From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 205 Chasing and Containing

In Silicon Valley, a North American technology forum initiated by Google, Tesla, and Microsoft is underway.

The theme of the meeting is naturally how to deal with the rolling progress of Jizhi Technology in the field of AI.

As many technology critics pointed out, the reason why Jizhi Technology's conference caused such an uproar is far more than last year's Aita, EDA and hybrid chips.

The most fundamental reason is that Aita is too far away and Sita is too close.

Because of the computing power, after the release of Aita, it has been iterated and upgraded for a long time, so that all services need to be applied for.

And as of now, Aita has not gone online to face ordinary consumers.

But Sita is different...she is a "consumer product" for the masses!

Even in the Internet age of information explosion, if we really want to create influence, we still have to look at consumer-grade products!


The forum is in the form of a round table meeting.

Musk crossed his fingers on the table, and the fatigue on his face was particularly obvious.

After his eyes circled around, he finally landed on the face of Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who was three meters away.

"There is nothing else to say. I am the only one here today who has seen Aita with my own eyes." Musk said after a few seconds of silence: "After meeting, I proposed to let Aita go online. Then launch the cooperation plan of our robot."

Sitting next to him was Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who looked at him when he heard the words: "Why did the cooperation break down?"

"Because they offered too much." Musk took a deep breath.

Everyone immediately looked at Musk.

At the beginning of the year, Tesla released the news that Aita would be listed on Starlink, which aroused strong positive feedback from the capital market in a short period of time.

Today's capital is no longer the Wall Street donkey thirty years ago when the Internet was just born.

Wall Street knows well that when the global economy is in recession and new technologies are urgently needed to save the global economy, and even the entire Western economy and social status, it is impossible to rely on controllable nuclear fusion alone.

With the support of new theories and technologies, it is easy to ignite controllable nuclear fusion, but it is not easy to reduce the cost of energy to trigger economic and technological chain reactions.

That will take time, and a lot of reliable and cheap fusion material.

And Aita's entry into Starlink means super AI + Starlink + robot + autonomous driving-this will bring subversive changes to the world.

This is why, the moment the news came out, Tesla's stock price rose instantly. And when global public opinion was led to Aita's invasion of privacy, Tesla had no choice but to announce that the cooperation had not made substantial progress, and the reason why Tesla's stock price fell instantly.

But what the content and plan of the cooperation between the two are, outsiders do not know at all.

"What conditions?" Satir asked immediately.

"They want to have control of the Starlink satellites."

After Musk's voice fell, everyone took a breath.

Good guy, where is this cooperation...

This is pulling a rope around his neck, tying himself like a donkey, right?

"Since their condition is this, it means that they don't want to cooperate at all." Satya comforted Musk.

Musk nodded, his mouth full of bitterness: "It seems that they really don't want to cooperate."

Everyone fell into silence.

——If you really want to cooperate, how can you take out thousands of butler robots in just a few months?

——How could it announce on the second day of the press conference that it has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with BYD, and will be the first to launch Aita-assisted automatic driving in BYD's electric vehicles.

As soon as the news came out, BYD's stock price fell into a crazy daily limit.

At the same time, the entire line of other electric vehicles is green, including Tesla.

After a while, a voice sounded.

The owner of the voice was in his early fifties with gray hair.

Sandel, Washington's chief science adviser.

"Since this is the case, the problem becomes simple."

Sandor looked at the crowd.

Among the CEOs present here, several of them are his "colleagues" and members of the Scientific Advisory Committee.

"Either, we catch up in AI. Or, we contain them."

"How to chase?" Musk asked immediately.

"The last Quantum Computer Conference proposed to communicate and share, but half a year later, you still haven't made any moves." Sandor frowned slightly, and sighed softly: "Bosses, this is not acceptable."

"I suggest that you set up a quantum computer cooperation laboratory, carry out undefended cooperation and exchanges, and achieve transcendence in the field of quantum computers."

Another voice sounded: "Then how to contain it?"

Sandor looked towards the source of the voice, which was Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of META.

"I will suggest to Washington that Jizhi Technology be included in the highest review list." Said Sandor, looking at the CEO wearing a leather jacket.

"You can't sell them a single chip."


A week after the press conference.

Provincial Communications Brain-Computer Center, Ye Ming's office.

The Sita he activated during the demonstration was changed to "Xiaoyi" at his father's strong request.

——Father naively thought that the robot that Ye Ming was about to send him home was just Ita's better-looking body.

So much so that the old man has already begun to consider making some modifications for "Xiao Yi".

At this time, Ye Ming took the sensor and called out Ita.

And Ita also launched her "main body" prototype and stood in front of "Xiao Yi".

Although the two bodies are the same height, it can be clearly seen that Xiaoyi is an assembly line model, which is much more beautiful than Aita's handmade style...

"Xiao Yi, when you go back, you must be serious and obedient."


"Also, learn how to cook."


"Auntie likes to brush DY, you can find some interesting ones."


Ye Ming sat on the sofa, watching the conversation between the two robots, he always felt a little...

I can't help but be happy.

It stands to reason that Yita has all the control rights of all robots, and she can directly digitize the precautions into the database, and then let this "little Yi" execute them.

But she still insisted on using this verbal method of explanation.

That's what she said, it feels so good.

At this time, He Mo's footsteps came from outside the door.


After sending He Mo and Xiao Yi to the door, and watching He Mo drive away, Ye Ming returned to the office with Ita.

After watching the press conference, his father kept urging him to send the home robot back quickly, but because Ye Ming and He Mo were both busy, and considering his father's age, he didn't use express delivery, but waited until After He Mo finished her work, she sent the robot home directly.

As for Ye Ming, he really couldn't get away.

Because this afternoon, the controllable nuclear fusion project team will hold a report meeting on the progress of the first phase of the project.

This means that the core reactor of the fusion reactor will enter the formal pre-assembly verification process.

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