After the girls left one after another, Leon turned back to look at Natasha and her sister who was planning to take the opportunity to slip away.

From the moment Leon spoke the first sentence in Russian, Yelena's face became embarrassed.

She thought Superman only spoke English and seemed to know a little Chinese at most, but she didn't expect that he could even speak Russian.

She thought she would have a brand new life after she regained consciousness.

Unexpectedly, she faced her first social death.

Yelena just wanted to roll on the ground and disappear here as soon as possible.

But when she tried to get away with it, she was stopped by Leon.

""Natasha, Yelena, you stay here first."

Natasha stopped without any doubt.

Yelena was stiff all over, pointing at herself with a wry smile:"Should I stay, too?"

"I think so."Leon smiled and nodded.

He deliberately puffed out his chest.

"You've been talking about my muscles, so I thought I'd give you a chance."

"Ah?" Yelena took a step back unexpectedly, and after hesitating, she actually stretched out her right hand,"So, I, can I try to touch it?"

Natasha's face darkened, and she slapped Yelena on the back of her head,"What are you thinking about when you wake up?"

Yelena held her head and felt wronged,"It was the boss who said he could give me a chance.……"

She naturally put Leon's younger brother in his place.

Leon shook his head speechlessly. How could a girl of Yelena's age have so many bizarre ideas?

He said to the screen:"Jarvis, send the information of the Widow agents scattered around the world to them two."


Natasha and the other person walked behind Leon and looked at the portraits of people from all over the world marked on the screen, vaguely realizing why Leon called them.

"So you want the two of us to lead the other widows?" Natasha asked

"That's right," Leon nodded,"Yelena, as the two previous Black Widows, you two are the most suitable to be their leaders."

"Huh? Black Widow? But I'm not.……"Yelena touched the back of her head, feeling confused.

"You are not?" Leon was stunned.

In the original world line, Yelena surpassed all the records left by Natasha and became the new generation of Black Widow.

Unexpectedly, she is not yet.

Natasha smiled and said,"She was about to succeed, but those records were refreshed by me a year ago."

Leon suddenly realized that this is the extension of the butterfly effect

"Thank you for the generous gift! No wonder my training volume was doubled at that time! Do you know that it almost killed me!"

Yelena grabbed her hair frantically.

As she spoke, she rushed forward and wanted to hug and throw Natasha, but was quickly suppressed.

"Leon, ignore her. Just tell me what you want us to do."Natasha said, pressing on Yelena

"……After the matter here is over, you will lead others to rescue the widows marked on the map."

"After injecting the inhibitor, they were given the same choice"

"Those who are willing to join should be brought to see me, and those who are not willing to join will have their files destroyed."

"Okay, I will complete the task as soon as possible." Natasha nodded solemnly, gratitude in her eyes.

Her biggest wish before was to allow other Widow agents to have their own lives.

And now, because of Leon, this wish is about to come true.

Natasha felt that she owed this man more and more, and she was almost unable to pay it back.

Leon put his hands on the table:"But this is just the preliminary preparation work. After you finish, I will give you more important tasks."

"Boss, what is the mission? Are we going to save the world? Or are we going to fight against the evil dark forces?"

Elena shouted excitedly even though she was suppressed under Natasha.

"Shut up!"Natasha twisted her sister's arm and Yelena screamed and was defeated.

"Boss, save me, Boss, Natasha bullies me because of her age!" She turned and started to cry.

Leon's eyelids twitched. Why didn't he remember Yelena being so jumpy in the movie?

"How old is she this year?"He couldn't help asking Natasha.

Isn't this a child laborer?

"Born in 1988, she is 20 years old. Natasha remembers her sister's birthday very clearly.

"Bigger than me?"Leon was speechless and ignored Yelena.

This girl must have been trapped in a cage for a long time. After she was suddenly freed, her mind became active. Just ignore her.

"Boss, you, don't turn around, look at me, Natasha relies on the fact that she is four years older than me and she...ah!" Yelena was punished by Natasha again.

With tears in her eyes, she tried pitifully to move her boss with her eyes.

However, Leon only left her with a ruthless back.

Natasha shook her head helplessly, and asked:"Can't you tell us about that mission in advance?"

"There is nothing to keep secret. The mission is actually very simple."

"Let the Widow Agents around the world spread some evidence through their own channels."

Leon's face was reflected in the dim light of the screen:"Some evidence that an evil organization that should have disappeared in history still exists and has taken root in the world."

"What organization?" Natasha's pupils dilated.

"Hydra." Leon uttered a few words

"Hydra? The organization that Captain America destroyed still exists!? Oh my god, are we really going to save the world? That's amazing!……"Yelena spoke again.

Natasha also stared at Leon, waiting for him to tell more details.

Leon smiled and said,"You have heard of an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D.……"

In the next few minutes,

Leon gave them a detailed account of the resurrection process of Hydra.

The sisters were deeply shocked in just a few minutes.

They thought that the Red House was the most hidden and darkest organization in the world.

But they didn't expect that there is always someone better than you.

Hydra can even occupy S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"This SHIELD is the biggest cancer in the world!" Natasha, who was supposed to work at SHIELD, said this

"Yes, you are right!" Leon could hardly suppress the smile on his face.

Looking at Natasha, who was Nick Fury's confidant in the movie, but now looked like a black-boiled egg that should be taken to the guillotine.

He felt a subtle sense of pleasure in his heart.

Ahem, he was still wearing a Superman uniform, he shouldn't have such thoughts, it was a sin, he would have to wait until he got home and took off his suit before laughing again.

Soon Natasha took Yelena out of the command room.

The expressions of the two sisters were completely different.

Natasha's face was solemn, but she was full of fighting spirit.

She thought that with her hands stained with blood, what she was most willing to do was to save the world and make up for her own sins.

Even if she had to sacrifice for it, she would feel willing.

In other words, after experiencing After so many things happened, she was originally self-destructive, but she wanted to do more to make up for her mistakes before she died.

But Yelena was different. She was so excited that she almost jumped up. She was still chattering as she walked out, saying that she was going to be a hero.

But no matter how the two reacted.

They felt more and more in their hearts that the organization that Leon was about to establish would be a great organization that worked in the darkness and served the light.

However, if Leon could hear what they said in their hearts, he would definitely laugh out loud while clapping his hands on the table.

After all, his original intention of establishing the organization was just to make the Widow agents work for him better.

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