
Tony fired into the air.

The flare drew an arc trajectory, flew more than 20 meters into the air, and then slowly fell.

The red illumination light was particularly conspicuous in the desert at night, bright enough to clearly illuminate the faces of the two people on the ground.

"Okay, wait a few minutes and someone will come to pick us up." Tony threw down the flare gun.

A flare appeared near the garrison base, and the US side would definitely use satellites to check. Then they would find him here and send a rescue team immediately.

Tony looked at Ethan:"Come with me to the United States, Ethan, and take your family with you."

He could see that Ethan had been hesitant to speak since just now.

Ethan's eyes were a little complicated:"My family is dead. In fact, Tony, I would rather go back to Iran and do my best to help more people in need." The words Tony had just thought of were suddenly stuck in his throat. He realized that the savior in front of him had an even more tragic past.

But in this case, he had to take Ethan to the United States.

"Ethan……"He spoke with a heavy and apologetic tone,"I didn't know... about your family, I'm sorry."

Ethan shook his head to indicate that he didn't mind.

Tony continued,"I can understand your desire to return to your hometown."

He could see that Ethan returned to his hometown with a clear determination to die, and actually wanted to do something to sacrifice his life.

He paused:"But what Leon said before is right, I'm going back this time to help more people"

"What I can contribute to the world"

"It shouldn't just be about making something that explodes."

He tapped the Ark reactor on his chest with his fingertips, his eyes burning:"Ethan, you can come with me, we can better help people who are hurt by violence, and then change the world for the better."

Ethan stared at the Ark reactor in a daze. It was indeed a technology that could change the world. He hesitated a little.


Suddenly, a rumbling engine sound came from afar, and the sound became louder and louder.

A patrol plane approached from afar.

"The flare was sent out only half a minute ago, and the rescue plane arrived?"Ethan couldn't help but exclaimed,"They are so efficient!"

Then he watched the plane fly over his head and fly away into the distance.

"……It doesn't look like a rescue team, it looks like a light patrol plane. I guess they are going to chase Leon, he was discovered by the base."

Tony stared at the fighter plane flying away:"But the speed is not even the speed of sound, they can't catch up with Leon"

"Wait a little longer. Lyon's appearance was too flashy and attracted everyone's attention."

"But next time when I put on the MK armor, I will definitely attract more attention from those rednecks in the military."

Tony took a few steps on the spot:"Of course, there will be yours, you will also have your own set of armor by then."

"Then we can have a team called... MK Team?……"

Three minutes passed as Tony chattered away, and another dense engine sound came faintly from the sky.

It was a formation of three helicopters.

"Oh! Look, our rescue team is here!"

The two men, who were thirsty from the scorching sun, jumped and waved on the ground.

On the other side, as Tony said, Leon was not caught up by the patrol plane.

After all, half a minute was enough for him to fly back and forth several times.

When the patrol plane caught up with him halfway, he had already flown out of Afghanistan with the Mark armor and blueprints.

But unexpectedly, when entering California, Leon was intercepted by another group of fighter planes.

——After finding Tony's treasure in the collapsed cave, he flew to the thermosphere in the outer circle of the atmosphere over Afghanistan with his armor.

Then he accelerated to Mach 50.

In just ten minutes, he crossed half of the earth and returned to North America.

He lowered his altitude above the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, slowed down to below the speed of sound, and flew into California.

The Stark family's mansion is on the west coast of Los Angeles, California.

He only needs to cross the coastal mountains in California to arrive.

But because his speed dropped too much, but not enough, he was photographed by the satellite in the sky as soon as he entered the country.


On the surveillance screen of the US military base, a figure moving at nearly twice the speed of sound over the mountains caught the attention of the operators.

After zooming in, they were surprised to find that it was a small flying unit.

Although the image of the other party was blurred for some reason (covered by the biological force field), it looked very much like a flying humanoid object.

The soldiers immediately reported the situation to their superiors.

"What is that? Get in touch with them and have them land for inspection! Whether it's the CIA or the Navy, let's get this good thing down for us to see first!"The commander said with a serious face.

