From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 227 National Chip Choice

Shanghai stock market, Nationalchip headquarters.

An interim board meeting is underway.

According to the usual practice, the third board meeting of the year will not be held until July, but the incident happened suddenly... so the convention was ignored.

Three years ago, NationalChip had a big shake-up of board members, and all technical experts resigned from the board of directors to focus on executive positions.

Coupled with the "big brother tearing up", it has attracted various speculations from countless outsiders. What kind of palace fights, interests, backbones... everything is there, comparable to the drama of the Qing court.

specific reason……

Time has passed, so there is no need to mention it again.

In short, the radical technology boss calmed down.

But this year, the board has undergone some minor changes.

Four technical leaders headed by co-CEO Liang Mengsong re-entered the board of directors, and Liang Mengsong was re-elected as executive director...

These adjustments, in the past, would have aroused infinite public attention and imagination.

But now... Anyway, except for the stockholders who bought Guoxin stock, basically no one pays attention to it.

EUV will not be sold to you. If you use DUV to break the sky, it is 5nm. The next door is 2nm. Both power consumption and performance have increased by more than 30%. How do you compare?

Not to mention that you have not even officially mass-produced 7nm.


"The meeting begins." The chairman, Gao Gang, was born in finance. He took the post of chairman at the time, and he also showed the will of all shareholders to Guoxin-to take advantage of the opportunity of "chip shortage tide", rely on mature technology to increase revenue, and expand the scale ,Seize the market.

Now three years have passed, and the results have been remarkable.

Especially with the first launch of hybrid chips last year, NationalChip has now become the leader in the field of hybrid chips. Whether it is electrode technology or hybrid architecture, it is at the forefront of its peers.

Now if the peers want to surpass, they can only find advantages in the silicon-based process of the hybrid chip-but for the largest material catalyst and neural chip in the market, the high process is of no use!

The technology has not yet advanced to the point where the chip is connected to the central nervous system - even if it is promoted, 7nm is enough.

Therefore, from last year to this year, NationalChip's financial statements are extremely beautiful.

And with money, the technical tycoon naturally has more thoughts and pursuits.

As a result, there have been changes in the board of directors this year.

It's just that today's interim board meeting is not to discuss technical issues, but to discuss another issue.

"I'll make a long story short." Gao Gang took a sip of tea and looked at everyone, especially the tech giants: "Everyone must know what happened in the tech circle these days, so I won't repeat it. The attitude of the semiconductor industry.”

"Everyone has a proposal on the fab industry - as far as I know, there are no more than ten companies that can get this proposal."

Following the chairman's voice, everyone looked down at the suggestion in front of them.

——Suggestions on the intelligent integration of the semiconductor industry chain.

The organization that issued the document has a lot of background.

"Of course, this document is suggestive, but we have to consider its significance. Without further ado, let's read it first."

Beside the conference table, Qin Weimin lowered his head and looked at the documents seriously.

At the beginning, he tried his best to push the hybrid chip, and now it is naturally rewarding, but even if he is on the board of directors, he still maintains a low profile in the past, and does not express his opinions too much outside his own field.

The suggested content is well understood. .

What is said inside and outside the words is to let NationalChip actively embrace the "new technological revolution".

Reminiscent of the shareholding change announcement issued by Jizhi Technology yesterday...

It can be said that the mind is revealed.

To put it bluntly, it is to allow semiconductor companies to cooperate with Jizhi Technology in an all-round way.

From AI intervention process and design process, simulation, to production management, industrial chain management, to intelligent workshop scheduling, control, system...all are bundled with Jizhi Technology.

As we all know, the core competitiveness of Jizhi Technology is the centralized Aita.

This means that they have to hand over all the data, permissions, including technical know-how to Aita.

Frankly speaking... this bondage is really too deep.

After a few minutes, everyone looked up.

"After reading it, what do you think?" Gao Gang looked at the crowd.

Everyone also raised their heads and looked at each other with complicated emotions.

Compared with the three major manufacturers, Nationalchip is the only company in China that bears the burden of the whole village's hope, no matter how hard it is, and has been moving and dodging under various "restrictions" to develop silently.

This is a suggestion, but it is tantamount to throwing the hot potato to the enterprise itself.

Therefore, everyone looks at the nose with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, and does not speak.

Including the extremely technical bigwigs, everyone was silent.

"If you don't say anything, I'll call the roll." Although Gao Gang was talking, he looked at Qin Weimin.


"I'll do it." Qin Weimin exhaled softly.

He was the first to deal with Jizhi Technology, so he should be the first to express his opinion.

But just when he opened his notebook and was about to bring up his work advantages since he cooperated with Jizhi Technology and contacted Aita, the Aita dialog box in the lower right corner that had been silent all the time suddenly popped up on the notebook.

"Hello, Mr. Qin Weimin, do you have time? Mr. Ye Ming wants to contact you."

Qin Weimin looked at the text in the dialog box, and after a moment of astonishment, he immediately raised his head, said "sorry" to everyone, and then typed in the dialog box: "I'm in a meeting, is there anything important?"

"With regard to the tape-out support of the 7nm process Godson, there will not be a long delay."

Qin Weimin only hesitated for a second before returning immediately: "Okay."

Immediately, he raised his head: "Mr. Ye from Jizhi Technology came to me and said that Godson 7nm."

He took out his phone and turned off airplane mode.

Everyone was startled.

As a "difficult brother", Loongson has been looking for TSMC's foundry. They naturally know it and have no opinion.

After all, Godson's body is inherently weak. If you don't embrace the mature advanced manufacturing process, you will have no way to play.

And they also know that Godson's 7nm is also looking for TSMC, and it is said that it is almost taped out-how did it suddenly come to the door?

A moment later, a call came into Qin Weimin's cell phone.

Listening to Ye Ming's voice on the phone, Qin Weimin smiled: "Mr. Ye."

"Hi Dr. Qin, excuse me. I'm at Godson's side now. Is it convenient for you to authorize Aita for me? Because it's urgent, I plan to get the territory done today."

Qin Weimin was taken aback for a moment when he heard this. He took a deep breath and pressed the speakerphone at the same time.

"Tell me, how can I cooperate with you?"

"Well, authorize Aita, I will let Aita automatically download and receive the layout, and at the same time complete the post-processing on your side... In about a few minutes, you can arrange mask production."

Qin Weimin almost bit off his tongue: "Wait, when did Godson 7nm use our technology?"

Ye Ming's laughter came from the phone: "Half an hour ago."

"With Aita's scheduling and cooperation, a chip can be completed within an hour from front-end simulation to mask making."


Qin Weimin hung up the phone and looked at everyone.

Everyone was still shocked and silent.


"Give it."

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