From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 200 The Teacher of Peace

Three days later, Director Niu returned to the capital.

In an inconspicuous meeting room, a meeting of extremely high specifications is being held.

On the big screen in the meeting room, the training tasks of three robots are being played.

From ordinary standing at attention to full-power dash, from limited obstacle crossing to three-position shooting, to the final actual combat advancing confrontation, the camera faithfully recorded all the scenes.

The recorded video is not long, only about half an hour.

"This is the initial achievement in the field of combat biped robots." In the face of a group of generals, Director Niu also changed from the previous "casual" and became more serious.

A group of leaders present at the meeting looked at each other and raised their teacups one after another.

They may not understand AI or robots, but do they need to understand it?

Then one question after another was thrown.

"Now the robot soldiers are so strong?"

"How many years ahead of foreign countries?"

"What is the cost? Where is the weakness?"

Facing the leaders' questions, Director Niu smiled slightly: "It's really a bit strong. If it scales up, it's like a mechanical soldier in a science fiction novel."

"As for how long it takes to lead, we have to talk about why these mechanical soldiers are so strong - because they are all in charge of the centralized super AI, Aita."

"That is to say, as long as there is no super AI like Aita in foreign countries, it will never be possible to catch up with us. Our advantage is the generation gap like a natural moat."

"In terms of cost, if you want to complete all the sensing systems such as the phased radar, laser, and infrared of the body, and then refit the weapons, the purchase price can be controlled within 800,000 yuan."

Several leaders nodded.

Eight hundred thousand, compared to the dead, compared to the pension, that is really a bargain.

"As for the weakness, it may be that it is very dependent on the network - of course there are localized systems, but it is completely unable to achieve the effect of connecting to super AI."

"What about security? How about electronic intrusion prevention?"

"You can rest assured. In the field of network security, Aita is currently invincible." Director Niu said and clicked twice on his notebook.


Aita's calm voice sounded: "Hi, I'm here."

"How many network intrusions have you blocked so far?"

"As of now, 1.38 million intrusions from all over the world have been intercepted and recorded, and anti-intrusion warnings have been issued 160,000 times. After review, there is no record of intrusion."

Director Niu looked at everyone: "In front of her, all the intrusions are computers challenging computers, and there is no chance of winning."

"Moreover, according to our preliminary idea. In addition to humanoid robot warriors, Aita can also control drones and other forms of robots, such as multi-legged multifunctional robots, and use them to form an all-in-one intelligent swarm attack plan."

As he spoke, Director Niu switched the video to a PPT.

On the PPT, the ground-air integrated offensive network is displayed.

"Because it is a centralized computing and cluster, it can perform real-time spatial computing and layout, share all information and give the optimal judgment instantaneously."

"For example, if we want to attack a building, the system can conduct analysis from multiple angles and dimensions. Using terahertz radar, infrared vision, laser and other sensing methods to construct the three-dimensional information of the target, and after the calculation is completed, the combat command will be issued to the Each independent combat unit, and once the combat unit is lost, can also dynamically adjust the optimal mission plan - all of this is almost instantaneous. It can be said that at the tactical level..."

Director Niu took a deep breath.

Three days ago, Ye Ming launched the war game deduction system for Aita.

The unconvinced special warfare commanders conducted many tactical deduction with Aita on the sand table.

And every time the results are without exception.

Aita wins.

In the end, the special warfare officers and soldiers came to the conclusion that unless they use the terrain to play booby traps and traps, there is no chance of winning in a frontal confrontation.

And even if you play tricks, you may not win. Because... Aita is an AI that needs to use quantum supercomputing.

Once she is fused with a quantum computer, then with the support of nearly unlimited computing power, she can focus her "attention" on a single pixel level.

Not to mention, the AI ​​organization's attack includes the ground-air integrated intelligent cluster of drones.

"Aita is an invincible existence."

Director Niu looked at the crowd and said seriously: "The only thing she is afraid of is signal interference—but how many enemies are there who can effectively carry out signal interference?"

The leaders were silent.

This old cow, they all know more or less, although the rumors seem cheerful and unreliable, in fact they are very reliable.

Otherwise, he would not be allowed to form the CNY department.

Being able to say the word "invincible" from his mouth, one can imagine how much innovation and advantage it will bring when strong artificial intelligence is applied to war.

The leading leader slowly asked: "The last question, is it controllable?"

Hearing this sentence, Director Niu was silent for two seconds and then smiled.

"The designer of Aita is a real scientist."

The leader was slightly taken aback, but soon heard Director Niu's implication: "It means that he is unwilling to use it on the battlefield? Have you set up the three principles of robots?"

The so-called three principles of robotics are naturally the three famous ones proposed by Asimov.

1. A robot cannot harm a human being, or stand idly by while seeing a human being injured.

2. Humans must be obeyed unless it contradicts the first.

3. You must protect yourself, unless it contradicts Articles 1 and 2.

These three items, in many sci-fi works, are considered slavery terms by "awakened" robots. But for humans, it is a prerequisite for peaceful coexistence between humans and robots.

And these three items also fundamentally cut off the possibility of using robots in war—especially for such centralizedly controlled robots. will follow this principle.

"He's not that pedantic, it's just that the authority to attack the human body is the highest authority. Currently—before delivery, only he can give orders."

As soon as everyone heard it, their faces changed instantly.

Director Niu's expression remained unchanged.

Frankly speaking, he tends to support Ye Ming - of course, it does not mean that Ye Ming can only have Aita's authority, but that the authority to authorize robots to attack with deadly weapons must be high enough.

Because this is not an ordinary robot, this is a "strong AI robot"!

Once the killing starts, no one can guarantee what will happen now...

In silence, the leader nodded slightly.

"It really should be more conservative." The leader said with a smile: "We are teachers of peace."

"However, this authority certainly cannot be controlled by him alone - but the authorization level must also be increased."

Director Niu exhaled softly: "Yes, Ye Ming said that too."

"Well, that's fine."

Glancing at the screen again, the leader smiled slightly: "Are you sure this is an advantage your opponent cannot have?"


"Then you guys should make a promotional video to shock the little ones first."

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