From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 253 Breaking the monopoly

Judging from the overall image of this spacecraft, it is completely different from existing aircraft. If it is to be accurately described, it is a bit like a "fish".

At the front of the spacecraft is the main control center, followed by the crew compartment, then the working compartment, followed by the cargo compartment, and the last part is the fusion engine compartment.

Its most important propulsion part has three details.

First of all, there are three main engine nozzles at the rear, one main nozzle and two auxiliary nozzles, which are used to adjust the power to meet the propulsion requirements of different speeds.

Secondly, its "belly" landing area and "back" have a total of eight auxiliary engine nozzles, which are mainly used to adjust the attitude during takeoff and landing.

Finally, its take-off and landing stages are not propelled by engines, but by "anti-gravity field", which keeps the entire spacecraft in a relatively "weightless" state, and then completes take-off and landing through the attitude engine.


Following Ye Ming's explanation, the meeting room was quiet.

Even Professor Huo Liang, who already knew that Ye Ming "fixed" the gravity field and anti-gravity field yesterday, was shocked and shocked.

"According to the specifications of the helium-3 verification reactor that we have completed now, the vertical takeoff thrust of the engine will reach 3,000 tons, and the vertical takeoff load will exceed 2,000 tons,"

"As for the load taken off from flat ground, 1,000 tons is no problem because the energy requirements of the anti-gravity device must be taken into account. Of course, this is calculated according to the standard gravity of the earth. If it is a moon take-off, there is no need to consider these. Anyway, it’s okay to pull 2,000 tons or even higher.”

"As for the internal structure of the spacecraft, we can design the self-weight of the spacecraft within 500 tons with enough margin."

Ye Ming looked at the crowd as he spoke. He didn't care if it would raise blood pressure, and said directly: "So I roughly designed the internal telex and electronic control system."

With his voice, Ita also thoughtfully transformed the display page to the internal structure.

"Of course, the designs... I did a lot of referencing. Well... ita did a lot of referencing."

Ye Ming chuckled: "It's okay to steal designs all over the world."

Listening to his words, several aviation port experts came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"You... this is a complete design of a spaceship from the beginning to the end?"

"Reusable, with a payload of 2,000 tons?"

"Can it take off on flat ground?"

"Use the anti-gravity force field to slow down after returning?"

Trembling, one question after another was thrown out.

Finally, Director Zhang stood up.

"Isn't it possible to start building directly according to this design drawing?"

Ye Ming exhaled slowly.

After a few seconds of silence, he nodded with a smile.

After a full simulation of the super simulation, he is not convinced that it can go wrong.



September twenty-ninth.

Texas, Houston.

Musk rushed to the aviation city from the headquarters early in the morning.

The reason why the "Global Controlled Nuclear Fusion Technology Sharing Conference" was held here was that he really spent a lot of energy on lobbying.

The reason is simple. He has always believed that controllable nuclear fusion and interstellar travel are integrated - it is entirely possible to directly inject "fusion waste" at the tail of the engine - such as helium plasma flow, such as high-energy neutron flow to complete the propulsion.

As for whether high-energy neutrons will cause deadly neutron radiation...

—— What is the impact of building a launch base on an uninhabited island in the center of the Pacific Ocean, or even directly building a launch platform?

To hell with killing a few fish.

As long as the most difficult take-off stage is completed and the attitude is adjusted, the neutron beam will have no effect.

Therefore, the Conference on Controlled Nuclear Fusion should actually be a feast for space.



Musk shook hands with Meng Jiade from Harvard, and the two walked into the venue together after smiling at each other.

Since the last "Global Conference on Semiconductors and Quantum Computing" was turned into an "exhibition" for Internet celebrities in Silicon Valley, White House has learned its lesson and changed its thinking.

This controlled nuclear fusion technology conference, although the tone is very high, is still an invitation system-learn from the other side.

Of course, the person invited cannot be exactly the same as the person opposite.

For example, some countries that want strength but not strength, want money but have no money, and are poor and single are fine.

And this time, the energy department did not arrange a "meaningless" visit - before the results of the Kuafu group came out, there were already multiple fusion groups here that had achieved impressive results at the same time.

At present, MIT has completed a stable reactor with a 96% tritium breeding recovery rate.

This kind of achievement does not require any visits at all.


Following the opening of the host, Professor Dennis walked to the podium amid applause.

"As you can see, this is a number of controlled fusion reactors that we have designed over the past 15 years."

On the screen, one after another, the design drawings of historical reactors began to be displayed, as well as the papers issued by these design drawings.

"Last year, we were the first to complete a fusion reaction that lasted 15 minutes." Professor Dennis looked at the audience, and when he saw his old friend Hollen, he frowned slightly.

After a few seconds of silence, he still decided to avoid the topic of Ye Ming's limit.

——In fact, the entire academic world is now avoiding talking about YE in public.

It's not that they don't respect facts, but...

"After nearly a year of hard work, we have made breakthroughs in confinement materials and solved a series of problems, especially in cooperation with Harvard and Princeton, we have made great progress in the tritium breeding program, It's now at 96 percent."

"Don't underestimate this progress, which means that it has taken a big step towards a truly self-sustainable operation, and it also means that in the next energy explosion, the dependence on tritium can be reduced."

"The following is our design plan for this reactor."

As Professor Dennis flipped through the PPT, the fusion design appeared in front of everyone.


Schumacher sat in the fourth row below the stage.

Sitting next to him was the Niguo scholar Takeshi Sakamoto whom he had met in Jiangcheng last time—this time, this old man didn't wear glasses.

Because they are "acquaintances", the two naturally sat together after meeting.

Looking at the design drawing displayed by Professor Dennis on the stage, he and Sakamoto just glanced at each other, and both of them smiled slightly.

Under the mature theory, these designs are actually similar.

What really attracted them was the over 96% value-added recovery rate of tritium, as well as the design to increase the Q value and the breakthrough in the field of "materials".

As we all know, dysprosium has been listed as a controlled product in the mainland, and the prices of dysprosium oxide and rare earths containing dysprosium have doubled several times within a year.

On the stage, Professor Dennis' introduction continued.

"As you can see, through the ingenious layout of the dysprosium carbon oxide electrode, we have completed the reduction of the bound energy."

Professor Dennis paused for a moment, then smiled: "By the way, we have broken the monopoly of a certain country in the preparation of dysprosium carbide crystals."

Immediately there was knowing laughter from the audience, followed by applause.

There are too many countries, and the last time I had to go to Jiangcheng, wasn't it because the other side got stuck in the field of materials?

"The next step is to build a controllable fusion reactor power station for real commercial use."

"At the same time, we will also accept orders."

Professor Dennis shrugged and said humorously: "I am getting old, but I still want to see the day when the energy crisis is truly resolved."

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

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