Amidst the applause, Ye Ming stood with a smile.

Ita's voice also sounded in Ye Ming's mind.

"The task [Technical Innovation] has been completed, and the perfect reward has been issued."

"The new mission is online, Ye Ming, do you need to check it?"


Ye Ming responded to Ita in his mind, and held tightly with Academician Luo's outstretched hand.

The two smiled at each other and turned to face the hall at the same time.

In the hall, the applause paused.

Everyone's faces were filled with joy and encouragement.

It seems that this is not a successful ignition, but a formal power generation has been completed.

"Comrades, take a break first, and we'll come back in two hours."

"No, I have to stare for two hours."

"Indeed, don't worry if you don't stare."

"I've been waiting for fifty years, and I'm still two hours away?"

Academician Luo laughed, and looked at Ye Ming again: "It seems that everyone has to wait."

Ye Ming smiled and nodded: "Don't wait, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't sleep at night."


Laughing, the two returned to their seats together and began to focus on the timing on the screen.

The time unit that beats in milliseconds is like the most beautiful note in the world, playing the most gorgeous movement.

It is also the most anticipated ordeal.

While waiting, the people in the control room began to gradually pretend to relax.

Until... three hours passed.


In front of the console, Ye Ming and Chief Engineer Luo stood up again.

Everyone stood up and looked at the big screen.

At this time, the monitoring screen has been reduced to the lower right corner using a picture-in-picture method, and the main screen is occupied by a huge video call interface.

A friendly face with a smile appeared on the screen.

Chief Engineer Luo looked at the big screen.

"Report to the leader."

"It is now at 12:00 noon on April 21, 2024. The Kuafu reactor has been running smoothly for three hours, and everything is in normal condition. The deuterium-tritium fusion reaction is under control and continuing."

"Well done, you have worked hard, on behalf of..."

With the end of the leader's "official speech", the applause paused.

"The Kuafu Project, at the beginning, some people said that this implied name is not good." The leader's voice was full of laughter.

There was also laughter in the hall.

"But today, isn't the sun being caught up?"



ten hours later.

After a carnival-like dinner, Ye Ming returned to the hotel exhausted.

"Ita, come give me a rub."

He fell heavily on the sofa, Ye Ming looked at Ita who had finished charging, and yelled wantonly because he was a little drunk.

Ita remained motionless: "Excessive!"

"Hahaha! You are not as obedient as Aita."

"Then you call her!"

"Yo? Are you still jealous?"


Ye Ming closed his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, show me, what new tasks are there?"

When it came to the task, Ita put away his small emotions, and his voice calmed down: "There are three new tasks, and they are [Breakthrough Gravity]..."


Ye Ming sobered up halfway in an instant: "Three? Why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"You didn't ask again."


Ye Ming opened his eyes and straightened up.

Then meditate in my heart.

The system panel, which has not been seen for at least half a year, popped up with a swipe.

After skipping the numerical panel in front, he looked directly at the mission system.

[Current task: Breaking through gravity - you have mastered the power to ignite the sun, please continue in the direction of fusion, lead the team to break through the shackles of gravity, and go to the starry sky. 】

[Task Level: A]

[Task progress: 20%]

[Mission reward (perfect): 45,000 free experience, 4,500 redemption points, 3 lucky draw chances, 3 random blueprints, 5 craft breakthroughs]

[Current task: touch quantum - Quantum computing is the basis of computing power liberation, please design a quantum computer, complete it, and use it. 】

[Task Level: A]

【Mission progress: 50%】

[Mission reward (perfect): 45,000 free experience, 4,500 redemption points, 3 lucky draw chances, 3 random blueprints, 5 craft breakthroughs]

[Current task: Annihilation—more energy is the basis for super engineering. Please lead your team to design and create an antimatter utilization device, and try to master the power of annihilation. 】

[Task Level: S]

[Task progress: 1%]

[Mission reward (perfect): 95,000 free experience, 9,000 redemption points, 4 lucky draw chances, 5 random drawings, 10 craft breakthroughs]


Seeing the three missions that came out, Ye Ming was sober.

Having dealt with the system for so long, he certainly already knew that the system was never aimless.

Intentionally guide yourself towards certain areas.

And this kind of guidance does not mean that you can achieve it overnight, but it is done by "upgrading a little difficulty" through the current technical foundation and theoretical foundation.

But... what does this [annihilation] mean? Or S-class?


"Yes." As the voice sounded, Ita also controlled her mechanical body and stood in front of Ye Ming: "Where do you need to rub?"

"no need."

"Strange human being." Having said that, she sat down next to Ye Ming.

In her words, it saves electricity.

"It's okay to break through gravity and quantum computing through the system task. I take it as a benefit for me. But what's going on with this annihilation?" Ye Ming tilted his head and looked at Ita's bald head with piercing eyes.

"Maybe it's because you completed controllable nuclear fusion in one step, so the system thinks you are strong?"

"Elder Sister, can it be alright if you don't say wisecracks?"

"Then I don't know." Ita shrugged his shoulders in a bachelor way: "I guess in the eyes of the system, antimatter is everywhere like coal."

Ye Ming was speechless for a while: "...don't take my words."

What Ita said was exactly what he thought.

Antimatter, although it was predicted nearly a hundred years ago, and then created decades ago, but that cost...

Let's put it this way, at present, the generation of "antimatter" can only be completed through the Large Hadron Collider.

But to create "1 microgram" of antimatter, the Large Hadron Collider will have to collide for 1,000 years before it can be knocked out!

If we really want to use the current collision method to produce antimatter, let’s not talk about restricted storage, energy input, and construction cost.

To realize its "commercialization", just to build a collider, the entire planet needs to be built!

Moreover, one such planet is not enough, there must be countless.

With this kung fu, damn it...

The Dyson sphere is all built!

Pursing his lips, Ye Ming frowned deeply.

He raised a finger: "So, it is definitely not possible to create antimatter through traditional collision methods, unless the cost of the collider can be reduced by a factor of 100,000."

"One hundred thousand times? How did you get it?"

"My nonsense, you can also understand it as 100 million times."


"Then, there is only one possibility, and there really is an anti-material mine in this world." Ye Ming lowered his gaze, and after a while he was slightly taken aback.

It seems, really?

Ita's voice sounded.

"Galaxy Antimatter Fountain."

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