Schumacher looked up at the main body of the fusion reactor behind the fence.

Of course, he is no stranger to fusion reactors—even among the people who came today, at least half of them are familiar with fusion reactors.

Not only does he work at the European Atomic Energy Center, but he is also one of the scientists stationed in ITER in Berlin. He himself participated in the design of the reactor for the International Controlled Nuclear Fusion Program.

But there is no doubt that although this reactor also adopts the tokamak design, it looks more "efficient" than the ITER one in terms of external structure and volume.

After all, this is so far the first controllable fusion reactor that has operated for more than 30 days-theoretically, as long as they can establish a tritium production chain, they can continue to operate commercially.

"It's truly a miracle of beauty."

Schumacher heard the admiration of the people from the Ni country, and he turned his head and smiled slightly: "Yes, it's a pity, they don't show the inside."

"They are showing this to customers in Africa and Southeast Asia." Sakamoto said with a clear expression: "Even we are amazed by it, one can imagine how big it is for those countries that are eager to get rid of energy and need to develop attractive."

Schumacher was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed at himself.

In terms of eagerness to get rid of energy constraints... who can compare to Europe? Comparable to Germany?

Since the news of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Conference came out, in order to control the nuclear fusion, Europe, except for a few countries that do not lack energy, has almost collectively remained silent during this period of time.

What for?

Not for energy.

At this time, the two had come to the outside of the fence.

The booth outside the fence is full of materials.

"It seems that they did use Ye Di."


"Depending on the specific design, I guess we have to wait for the meeting in the afternoon."

"Yes." Schumacher nodded perfunctorily, intending to focus on the information in his hand.

In fact, everything is written on the information.

Including design drawings, principles, and some achievements so far.

Suddenly, he saw Professor Takeshi Sakamoto's expression change slightly, and then he took off his glasses.

Schumacher was slightly taken aback: "What's wrong?"


Sakamoto just raised his head and glanced at several cameras, with a wry smile on his face, terrified in his heart.

——Just now, Aita's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, telling him that there is no need for secret filming.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting started on time.

First, the deputy director of the Energy Commission made a brief opening.

Immediately afterwards, Academician Luo, the chief engineer, came to the stage. He summarized the achievements of the Kuafu project team and introduced the plan for future commercial operation.

Ye Ming, the chief designer of the Kuafu project, took his Aita prototype, which never left his body, onto the podium.


After the applause paused, Ye Ming looked at the dark crowd with a smile.

This report took him a lot of thought.

Because many of those present are "target customers"—even though they are already familiar with the theory of controllable nuclear fusion, those who can really do it and are qualified to do it...

Let's just say, a handful.

If the GDP is not in the top 20 in the world, don't even think about it.

And even if you reach the top 20, you must have enough technical talents and background.

This is a big country project, on the road to the future.

Therefore, how to show Kuafu's awesomeness in a language that everyone can understand is a real technical task.

Fortunately, the visit in the morning worked well, and Academician Luo's report laid a good foundation, allowing him to display a little bit of professionalism.

"In view of everyone's warm applause, I will welcome everyone again."

Ye Ming started with a smile.

The applause rang out again.

"Everyone participated in the visit this morning, and this is enough to show our sincerity—so there is no need for some friends to take illegal photos."

Ye Ming made a joke again.

According to Aita's feedback, there were more than ten cases of various candid shots this morning.

This... can only be said to be a bit stupid.

Since the Kuafu project team dared to invite a close-up visit to the core reactor, it said that it does not mind "leaking"-in fact, one of the themes this time is to open and share the technology at the current stage.

Otherwise, why do you think the Deputy Director of the Energy Commission is here? (see this chapter says)

Otherwise, do you think why all kinds of planes were flying all over the sky some time ago?

Of course, it is to establish a real "International Controllable Fusion Energy Alliance" that is different from ITER.

"Let's get down to business, everyone please look at the screen."

Ye Ming's voice fell, and the recorded screen of the ignition began to play on the big screen.

To be precise, it is the record that just started to ignite.

As the countdown ended, the nuclear fusion ignition was successful, and then the screen began to speed up, from the X10 at the beginning to 10,000 times, 20,000 times...

On the main screen that remains almost absolutely unchanged, the most striking thing is the constantly beating numbers in the upper right corner.

When the count reached 30 days, the video speed returned to normal, and then stopped at 30 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 second.

"The monitoring record of the last fusion reactor operation - we can see that it just consumed the tritium in the reaction, and it also confirmed our design plan, achieving 95% tritium multiplication."

"This means that the Kuafu reactor can continue to operate only by satisfying the input of tritium. Similarly, it also means that we have solved the biggest problem of maintaining the fusion self-sustaining reaction-constraint and temperature control."

"Our design scheme is as follows."

Ye Ming smiled and turned a new page.

On the PPT, there is a detailed design drawing.

In the quiet venue, commotion immediately broke out.


Schumacher took a deep breath.

His heart beat instantly accelerated!

This design drawing is exactly the same as the design drawing on the brochure.

But the difference is that not only various parameters are marked on this picture, but even formulas are marked!

It can be said that this is a...

Master blueprint!

He subconsciously touched his body, wanting to take out his notes.

But then he clenched his fist and suppressed his impulse.

Obviously, since Ye Ming dared to release it...then he would announce it.

Moreover, this is only the main design drawing, and there are also design drawings of various components-if the design and construction plan of the controllable fusion reactor is on paper, it can fill a book.

The venue gradually quieted down.

On the stage, Ye Ming's voice sounded again.

"In the design, we did not adopt the magnetic confinement idea of ​​the traditional tokamak, but adopted the current mainstream quantum well confinement idea."

"Under this idea, the confinement material is very important-because in field confinement, it involves the limit of electron escape velocity. So far, the material that can operate stably is a dysprosium-carbon mixed crystal."

Following Ye Ming's introduction, one design plan after another was released.

"The last one is the tritium value-added plan."

During the screen jump, a tritium value-added design diagram jumped out.

"It's just a pity that we can only achieve a 95% increase in the value of tritium at present-that is to say, we cannot completely get rid of expensive tritium materials at present."

Ye Ming smiled and looked down the stage.

"But, that's exactly what we're going to work on together in the future, isn't it?"

After a moment of silence, the audience burst into applause.

"Controlled nuclear fusion is the future of mankind."

"I have no intention of bashing ITER, but I have always believed that ITER's progress is too slow, and ... it has too few members."

Ye Ming waited until the applause broke down, and said again: "It should not be controlled by a certain country or a few countries. Instead, it should benefit all mankind in a shared and cooperative manner—and in a way different from ITER .”

"Therefore, it is imminent to establish a new controllable fusion alliance with no threshold, open to all countries and regions, without any discrimination or colored glasses."

"As one of the organization's scientific advisors, it is my sincere hope that fusion reactors can be placed in the world wherever they are needed - in a fair and equitable way."

"Because the sun is fair."


The applause broke out again, as if the roof was about to be lifted.

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