead!"

"No, not only the blockchain is finished, but the entire encryption algorithm system is finished!"

"All communications, transactions, finance, banks...all the passwords are nothing in front of Aita!"

In the conference room, countless terrified voices spoke out of Ye Ming's real ability and... real power in this "mining" demonstration.

The real power does not lie in raising BTC in an instant, but in...

The foundation of BTC's encryption algorithm has been cracked!


In front of the podium, Ye Ming put his hands behind his back, looked at the increasing BTC for a while, and finally sighed.

The audience was silent.

——Just now, someone couldn't help standing up, but was illuminated by the light again.

Maybe these people are holding coins and are still bullish?

"Jizhi Technology adheres to the purpose of serving human beings with science and technology, saving energy and resources, and protecting the environment, and strictly abides by the laws of the country."

"Just yesterday, Hetu successfully calculated the 50 prime numbers after the largest known prime number so far - of course, the larger prime numbers have no practical significance."

"These prime numbers and expressions will be used in the encryption algorithms of Ita and Hetu, which can probably ensure the safety of network data."

"Of course, if there is a computer with stronger computing power..."

Ye Ming paused as he spoke, and then laughed: "For example, some countries are so strict that they don't even sell us a single high-end computing chip. I think their supercomputers must be very powerful, right? I don't know how many points they can run. ?”

Following Ye Ming's words, the audience immediately became commotion.



Amidst the laughter, the applause began to thunder like thunder.

——Ye Ming always wants to be yin and yang, which is almost a routine.

Even many people who come here are waiting to hear his "yin and yang strange energy".

"If there is a computer with a computing power that exceeds Hetu, it is probably not very safe... If it cannot be calculated, it must be safe."

Saying that, Ye Ming smiled again: "Therefore, Jizhi Technology is very happy to provide services for industries and enterprises that require data security."

"Of course, you don't have to worry about Hetu's ability being abused-I reiterate again that Jizhi Technology is a company that strictly abides by the laws of its country and is determined to serve the world."

"Jizhi Technology will launch a secure and intelligent business data center service at this conference."

Turning the page of the PPT shows a topological structure diagram of several data centers with Aita as the computing core.

After briefly introducing the structure of the data center, Ye Ming walked to the very center of the podium again.

"At the beginning of the presentation, we listed three 'aitas'."

"The upcoming future has just been explained from two aspects of product and system."

"The last one... is that after the decision of the Jizhi Technology Board of Directors, in the next year, the Aita teacher project will be fully promoted."

"At that time, Teacher Aita will use online teaching methods to face relatively backward regions such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Regardless of urban or rural areas, regardless of skin color, race, gender and belief, he will launch free, scientific, Systematic, barrier-free education program!"

"There is no distinction between teaching and learning, and the world is united."

"This is the highest wish and ideal of me, as well as my teachers, the founders of Jizhi Technology, as scholars."

"This concludes today's press conference, thank you everyone."

There was a wave of applause, and the audience stood up at the same time.

Ye Ming bowed and stepped down.



On the night of the press conference, the entire Internet was completely ignited.

If the announcement of "tweaking" is not enough to prove that quantum computers have been applied to classical problems, then at the press conference, Ye Ming's performance dispelled everyone's doubts.

"This is no longer a question of realizing "quantum hegemony", but a question of realizing "quantum theocracy"!"

"There is no doubt that all future encryption will be transparent to Aita!"

"The latest news is that cryptocurrencies have collapsed across the board, and BTC has plummeted 100 times within three hours!"

"The market value of cryptocurrencies is nothing. The three stocks of ANI, red, blue and green, have plummeted since the opening half an hour ago, and they have been cut in half compared to yesterday!"

"According to you, as of today, the market value of Internet and semiconductor companies in the world has evaporated by more than two trillion dollars, and an Apple company is gone."

"Don't panic, it's only two trillion yuan, good days are yet to come."

"It's over. I don't know how popular the product will be when it's launched on November 11. I can't wait to see what miracles the 'Tatu' combination can produce—can it handle 3D beauties?"

——"Brother, as someone who has applied for the test qualification, I would like to remind you that you can think whatever you want, but please pay attention to obeying the law."

—— "Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm the only one who thinks that in the end, Teacher Aita's online presence in all countries except Europe and the United States... Is this a stroke of genius?"

——"Shh, don't tell me if you see through."


X-corner building.

An extremely high-level emergency meeting is being held.

Security Chief Bowles stood on the main seat, clenched his fists and propped himself on the table, his face full of uncontrollable anger.

He breathed hard, almost viciously reading the rules of the document.

"……starting today……"

"All databases and working computers are physically isolated and must not be connected to the Internet!"

"All printers must not be connected to the Internet!"

"All confidential information shall not be communicated in wireless communication equipment!"

"All confidential documents must not be sent by mail!"

"Suspend all military communication codes until a secure way of encrypting them is found!"


Facing the furious BOSS, everyone was silent.

Without it, the power displayed by quantum supercomputing...

too strong.

Existing information encryption systems are close to nothing for it.

Unless physically shielded.

But some things... can't be shielded!

For example, wireless communication, how do you physically shield it?

It is conceivable... as long as the other party is willing, the other party can easily complete the communication monitoring of the fleet and the X-corner building-everything will be clear.


Bowers slammed the papers on the table.

"Mommy Falk! It would be best to just cut the fiber optic cable!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Of course you can disconnect.

But... from the 1990s to the present, it took the whole world 30 years to build a submarine optical fiber network connecting the world—not to mention the money.

Who do you break?

Unless you cut off all your entrances and exits.

Otherwise, as long as they are willing, they can jump to your home through the optical fiber with other countries.

——Of course, you can also cut the optical fiber at the door of someone's house.

But... is it possible?

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