After Leon got rid of a bunch of satellites, it was almost 1pm in Los Angeles time when he returned home.

He simply made a few fried eggs with pasta for lunch.

As for Tony, as he said before, he had not returned home even after fighting with the Ten Rings until dinner time.

So Leon naturally tested the thrust in the basement, then flew into space and began to bask in the sun.

——He and Tony worked out an experimental plan to predict the upper limit of Kryptonian bloodline growth.

The specific process is that he tests the thrust once before going to the sun every day, and tests it again after going to the sun.

And repeat this process for a month, keeping the sunbathing time the same each time.

In this way, the two can use Jarvis to build a rough model.

In this way, the upper limit of Leon's physical enhancement is estimated.

Such a simple test, of course, Leon readily agreed.

Besides, the time spent in the sun every day has always been the moment he looks forward to and is happiest.

——Facing the sun in space is like being immersed in a hot spring, and the sound of blood flowing is like the gurgling sound of spring water.

At that moment, he could always feel his strength increasing rapidly.

Its speed is so fast and turbulent, just like the fish rushing into the stream after the rivers thaw in spring.

Moreover, based on the experience of the past few days, the speed of this strengthening is still getting faster and faster.

Leon understands that if the effect of a person's exercise is an arc that rises first and then falls.

Then he is in the rising stage at this time.

From the perspective of the overall growth stage of Kryptonians, it may also be defined as a"weak" period of rapid strengthening.

Reflected in the numerical value.

After a few more days of sun exposure, Leon's whole body thrust has reached a huge 400,000 tons.

This speed of strengthening makes Leon happy every second of sun exposure, as if he has taken a ton of dopamine.

That kind of pleasure is like hitting a certain kind of shiver that will make people enter the sage mode, and it hits one after another without stopping.


Just when he was feeling so comfortable that he couldn't help himself, Jarvis sounded the end of time.

Leon reluctantly opened his eyes, flew out of the manned spacecraft, and prepared to go home for dinner.

Now, this spacecraft, which was originally used to protect him so that he could bask in the sun safely, has become his"park" where he stays temporarily every day.

It is stranded in space and is used specifically as a place to bask in the sun.

After all, if he basks in the sun directly in a vacuum, he will be easily discovered by satellites from various countries.

Then a large group of satellites will gather around him, surrounding him like a gorilla in a zoo, which is very annoying.

Leon returned home quickly.

After completing a set of thrust tests,

Jarvis suddenly reminded:"Master Leon, Mr. Stark was chased by the Eagle flight formation on his return journey. Do you want to go to support him?"

"Tony was being chased? Where is he?"Leon was stunned.

"In the West Coast Mountains"

"Hmm? Isn't that the place where I was chased by the reconnaissance plane last time... I see."

Leon smiled with gloating.

Finally, it was the familiar part of the movie.

Tony must have flown into California from the eastern Pacific Ocean and was directly photographed by the military airspace satellite.

"Master Leon, Mr. Stark's condition is not optimistic at the moment. This is the footage from the scene."

Jarvis popped up a projection in front of Leon.

The footage was Tony's first-person perspective.

One after another, fighter planes were flying down from the thick clouds.

There were more than a dozen of them, enough to fight a small battle.

Leon could hear Tony muttering"shit" in the video, and then his vision turned 180 degrees, ready to run away.

The next moment, countless projectiles flew past him.

The video also began to shake, and it was obvious that Tony had been hit hard by a burst of bullets from the onboard machine gun.

"It looks like the Air Force is going to teach me a lesson."Leon raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't too worried.

"I remember that the current Mark III has a maximum speed of more than Mach 8, so it should be easy for Tony to escape, right?"

He touched his chin:"Could it be that he is confident and plans to fight the Air Force?"

"That's not the case, Master Lyon."

Jarvis explained:"With Mr. Stark's physical fitness, the time it can support the armor to burst out at the fastest speed is actually very short."

"If it exceeds a certain time, his heart will explode due to the excessive pressure."

"Normally, the average speed of the Mark III would be maintained at around Mach 2, but this would also continue to consume Mr. Stark's physical strength."

Leon couldn't help laughing:"That is to say, after defeating the Ten Rings Gang, he was exhausted and couldn't speed up, right?"

"You are right."Jarvis said

"Then why hasn't he asked me for help?"

"Mr. Stark only asked me to send you this video."

"I understand, this guy is just being stubborn."

Leon moved his shoulders and said,"However, even though he was so shy to ask for help, how could I not save him? After all, he is my dearest friend, don't you think so, Jarvis?"

"Of course, legally speaking, you and Mr. Stark are currently the closest people to each other." Jarvis failed to understand the sarcasm in Lyon's words.

Lyon smiled and said,"Help me prepare the Mark II. I want to teach Tony a good lesson!"

"You don't wear Superman's suit? The Iron Man suit seems to only limit your strength."

"Wearing armor is better for class."

He had been thinking about showing off when Tony was defeated, and now the opportunity has come.

Leon's sight passed through the West Coast Mountains.

Tony was now shuttling through the locks of several airborne missiles, like a petrel flying through a storm.

The beautiful and luxurious golden-red armor had now mostly turned black.

It was covered with bullet holes and scratches, just like a kebab just off the grill.

"Look at our Uncle Tony, how badly he was bullied."Leon walked towards the garage.

"There is no time to mourn for Tony, it is time for the hero Leon to come out and save the day."


At the same time, in the military command room, the senior officials who had held a meeting to discuss the"Afghan Superman" a few hours ago gathered together again.

They were all looking at the satellite images on the projection screen.

It showed the golden-red armor that was almost hit by a missile and was twisted left and right, and the blue-red armor that was covering it.

"They are not Superman."Rhode made a judgment,"These are just two humanoid exoskeleton mechas. Superman can definitely destroy our flying formation easily."

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