"Sir, there is no response from the other party's radio!"

"Sir, the CIA and the Navy just contacted us, asking if that flying object is ours and requesting the handover of intelligence!"

"We? We have this little thing that goes nearly twice the speed of sound and lasts a long time?"

"Not yet, sir!"

"Shit! Go to the weapons research department and get Colonel Rhodes over!"

"Colonel Rhodes is in Afghanistan looking for Tonysta, sir!"

"Goddamn! Then give me the database comparison! Radar lock! Satellite lock! Give me the clearest satellite image!"

"Report, sir! No similar records found in database comparison! Target cross section is too small for radar to lock! Satellite image is blurred due to unknown interference! Sir, what should we do?"

"……WTF? Can anyone tell me what this thing is that just appeared out of nowhere and is flying right over our heads?"

"I don’t know, sir!"

"Damn it! Are there any high-altitude surveillance units in the West Coast Mountains? Send them out to shoot this thing down!"

"Yes, sir!"


Lyon was originally flying towards Los Angeles in boredom.

Suddenly, his ears moved, and he turned sideways to look up.

He heard the roar of four engines deviating from the trajectory and approaching him.

""I was spotted by a satellite?" Leon guessed, slowing down to check the situation."Is it because I'm not fast enough that I was spotted? It's really troublesome."

"Flying below the speed of sound is too slow, and low supersonic speeds make it easy for satellites to detect anomalies and lock on immediately."

"Maybe next time I should consider flying at a speed of more than Mach 10."

Then he heard another voice in his ear.

" Target locked!" A pilot shouted over the radio.

"The missile launcher is ready, waiting for the final order!"

The commander of the US military base ordered:"Aim! Shoot! Shoot down that flying object for me!"

"Global Hawk received!"

"Warning command received!"

Four planes dived from high altitude. Although it was still difficult to close the distance with Lyon, it was enough to hit the target with airborne missiles.


Missiles were fired one after another, and the speed climbed to more than Mach 5 in a few seconds, chasing Leon.

Leon looked back, and his eyes saw the missiles spewing flames thousands of meters away through the clouds.

That was a powerful weapon that was enough to destroy any air vehicle.

But for him now, it couldn't even tickle.

So Leon suddenly had an urge to stop and catch the missile, and then walk out of the fire without a speck of dust, shocking the American soldiers. As the saying goes, if you have a body of steel but don't pretend, it's like walking in the night in brocade clothes. Pretending to be cool is a deep desire engraved in human genes.

Abraham Maslow once listed the need to pretend as the fourth level of the five major needs of human beings.

When people are full and have no life-threatening threats, and have a certain degree of social interaction, they will naturally want to pretend.

Leon can't get rid of this worldly desire.

But he thought about it.

For a period of time, after Tony came back He will definitely make a new battle armor to show off.

There is a scene in the movie where Tony fails to show off and is bombed by US missiles.

So, instead of pretending now, it would be better to wait until Tony is smug but slapped in the face by the US military before making his debut.

After all, only by pretending in front of good brothers can you gain the highest level of psychological satisfaction.

Thinking of the expression Tony will show at that time, Leon couldn't help but grin.

Now that he has superhuman abilities, he doesn't want to be a Homelander and say that he doesn't eat beef.

He just wants to continue to strengthen his strength, and then do something that makes him happy in the process of strengthening his strength.

For example - pretending in front of Tony that Tony wants to pretend but can't.

Thinking of this, Leon looked up at the missiles attacking from above the thick clouds, and with a thought, his speed instantly reached Mach 20 and disappeared from the lock of the US satellite.

"What the hell! The target disappeared!" the pilot exclaimed in horror

"Report! The missile missed the target!"

"The target is lost! Repeat, the target is lost! It seems to have stealth function!"

In the US military base, the commander was stunned:"What? Impossible! This is impossible, continue to search the entire area, you must find the other party for me!"

The command room was in chaos.

It can be predicted that the entire Ministry of Defense will be suspicious and uneasy for some time to come.

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