"That's not me!" Leon tried to argue.

But the cartoon face with a bright smile on the wall made him feel powerless.

At this time, the sound of quarreling came from the distance.

Leon took Shirley out of the elevator, his eyes swept across the walls, and blood vessels faintly appeared on his forehead.

The first floor of this building covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters.

The small workshops and offices in the past have been demolished.

Now there is only a central reception desk, a visitor lounge separated by transparent glass on both sides, and an elevator that goes up and down.

This design is said to be from a widow agent.

She used to run a multinational design company for the Red House.

When designing this building, she took simplicity, meditation, and release as the theme, and led the team to conceive the drawings overnight.

Now walk in and take a look, the design of the building is indeed spacious, which makes people feel refreshed at first sight.

But what's the matter with the various cartoon paintings covering the walls?

Isn't it abrupt to paint colorful and complicated patterns on a simple glass room?

Most importantly, why are they all Superman? Or is it Superman drawn with his face?

Leon took a deep breath and covered Shirley's eyes, feeling that his reputation would be ruined today.

Look at the other side of the first floor.

A dozen Widow agents are arguing together.

Leon lets go of his super hearing.

"The drawing here is wrong! Listen to me, the boss's chest muscles are not that small, I checked it myself!"

Yelena's voice was screaming

"And the mural of Superman vs. Batman should be drawn like this, with the boss holding Batman's head with his biceps, full of power! So cool!"

"No, no!" Someone retorted,"We've already drawn a mural of Superman clamping Wonder Woman's head with his biceps, so here we should have Superman using his latissimus dorsi to hit Batman!"

"This is a good idea!"Several people agreed

"Then draw this and give the boss a surprise when he comes!" Yelena waved her fist

"Surprise? Yelena, please define what a surprise is."Leon's voice sounded behind everyone.

He dropped from the air with Shirley in his arms.

"The surprise is of course these carefully crafted……"As soon as Yelena turned around, she saw Leon's unfriendly eyes and felt that she was in trouble.

She began to stammer:"Uh, surprise is, is... I, that, the boss said it was what it was."

Leon slapped her on the forehead as Natasha was used to,"Don't do these fancy things, it's a surprise for me!"

"Boss, don’t you like Superman? That’s why I drew so many of them." Yelena felt aggrieved."I drew all of them with my heart.""

"Is this me in your drawing? Have you ever seen my uniform look like this?" Leon asked.

Yelena was stunned:"Ah! I understand!"

Leon resisted the urge to curse,"What do you know, you beast?"

"Do you understand again?"

"I see. It turns out that you don’t like wearing underwear, and you’re not as perverted as in the comics!" Yelena clapped her hands.

She raised two paintbrushes:"Then I’ll change your underwear right away!"

Leon’s eyes went dark. What did you mean by not liking to wear underwear? That was such a vicious thing to say. There was a little kid next to him!

Looking at little Shirley again, she had her eyes wide open and her mouth opened into an O shape, looking back and forth between Leon and Superman on the wall.

"Don't listen to this guy's nonsense!"Leon pinched Shirley's cheek and pulled it,"She has a problem with her brain nerves."

"Oh, oh!" Shirley nodded repeatedly with her cheeks puffed up.

Leon shook his head and looked at Yelena again:"I am beginning to regret letting you become the second generation Black Widow."

"Why, Boss?" Yelena's eyes flickered with confusion.

"Because I'm afraid that one day other widows will be assimilated by you!"

Leon waved his hand to the other widows:"I don't have any other requirements. You can decide how to decorate this place, but my face must not appear on the murals again, no matter what image it is!"

A dozen widows nodded in agreement after hearing this, and they all felt a little lost.

"Yelena, come with me." Leon sighed, and took the elevator with Yelena and Shirley, who were constantly exchanging glances.

Except for the first floor, which was painted by Yelena as a DC fan club, everything else was normal.

The Widow agents worked together.

Some were operating robotic arms to install alloy interlayers.

Some were holding lithium drills and needle-nosed pliers, wearing protective masks, repairing circuits.

