"I don't think I came at the right time." She pointed to the door outside the two people who were looking at her at the same time.

"Natasha! You! You're the one who brought Superman here! You damn bitch!……"


Drekov was furious when he saw Natasha and started to curse.

But before he could finish his words, Leon slapped him on the back of his head, causing his head to hit the table and his brains to splatter.

"This guy talks too much, and he looks like a beast in human clothing, which makes people want to slap him."

Leon reached out and wiped the blood splattered on Drekov's clothes.

He tilted his head to Natasha:"You don't mind if I kill him, right?"

Natasha shrugged indifferently:"I wanted to do that a long time ago."

"But how did you do it? It was the pheromone he just mentioned."

She walked towards Leon,"That pheromone can make people unable to attack him. We have all experienced it. Why are you not affected?"

Leon grabbed Drekov's collar and threw him to the ground, his eyes shooting heat rays.���Instantly burn the mastermind behind the scenes to ashes

"Abnormal pheromones can't even exist for a second in my body, how can they affect me?"Leon brushed off the non-existent dust on his hands,"This guy is just crazy."

Unless it is mental or magical control.

Otherwise, want to control a Kryptonian who has been exposed to the sun for more than half a year?

This level is too far away.

Natasha looked at her former boss who turned into dust on the ground and opened her mouth slightly.

"Heat rays, ha, another amazing new ability"

"I'm almost used to being shocked by the new things you show me"

"Treasure boy, how are you going to scare me next time?"

She laughed silently,"But before that, you can tell me how you want me to repay you, and I will agree to any condition."

"Natasha, do you know that your tone now is like a 30-year-old working woman who goes to a bar after work at night to find a handsome male model to relieve fatigue?"

There is a huge screen in the room.

On the desk opposite the screen, there is an embedded control panel.

Leon walked to the desk and tried to operate on the panel.

"If you want to repay me, let the widows come and work for me."

"But the first step is to free widows from the control they are under around the world."

"I'm happy to help." Natasha went to Leon's side and watched his movements.

"Then I'll go check on the widows on the aircraft carrier."

"It's up to you to crack the system and find a list of widows from all over the world, okay?"

"It's very simple."As soon as Leon finished speaking, a red interface suddenly popped up on the screen, prompting that palm print recognition was required to unlock.

"Palm print recognition?"

Leon tried several times but couldn't crack it.

"……I seemed to be a little impulsive just now. Drekov should wait until later to die."

He took out his mobile phone instead:"But I still have Jarvis, he can handle this system."

Leon connected the mobile phone and the control panel with a data cable, and soon Jarvis' voice appeared on the loudspeaker in the room.

"Master Leon, Mr. Stark asked me to ask you if you will be home tonight?" Jarvis's first sentence was very explosive.

Leon's face was dark:"No, tell him not to mess around when I'm not at home, otherwise I will ask Pepper to urge him to go to work tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Stark what you said."

Jarvis paused, and then said,"He asked me to tell you the same thing. If you don't come home at night, remember to take safety measures and be careful not to be cheated by bad people."

Leon slapped himself in the face:"Let him take care of himself first, a childish old ghost, who thinks I'm a child all day long. Come on, I was more mature than him when I was three years old."

"Phew~cough cough……"Natasha couldn't help laughing.

Leon gave him a death stare, and Natasha tucked her red hair behind her ears and looked away.

"Next time I introduce you to Tony, that childish guy, you will definitely find him very boring." Leon curled his lips.

He turned his head and prepared to let Jarvis start to crack the Red Room system.

But he suddenly felt a warm touch on his side face, and it disappeared as soon as it was touched.

Following his gaze, Natasha turned her back to him and retreated to the door, waving her hand:"To be honest, I only need to know one childish Stark."

Natasha ran away after she finished speaking, and disappeared around the corner outside the door.

Leon was stunned:"Another childish guy?"

At this time, Jarvis, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said:"Congratulations, Master Leon"

"Congratulations to me for what?"Leon was puzzled.

"Congratulations on finding your fourth girlfriend."

Jarvis said

"Your first three girlfriends only dated for half a month before breaking up with you because they got a check from Mr. Stark."

"I hope you can have a long-lasting relationship this time."

Leon's memories were brought back.

He closed his eyes in anger:"That's because Tony always thought I would be cheated of love and money, and said that emotions should only stay on the physical level.!"

"Every time I just got a girlfriend and the girls had only spent a few nights with me, he would wave the check!"

"Fuck, he is killing my youth!"

"But it turns out that those girls are really after your money. Jarvis is supporting Tony.

"Mr. Stark just did what Miss Pepper would normally do for him."

Leon pouted:"Every time it's a check for one million dollars, whoever comes here will have to break up."

"So are you going to stop Mr. Stark from paying for your breakup this time?"

"No, because Natasha and I can never be together."

Leon glanced at the corner, where Natasha was still hiding and eavesdropping.

"But your relationship seems to be going well." Jarvis' code could not understand complex emotions.

Leon shook his head:"This is different."

He explained:"From the beginning I knew that all Natasha needed was a sense of belonging."

"She has lived in a tragic environment since she was a child."

"Her adoptive parents are undercover agents pretending to be a couple, and the so-called family affection is just a castle in the air"

"When the fake family was broken up, she was sent to the Red House for training and transformation."

"The painful training and tormenting career as a killer made her feel lost in her identity."

"She is like a duckweed floating in the sea"

"What this duckweed lacks the most is actually a mudflat where it can stop and take root."

"It would be best if there were other duckweed on the beach. Everyone might be wobbly, but it would be lively."

"The beach is actually a place of belonging. It is not just one person, but a family with brothers and sisters."

"So Natasha doesn't need a lover, she needs a place where she can feel like she belongs"

"We won't be together."

Lyon, who knows all of Natasha's past and future, knows it very well.

Natasha will certainly have people she loves and good friends.

But she will keep a proper distance from everyone.

That sense of alienation is her disguise to protect herself. It is also her reliance on maintaining relationships.


Suddenly there was a sound of an object falling outside the house, followed by a messy sound of footsteps that gradually faded away.

It was obvious that Natasha was told about her secrets, and she left in a panic.

"��Master Ang, Miss Natasha was outside just now. Jarvis reminded

"I know."Leon nodded.

"You know her well, do you like her but are afraid to get close to her?"

"My Jarvis! Only Tony would do something like what you said. I only admire Natasha."

"So you don't plan to be with her??"

"My relationship with her can be simpler, for example, we can talk about our worries together in the dead of night."

"According to Mr. Stark's behavioral logic, all the things we talk about at night will become noise-making activities."

"That’s the logic."

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