Underground Research Institute

"Although everything went well with the mouse experiment, Jarvis calculated that the chance of an accident was less than one in ten thousand, and all your clones were successfully strengthened."

"But are you sure you want to do this?"

"Tony, this is risky, you have to think it over carefully!"

Lyon repeatedly stressed to Tony that there are risks in injecting SS3 enhanced serum.

In order to minimize the risk, he even found the cloning technology of Umbrella Corporation and conducted cloning experiments.

Until an hour ago, ten unconscious clones of Tony were successfully enhanced and destroyed.

He agreed to Tony's real body on the field this time.

"Okay, I'm sure, I'm very sure!"Tony has already laid down on the test bench.

He buckled himself into the metal ring and waist restraint belt.

"You know, you are like a second Pepper now. No, Pepper will not clone ten of me and kill them one by one."

Tony pointed to the instrument beside him.

"Anyway, I have never seen such a cautious Lyon."

"Where is the resolute and brave boy from before? He is not the kind of person who would tremble in fear when he sees his brother lying on the test bench."

"This is what I decided to do, and this is what I have to do"

"I also have something I am determined to pursue, Leon"

"So let's get started."Tony leaned against the cold countertop and took a deep breath,"Don't hesitate any more!"

Leon looked at Tony deeply, nodded, and controlled the instrument to inject the SS3 type enhanced serum into Tony's body.

The serum took effect very quickly.

Before the syringe was even empty, Tony, who had just looked determined as if he was ready to sacrifice his life, began to scream.

Leon suppressed his reluctance and signaled Jarvis to record a video to record Tony's miserable condition.

If the enhancement is successful, this is black material; if the enhancement fails... Sorry, it is impossible for the enhancement to fail.

The SS3 serum incorporates too many evolutionary factors, and the strengthening time after injection is much longer than the final form of the S virus.

Leon watched with his own eyes as Tony's body turned red and was burned into charcoal by the extremely high body temperature.

Then the charcoal became brittle, and after it broke apart, Tony, whose skin was as tender as a newborn baby, was revealed.

The wound on his chest also healed in the process.

But this is just the beginning.

Blood was flowing under Tony's skin.

The bones cracked and contracted with a creaking sound, and were precisely buckled into a perfect structure.

His muscles first expanded like inflation, and then gradually tightened to the most suitable shape.

Every muscle line is becoming perfect, and his streamlined body is second only to Leon.

Even his height has increased by ten centimeters.

"This is the end. This old guy will be even more powerful in doing bad things in the future."

Leon suspected that the reason why Tony was so determined to inject the serum was that he wanted to become stronger and do"bad things".

The strengthening lasted for two hours.

After it was over, Tony broke the binding metal directly, jumped off the test bench and went straight to the cafeteria.

An hour later, Tony, who had eaten ten people's food, tested his physical fitness with the help of Leon.

"The single-arm strength is 113 tons, and the fastest sprint speed is 423 meters per second. I think you can abandon the steel armor."Lyon complained while holding the experimental record

"The most important thing is that you can also manipulate E mold, generate flames with your flesh, grow body tissues and generate flesh tentacles, and even use your own blood to control others."

Leon slapped his forehead and said,"To be honest, these abilities of yours make me feel like you are a super villain!"

""Go to hell!" Tony cursed with a smile.

One of his hands was burning with fire, and the other was controlling a ball of mold to wriggle. There was a bright light in his eyes.

"This is indeed the ladder of human evolution, Leon, are you sure you don't want to be injected?"

Leon shook his head:"Superman is already invincible, why does he need the help of serum!"

"speak English"

"This serum is useless to me, and will lead my body to an unknown evolutionary path."

Leon spread his hands:"For example, turning into a tentacle monster or something... After all, the SS3 serum is made based on complete human genes, and basically can only make humans evolve."

"But I did gain something. At least with this experience, it will be much easier to study Kryptonian blood in the future."

"Then you must ask me to study with you. I don't want you to wake up the next day and become Doomsday."Tony said

"Got it... I'll take you with me when I go to the DC world."

Leon destroyed the experimental records casually,"By the way, your mission in this world is considered completed, do you want me to send you back first?"

"You are going to stay and help them kill the zombies, right?" Tony patted Mark IV,"I want to stay too. How can I be absent from saving the world? I am Iron Man!"

"Iron Man? You should be called Muscle Man now."

Leon said,"You have been shirtless since a while ago. I can see that you are very satisfied with the muscles shaped by the serum."

Tony laughed and posed, showing off his chest muscles:"My muscles are not worse than yours now, Leon."

"Oh, don't forget to give Pepper an injection of serum when you get back, she needs it." He thought for a moment,"For now, let's use SS2 serum. Whether type 3 can be used by everyone still needs research."

"Don't worry, I won't forget Pepper even if you don't tell me."

Leon threw his clothes to Tony and said,"Let's go, Muscle Man, it's getting late today, and I still have things to do."

"It's Iron Man! Wait, I will use biotechnology on the armor and leave your Super Mark far behind in one go!"

Tony said:"You will know when the time comes, there is no limit to the Mark armor!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your new armor." Leon waved and left.


Soon half a month passed.

The refugees in Raccoon City had basically completed the S virus enhancement.

They all became fierce men with a strength of at least 5 tons.

So Jill began to form a force and prepared to march to the newly established countries in other states to recover the lost land.

During this period, Leon mass-produced the final version of the S virus and randomly gave it to the main survivor bases in various regions.

Among them, the Rabbit Country received the largest dose of the virus.

Now they have completely recovered the border line and even started to cross the Himalayas to help the completely fallen Asan Country"get through the difficulties."

In addition, every day,

Leon would clear zombies all over the world or go to space to bathe in the sun.

However, when the night falls in Raccoon City, he sometimes returns to the city to rest for a while.

After being enhanced with the SS2 serum, Ada and Jill have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Today, they can be said to be a combination of a vise and a furnace.

This makes Leon feel very different.

As for Tony.

Tony charges with the large army during the day.

His firepower is the most handsome guy on the battlefield.

When encountering a super zombie, he would take off his armor.

Then he would become the strongest guy again.

At night, Tony would retreat to the laboratory to transform his Mark armor.

But the transformation process was always hidden.

Leon did not deliberately spy on him, and did not know what progress he had made.

Anyway, the world was pushed to the brink of doomsday.

Now the dawn has finally risen. Leon

's name began to spread all over the world.

However, this person who brought hope was not called a savior.

Everyone used one word to honor him - the God of the World.

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