Marvel Universe.

Stark Mansion in Los Angeles

""Beep, beep, beep!"

As soon as Leon appeared in the basement, all the instruments and lights turned red, and the alarm sounded as if urging his life.

Daidai held up the disinfectant spray, rolled over directly on the pulley, and sprayed him.

Benben held up the fire spray on the other side, also ready to go.

"That’s enough! Stop! Am I a burglar? Why are you making such a big scene?"

Leon waved his hands at Benben.

The alarm and red light finally stopped.

"Master, you are finally back. It seems that you are not doing well in the other world."Jarvis' voice appeared.

"Finally? How long have I been away? It must have been more than ten years."

Leon's heart skipped a beat. If more than ten years had passed, the Shuomie incident might have happened.

"It has been 12 hours and 37 minutes since you left. It is now 7:49 the next morning."

"Huh?" Leon raised an eyebrow."I've only been gone for twelve hours, and you used the word 'finally'. Jarvis, I think you need to reload your program logic for word choice and sentence construction.""

"Master, these are the words I chose based on Mr. Stark's mental state after you left." Jarvis said

"So Tony missed me very much?" Leon couldn't help laughing.

"I think so. Three hours ago, he would ask if you were back every seven minutes on average."

"What about the last three hours? Was it once a minute?"

"Mr. Stark fell asleep three hours ago. Now he has received the alarm and is rushing down."

"I just heard you say bad things about me?"Tony suddenly popped up from the stairs.

He was wrapped in a white scarf and it was obvious that he had just gotten out of bed and rushed over.

"Look whose Peter Pan is. He finally decided to go home. Did he get wronged outside and come back to complain?"

When Tony saw Leon, his excited expression instantly became extremely lazy. He took a crooked step and fell on a chair.

"Isn't it because they are worried that the empty-nesters at home will be lonely?"

Leon felt a little funny:"I didn't expect that Tony you can't leave me so much. It's only been twelve hours and you've already started calling my name in your dreams. Don't I have to come back quickly?"

"Calling your name in the dream, just kidding……"Tony laughed until he couldn't laugh anymore,"Jarvis said that?"

"What do you think?"


"Watch your language, Tony." Leon sat down at the table next to Tony.

"Sir, I didn't tell Master Leon that you shouted about his sleep talk 17 times in the past three hours. Jarvis complained.

Tony slapped him in the face:"Well, now you tell me"

"Sorry, sir."

Tony turned his neck helplessly and looked at Leon again:"So, you suffered in another world?"

"Why do you say that?"Lyon was puzzled. Jarvis had just said the same thing.

Tony spread his hands and deliberately looked around:"It is very obvious that your Super Mark 1 is lost, along with the Jarvis subsystem inside."

His guess made sense.

After all, when Leon left, he was still wearing the armor, but when he came back, he was alone. Something must have happened.

"So that's what you're talking about." Leon suddenly realized,"I left the armor there on purpose."

"This is the situation in that world……"

He simply recounted his journey through time and what happened in the Resident Evil world.

He just omitted the part about studying the fusion of Kryptonian blood and viruses.

Tony stroked his chin and thought:"World consciousness, and viruses... Very interesting."

"But one thing is strange, you also spent twelve hours in that world?"

"That's right, you mean the speed of time on both sides is the same?" Leon nodded,"I thought of this too, it's amazing, right?"

Tony clapped his hands,"That's the problem!"

He picked up a box and a pencil, and put the pencil into the box.

"You must know that the speed of time flows differently in spaces with different gravitational forces... Come on, don't tell me you don't know!"

Tony was as serious as if he was in class.

Leon nodded in confusion:"Of course I know this, it's the theory of relativity."

According to the theory of general relativity, the greater the gravity in the universe, the slower the flow of time.

"Very good!"Tony pushed the pencil through the box.

He pointed at the pencils on both sides of the box and said,"Suppose this box separates two universes, and this pencil travels through the past."

"The left side of the box has a larger space, while the right side has a smaller space."

At this moment, the two of them were in the front half of the garage, and the size of the space was very appropriate.

"Then!" Tony said,"Assuming that the larger part of the space has a larger mass, and the smaller part has a smaller mass, do you think the speed of time will be the same on both sides?"

Leon was stunned:"No... unless the masses of the two universes are equal, and the mass of the space in the part of the earth where I am is also equal."

"That's right." Tony put down the box and snapped his fingers,"but the probability of this happening is incredibly small. Do you still think it's reasonable that the time flow rate in the two worlds is the same?" There seemed to be a flash of lightning in Leon's mind.

He frowned and suddenly realized.

He thought that the time flow rate in the two worlds should be the same.

In fact, it was because many novels he had read before wrote like this.

So he subconsciously thought so.

However, in fact, it may be his thinking that led to the same speed of time.

Tony looked at Leon with a dazed expression, and continued:"I think that when you travel between the two worlds, you may also be traveling on time nodes."

"It doesn't mean that our world will stop functioning after you leave."

"The vast universe will not stop and wait for you just because of your little energy."

"The truth of the matter is that when you came back, you entered this moment."

"As for when to start, whether it is the moment of leaving or some time after leaving, it should be decided by you."

"And if you choose different time entry points, your own consumption may also be different"

"You need to experiment a few more times yourself."

Tony once again felt the joy of educating his younger brother, and patted Leon's shoulder with pride.

"You have to think more, having a good brain is not enough, you have to think more, kid."Tony looked like a person who had experienced it.

If he were in a different cultural background, he would probably say that he had experienced more than Leon.

Leon looked at Tony helplessly.

"You're awesome this time, okay?" He sighed.

Tony was even happier, humming a tune.

"Well, you can be proud of yourself slowly, I will try again now."Leon chose to let Tony be alone.

""Wait!" Tony stood up suddenly, his white scarf falling off,"You have to take me with you this time, it's only 1% of the energy, one more person doesn't matter!"

"It's very dangerous. Don't let yourself get infected with the virus.……"Leon glanced around and found a triangular light on Tony's chest.

"Huh? You installed the reactor again, so the new element was successfully synthesized?"

Tony smiled proudly:"Yes, you synthesized it two hours after you left."

"I call it Badassium, what do you think?"

Leon's mouth twitched:"How should I put it, it's pretty awesome."

"If your dad knew you named the new element like this, he would definitely get up and punch you."

"Sorry, the old guy has been cremated and can't get up."Tony has a talent for telling hell jokes

"So, will you let me go with you?"

"Hmm... I need to think about it. By the way, who just said that I don’t like to think?"

"Who is it? Who dares to say that to you? Why is this person so annoying?" Tony looked around in a pretentious manner.

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