Massachusetts, MIT.

"Nuclear Workshop" by Professor Dennis White.

As the first place in the world to realize 15-minute controllable nuclear fusion, it was once the focus of attention and the beacon of human civilization.

But after the "end threshold" was proposed by Ye Ming, the light here dimmed instantly.

It was not until a month ago that MIT's School of Materials completed the preparation of "Ye Dy" with an extremely complicated and ridiculously high cost that the "vitality" was restored here.


Professor Hollyn strode into the meeting room.

The meeting had just ended, and only Professor Dennis and Mengjiad, the master and apprentice, were left discussing something in a low voice in front of the drawings.

Professor Huo Laien saw that he hadn't seen him for a few days, and his old friend who used to be high-spirited was now like an eggplant beaten by frost, and his whole person was visibly sluggish.

Although he is still supporting himself comfortably now, his physical and mental exhaustion can be seen at a glance.

Thinking of his rejection of the other party's hug last time, Professor Huo Laien sighed slightly.

Standing in front of the other party, Professor Hollyn stretched out his arms.

The two hugged.

Professor Dennis gave his student a wink, and the latter got up knowingly, and closed the door as he left the conference room.

Pat, Professor Dennis lit a cigarette.


"Come one."

Amidst the smog, both of them lost their minds for a moment, as if they had returned to the scene where they hid in the dormitory and smoked DM thirty years ago.

Finally, it was Professor Dennis who spoke first. He knew that his old friend was related to Ye Ming.

"Is Kuafu Heap still in operation?"


"It's so fucking stable." Professor Dennis sighed: "I always thought that with Ye Di, everything would be fine. But the Ye Di limit... I don't know how they designed it. I calculated it here, and it has always been It is impossible to achieve stable confinement at a high temperature of 150 million degrees."

"No one knows except Ye Ming." Professor Huo Laien shook his head: "They didn't plan to announce the design either."

"Announced?" Professor Dennis smirked: "Listen to what the leader said? The country's most important weapon. How could it be announced."

After speaking, the two fell silent again.

In fact, in the past few years, at least eight years ago... In the field of controllable nuclear fusion, which solves the world's energy problems, the mainstream voice in the entire international community is cooperation.

If nothing else, let's talk about Professor Dennis himself, and his team directly announced the design of the two fusion reactors.

Not to mention the cooperation of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Program) - there are regular meetings every year to exchange results and experiences.

But in the past few years, the door of cooperation has become narrower and narrower, and the fields of cooperation have become fewer and fewer.

Controlled fusion, a technology that benefits all mankind, has actually become a weapon of checks and balances between major powers... It is also a tragedy of science.

"What is their next plan? Is it to reduce the cost of tritium? Complete commercialization? Take the lead in achieving energy leap?"


Before Professor Huo Laien's voice fell, hurried footsteps came from outside the door, and after a while, two middle-aged officials came quickly.

"Two professors, the President welcomes you."

Professor Huo Laien was startled: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about fusion, talk about Mars, talk about semiconductors, talk about quantum computing, talk about AI."

Professor Huo Laien looked at his friend, and the pupils of the two shrank instantly.

"Then what?"

One of the officials smiled and held up five fingers.

"Ready to pass a bill with that number."


On National Highway 318, a convoy of armored vehicles and well-covered transport vehicles was advancing at a constant speed.

Paint and Ink sat in the armored vehicle, curiously looking at the surrounding environment and the occupants in the vehicle.

In addition to her, Li Dongsheng and Zhou Tong, there were three soldiers, one woman, two men, in the car.

The female soldier had also been paying attention to Qi and Mo, and when she saw her looking at herself, she smiled slightly: "Is Miss Qi not used to sitting?"

"Ah, no." Qi Yumo quickly shook his head and smiled, "This is the first time for me to ride a military vehicle. How about you, Captain Li?"

"That's right." Li Dongsheng's seat was next to Paint and Ink, but he deliberately kept a distance from her: "I used to think that armored vehicles and tanks were the same."

Speaking of which, Li Dongsheng knocked on the iron wall next to him again: "Doesn't it feel very thick?"

"Hehe, in fact, this is a fast anti-armored vehicle, and the shells are unstoppable." The female soldier smiled and introduced: "Just wait until Shangyajiang County, and then you can directly transfer to civilian vehicles, so as not to suffer with us."

Li Dongsheng waved his hand immediately: "No, we're fine."

"It's related." The female soldier smiled and shook her head: "We always stay in the snow area, so it doesn't matter, but you guys are different, it's really going to cause some trouble... right."

Hearing what the female soldier said, Li Dongsheng glanced at Qi and Mo, and after seeing the latter nodded, he also nodded and said with a smile: "Then it's troublesome... well, I'll call you Captain Ke."

"No, just call me Li Ke." Li Ke chuckled, "We have the same surname, so maybe you're still my elder brother?"

"Haha, let's recite the family tree?"



Amid laughter, the convoy drove into Yajiang County along 318.

Here, a Lu Xun is already ready.

The three of them transferred to Lu Xun, and their mood instantly felt better.

Qi and Mo borrowed the signal from the county seat, took out their mobile phone, and after a moment of hesitation, called Ye Ming.

After saying a few words, Ye Ming's video call came over.


"Why did you pass by all of a sudden? Who arranged it?" Ye Ming looked at the picture of Qi and Mo, first greeted Li Dongsheng, and then frowned.

Li Dongsheng joined Old Tang's group directly after he was guaranteed research, and then was assigned to Jizhi Technology as a "labourer"-in fact, according to Li Dongsheng's technology in the field of robotics, it is not a problem for him to join Jizhi Technology.

Now that he is studying this graduate school, he is almost working.

"I want to come by myself." Qi and Mo covered the sun with their hands, and smiled triumphantly: "Aside from me, who else knows Aita better than me?"

Ye Ming stopped talking immediately.

This time, although Li Dongsheng led a team to send a batch of combat robots to the snowy plateau this time, it was the kind of delivery and testing.

But in fact, the highest authority is still paint and ink here.

Because as far as Aita’s understanding is concerned, Lacquer and Ink is the same existence of the entire company as He Mo.

"Then... you have to be careful." Ye Ming looked at her blushing and said worriedly: "Altitude sickness is no joke."

"Don't worry, there's an oxygen cylinder in the trunk."

" have to pay attention anyway."

"Got it!" Qi Yumo giggled, "Didn't I realize you're such a mother-in-law before?"

Ye Ming: "...I haven't said that's the border yet!"

"Hahahaha, does the third brother still dare to fight with Aita?"

In the video, Qi and Mo laughed extremely arrogantly.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ming clicked on the browser homepage.

A headline broke out in an instant.

"The United States launches a five trillion plan to fully support the next generation of technology"

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