Leon had a premonition, and only had time to open his eyes and wave to Tony. The next second, he disappeared from the spot.

When he disappeared, the space he was in did not even have any fluctuations.

There was no wormhole to suck him away.

There was no door to heaven to open and guide his way.

He was like a picture on a drawing software, which was selected and cut, and then disappeared from the screen in an instant.

There was no trace left.

""Thank you for the generous gift!" Tony exclaimed,"This is unscientific!"

All the instruments on the scene did not move at all, as if this place had not changed from beginning to end.

In Tony's eyes.

Leon's disappearance was like a drop of sea water evaporating from the ocean, without causing any waves.

Tony ran madly to Leon's previous position and looked up and down.

He felt that his worldview was challenged again.

How could traveling through the world be so silent? This is not scientific at all!

But what made him even more uncomfortable was actually another thing.

"Leon, you have to come back soon!"As soon as Leon left, Tony felt extremely uncomfortable.


Leon felt as if he had entered a void.

He was pushed by a force, moving in this void.

He couldn't open his eyes or speak, and felt like an ant that accidentally fell into the river and was drifting with the current.

But this description is not quite right.

He didn't actually feel restrained, he just couldn't move, and kept moving forward.

In this way, it was more like a vegetative person being sent to the hospital in an ambulance.

But this feeling did not last long.

At a certain moment, Leon felt that he had passed through a thin film like the surface of water.

He could even feel the ripples caused by this film because of himself.

Then the world spun around.

There was a sense of reality under his feet, and Leon regained control of his body.

He opened his eyes, and the power of the armor that had been turned off at some point was restarted at the same time, and the eyes on the mask lit up faintly.

"Is this... a world at war?"

The first scene that caught my eye was a raging fire climbing up the high-rise buildings.

All the surrounding buildings were ablaze, and the stars gathered together to burn the entire night sky red.

Broken glass, collapsed road signs, and cars with their front ends sunk in and doors torn apart after a collision.

There were also helicopters with lighting searchlights hovering above the buildings.

This was probably a city at war.

Perhaps it had just been bombarded.

The empty cars stuck in the middle of the road showed the panic of people fleeing.

Jarvis came online at this time:"Master Leon, are you okay? It seems that when we were in the garage, for unknown reasons, the circuit systems of the armor all stopped running."

"I'm fine, we have arrived in another world now, Jarvis."

Leon looked around,"You stopped running because of time travel, don't worry, try to connect to the network first."

Jarvis's task is to collect information online.

Lyon stood there, closed his eyes, and revoked all the brain's suppression of super hearing.

Suddenly, sounds from all over the world came one after another.

The sound of wind, fire, screams, countless sounds revolved around him like a kaleidoscope.

At this moment, the sound seemed to have a shape, and each tone represented a picture.

He quickly found useful information in these sounds.

"Wesker, welcome to HCF, you are now our battlefield commander!"

"Marvin! Guard the West Gate!"

"Chris! Jill and Brad are in danger now, I need to go back to them!"

"Tell Ada Wong that we must get the G virus!"


Countless sounds were reduced to the most valuable few.

Leon suddenly opened his eyes.

"It turns out that this is the world of the Resident Evil game, and I am in Raccoon City."

He recalled the plot he had seen in his previous life and made a judgment:"This world does not pose a threat to me."

"But it’s strange, how is the search process for the ability to travel through time and space carried out? Does this world really meet the requirements?"

"The treatment of severed limbs can be solved by using a virus unique to the world. Even if it may turn into a zombie, it does solve the problem."

"But will this world help me improve my strength?"

Leon was confused and felt it was a bit ridiculous.

"The so-called T-virus, G-virus, and bacteria master will actually reduce the physical fitness of Kryptonians."

"Hmm...wait, strictly speaking, there is another way in this world that can improve my strength."

Lion looked up at the night sky that was burned red by the fire, and suddenly realized

"There is also a yellow sun"

"So that's it, yellow sun can improve my strength... Damn, what's the use of this! Marvel Earth has a yellow sun, am I here to experience sunbathing in a different world?"

Leon realized that the keywords he determined were not rigorous, so there were some problems with the final result of the crossing.

"Next time I have to change the keywords to"improving genetic potential" or"having ways to become stronger besides sun exposure""

"Forget it, just take it as a way to accumulate experience, Jarvis, no need to collect information on the Internet, let's go back……"

Lyon was just about to leave the biochemical world and go home.

Suddenly, an invisible wave descended, sweeping across his body from top to bottom.

Lyon was startled, and before he could react, he felt a coolness in his brain.

It was as if an invisible hand had fallen down and quickly performed a beauty SPA on his cerebral cortex.

He felt refreshed for a moment, and felt that his brain seemed to have been slightly optimized in some aspects.

This external wave was completely beneficial to him, so that the steel body did not make any resistance.

What is going on?

Doubts arose in Lyon's mind.

Although he felt that what had just happened to him was a good thing.

But this inexplicable good thing made him alert.

Fortunately, the other party did not give a gift in vain.

Lyon was wondering, and suddenly through his ability to travel through the world, he discovered a strange wave.

He subconsciously activated the ability.

Suddenly, an obscure and unspeakable message, through resonance with the shuttle ability, drilled into his mind.

Lyon touched his forehead.

It seemed that there was an invisible ghost connected to his brain waves and spoke directly to his brain.

【Gift, salvation, doomsday, evolution, creatures, more、#%@*&……】

The message was very obscure. Leon mobilized his super brain to think tens of millions of times in one second, but only parsed six words.

It was as if the person who transmitted the message had no self-awareness. He just shared his instinctive tendencies or desires with him. This strange setting


"Why does it look a bit like world consciousness?"

Leon stroked his chin,"Is the world consciousness of Resident Evil asking me for help?"

This seems to make sense.

He first connected to the biochemical world through the ability to travel through the world, and then traveled through.

The biochemical world can naturally use this ability as a bridge to send him communication information.

Although the other party seems to have only instincts and no consciousness. It is even unclear whether it is world consciousness or not. It may just be a collection of human pan-consciousness.

However, the other party has given benefits after all.

The"gift" in that message probably refers to the brain SPA just now.

Lyon felt very comfortable with this style of giving gifts first and then asking for help.

He thought about it.

Although he did not reach out to take it.

But since the other party was so enthusiastic that he stuffed the gift directly into his pocket.

It is not impossible to consider helping the little brother in the biochemical world!

It just so happens that he also has to study what benefits he has obtained.

But before that, he has to think carefully about what kind of help the little brother wants.

After all, there are only a few ambiguous words, which is really...


While Lyon was thinking, there was a violent explosion on the rooftop of the building above his head.

The rumbling sound of the explosion attracted his attention.

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