The wind from the sky blew Natasha's red hair, but she didn't feel cold.

She held Leon's hand tightly and looked at the fish-like lights below.

"It's amazing, you just took me flying!" She reached out to touch the clouds surrounding them, and mist passed through her fingers.

In Stark's mansion, after Leon made sure Natasha was ready, he grabbed her hand and soared into the sky and flew into the clouds.

The acceleration that broke the speed of sound and exploded the sound barrier in one second.

Even with Natasha's calmness, she couldn't help but scream in fear.

In the past 24 years, she had experienced the most difficult training, flew the fastest planes, disguised as the most luxurious nobles, and could be said to have seen most of the scenery in the world.

But it was her first time to experience supersonic flight without protection.

"This place is at least a thousand meters above the ground, why can I still breathe and speak normally, and not be injured by the high-speed wind?"She looked around, everything was new and strange.

"Because I released the biological force field." Leon did not explain in detail.

He looked up at the sky and said,"The altitude here is too low. If we go faster, it will easily affect the environment. We have to fly higher!"

"How high can it fly?"Natasha was surprised.

"You will know in a moment!"Leon took Natasha and accelerated again, rushing into the sky.

""Oh!!!" Natasha had adapted quickly.

She even shouted loudly when she passed through the clouds and encountered the strong wind, just like riding a roller coaster in an amusement park.

The two of them rose all the way to the stratosphere.

At this time, the moonlight was out.

Below them were layers of flat clouds.

The moonlight reflected and jumped on the surface of the clouds, adding a bluish-white color to the bottom of the dark stratosphere.

Natasha looked down at the clouds under the moon.

The boundless bluish-white sea of clouds led all the way to the sky, with no end, and no reference points to find the direction.

She suddenly remembered.

When she was flying a fighter in the stratosphere before, she could use satellite positioning to determine the direction and position.

But flying with the flesh, there is no navigation!

""Leon! Do you know where to fly?" Natasha turned her head and asked Leon loudly.

Leon was stunned and looked at her strangely:"Of course I know, why, do you want to show me the way and tell me where the red house is?"

"……"Natasha looked at Leon, was silent for a few seconds, and found a question again,"If I say I don’t know the location of the red house, can you find it?"

"You received training there, were controlled, and then handed over the mission, but you didn't know where it was?" Leon's eyes became even more strange. Natasha looked innocent:"The Red House is an intelligence agency left over from the 1990s and cannot be known to the world."

"It can only rely on the girls who have been controlled and trained since childhood to maintain its operation."

"To ensure privacy and security"

"Every time we return from a mission, we are injected with sedatives"

"So... I really don't know where it is"

"But maybe someone knows."

Natasha fell into reminiscence,"I once had an adopted father, a second-generation Red Guardian, similar to the Soviet Captain America. He must know something. Let's go find him.……"

"No thanks." Leon interrupted Natasha

"It's better for you to reunite with your adoptive parents by yourself after you are free."

"Otherwise, how can I, an outsider stuck in the middle, cry and tell them my true feelings?"

It was not difficult for him to find the Red House, so there was no need to ask for directions.

Besides, Natasha's adoptive father Alexi was a funny guy in the movie.

In addition to providing a family home for Natasha and her sister Yelena, this adoptive father had no other role. He knew nothing about the situation in the Red House.

"So how do you plan to find the Red House? Using your AI butler, the one called... Jarvis?" Natasha asked

"No, I use my eyes and ears to find it." Leon's sight traveled across half the world and had already locked onto the red house.

Natasha opened her eyes wide after a brief moment of confusion:"Super hearing and super vision? You even have these two abilities! ?"

"When you saw me wearing Superman's uniform, didn't you guess that my abilities would be the same as Superman's?" Leon asked back

"Many people would guess so, but it's too incredible, no one wants to believe it!"

Natasha looked at Leon carefully again.

"So you really are like Superman... Are you a Kryptonian? Or are you a fan of Superman and gave yourself such power through experiments?"

She even analyzed:"The previous generation of Stark participated in the research of super soldier serum, so it seems reasonable for the current generation of Stark to research superman serum."

"Your reasonable range is the difference between the sky and the ground."Leon complained

"So how did you become a superman?" Natasha's eyes were filled with curiosity."There is nothing abnormal in your blood test records."

"You will have a chance to know it later."Leon smiled mysteriously.

Suddenly his ears moved and his eyes fixed.

"Hold on tight, I can hear your boss in the red room getting mad because he can't contact you, we have to speed up!"

"Are you going to send me back before he gets over his rage?" Natasha smiled secretly,"He will definitely thank you."

"That's great. I'm looking forward to his expression now."

Leon suddenly accelerated, and the huge air pressure tore through the sky and pushed away the sea of clouds.

Natasha felt it all in amazement.

Under the cover of the bio-force field, the wind pressure that was enough to cut through steel blew on her face, but it became as gentle as the spring breeze.

She felt like she was wearing VR equipment and experiencing the flight process of an intercontinental missile.

The vision and touch were completely separated.

""Oh my God, this is amazing!" she exclaimed again.

The speed of the two quickly exceeded Mach 50, crossing a height of more than ten kilometers every second.

There were only clouds and thin air in the stratosphere, and there was no reference point.

But Natasha soon found that the North Star in the starry sky was constantly approaching her head.

"Are we going to the North Pole? The Red House is in the Arctic Circle?"She suddenly asked.

The closer you get to the North Pole, the closer the North Star will be to the top of your head.

"To be precise, it's above the Arctic Ocean...! We're almost there!"

Leon started to slow down and dive with Natasha. We

're almost there!

Hearing this, Natasha became nervous as she looked at the rapidly approaching clouds.

She had never seen the full picture of the Red House in all these years, and this building was always mysterious in her heart.

It was like a high wall that separated her from the world, representing death and indifference.

But now she was finally going to see it, and with the divine soldiers sent from the sky, Leon was her biggest support.

She knew that facing the power of a superman, the Red House was powerless to resist, and today was destined to be the day that would put an end to her past life.

But the more she understood this, the more nervous she became.

What she thought of in her mind was not the destruction of the Red House or the revenge. The pleasure of revenge.

In her heart, it was actually just a mission, something she had to do, even if she had to die for it, she would be willing to do it.

And now that this mission was about to be completed, it seemed that her life would have no other meaning except for the blood debt.

At this moment, Natasha was like a puppy that was about to be sent out of a pet store. She no longer had to be locked in a cage all day, watching the travelers coming and going with hope in her eyes.

She would be free, but she would also face a world she had never seen before.

From now on, she could feel and touch the afternoon sun and the green grass of summer.

But her eyes that had not seen the light for a long time could not see the daytime, and her muddy hands dared not touch the green grass.

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