Hundreds of people were showing their skills, all of them were all-rounders who could climb mountains and go to the sea.

Leon took Shirley to greet the Widow agents one by one.

Finally, Yelena was arranged to take Shirley to deal with the identity issue.

As for the two of them leaving,

Shirley quietly asked,"Are brother Leon's muscles really that beautiful?" and Yelena's Yelena nodded like pounding garlic.

Leon pretended he didn't see or hear anything.

For the rest of the day,

Leon walked around the building casually.

Whenever he met a widow agent who needed help, he would go forward to lend a hand.

As for Shirley, she had been assimilated by Yelena, and after the two of them finished their business, they ran up and down the building together, playing hide-and-seek.

Perhaps because of her age, the little girl was very popular with the widows. When they saw such a lively girl, it was like seeing themselves who had not been sent to the red house.

Every time it was Shirley's turn to look for the hidden Yelena, she would get a subtle reminder from the widows.

It was not until the evening, after having dinner with everyone, that Leon took Shirley away.

"Bye, sister. Brother Leon said we will move to New York soon. I will come to see you then!" Shirley and Yelena said goodbye reluctantly.

Yelena put her hands on her mouth and shouted,"Little Shirley, I will miss you! Big brother, you guys have to come to New York soon!"

"No, stay away from Shirley, and it’s better to turn your back on her every time you meet her."

Leon couldn't understand from the bottom of his heart how Yelena could become a close friend with a girl as young as Shirley.

Could it be because their real psychological age difference was similar?

"Huh? Boss, how could you do this?……"Yelena bent forward in frustration.

It was another fast flight in the air. Shirley, who had played all day, was still full of energy and cheered and screamed.

When they got home, Leon put Shirley down and suddenly his ears moved.

He raised his finger to signal Shirley to lower her footsteps, and the two of them walked quietly to the stairs.

Two heads, one big and one small, popped out from the corner of the wall.

In the laboratory, Pepper and Tony, who were only wearing vests, were intertwined, their heads twisting back and forth.

"Wow~ Is that Uncle Tony's new friend?"Shirley has seen Tony do this with many people.

"Hmm... I think that lady might be Tony's only friend in the future." Leon touched his chin.

"He's serious this time."

These two people never did such an intimate thing before.

Now it's obvious that their relationship has made a breakthrough.

Leon can see at a glance that Pepper has just been strengthened by the SS2 serum.

It is estimated that Tony took advantage of the time when the strengthening was over and Pepper was deeply moved to finally confirm the relationship.

"Alas, our prodigal son will finally settle down."Leon sighed

"So, could it be that those big waves in the world of Resident Evil were actually Tony's last bachelor party?"

Seeing that the two were getting more and more intense, he quickly covered Shirley's eyes and retreated upstairs.

"Let's go back to the house and tell stories, Shirley. These are just two seals fighting over grapes. There's nothing interesting to see."

After Leon coaxed Shirley to sleep, he also wanted to take a nap at home.

But he was obviously a little naive.

Two people with tens of tons of strength but no biological force field were exercising vigorously at home.

The noise was so loud that it seemed as if the floor was shaking.

People couldn't help but worry that this luxurious villa would collapse in the next second.

These were not two seals bickering, but two elephants singing and dancing.

Leon tossed and turned, and finally got out of bed helplessly.

He knew it was time for him to move out.

Tony and Pepper had confirmed their relationship, so naturally they had to have their own private space.

Not to mention the noise of their exercise, There is no room for another person.

Leon decided to talk to Tony about moving tomorrow.

As for tonight, he would go back to the Resident Evil world to bask in the sun.

He was going to take Shirley with him when he left.

But the little girl was still sleeping soundly in this house that was vibrating and making loud noises.

She even smacked her lips and changed her posture from time to time.

In the end, Leon had to go to the Resident Evil world alone, ready to bask in the sun for a few months before returning.

With his current strength, the energy required to travel through the biochemical world is less than one thousandth of his physical strength.

So he chose to return to the moment he just left without hesitation, and his figure disappeared in the Marvel Universe.

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