"Refuse for now. Tell him I'm busy. If he wants revenge, he can fly west and find the Ten Rings Gang in other areas."

Leon flew to the nearest Eagle garrison base.

There are seven bases like this in and around Afghanistan.

In the next few years, there will be 19 more.

So many bases have been built around a small and backward country. It can be said that the Eagle sauce has other intentions, and its wolfish ambitions are obvious.

On this trip to Afghanistan, Leon originally planned to destroy the Ten Rings Gang, and the follow-up plans would be left for the future and slowly advanced.

But the little girl he met at the beginning of the night made him change his mind.

After all, he was here, and it was the middle of the night. It would be a shame to not do something by the way.

Although the eagle in the Marvel world is not exactly the same as the one in the previous life.

But Leon couldn't help but want to trim the claws of this bald eagle.

When he landed over the base, the air defense alarm quickly rang in every barracks.

These well-trained soldiers are more vigilant and more efficient than terrorists.

Before Leon made any offensive moves, the muzzles of machine guns were aimed at him.

The communication equipment outside the base began to threaten:"Intruders, land now! Stop where you are! Otherwise we will open fire immediately!"

The arrogant tone, the quickly assembled army, and the uniform muzzles of the guns made Leon sneer.

He did not consider the option of peaceful negotiation.

When dealing with a group of bandits, it is only time to speak after they have been subdued and hurt.

Leon slightly straightened his chest, inhaled and exhaled cold air.

He chose to use freezing breath to deal with the enemy.

""Whoosh!" A strong wind suddenly blew up.

The bone-chilling cold wind swept through every corner of the military base in an instant.

Following the cold wind, layers of ice spread rapidly.

Layers of ice climbed on the surface of the base buildings like vines, invading the interior and freezing all weapons and ammunition.

Even the troops in the camp were not immune.

Soldiers soon turned into ice men.

But the ice on their bodies was much thinner.

When the entire base was wrapped in ice, it became as frosty and crystal clear as the ice castle in fairy tales.

Leon stopped.

He nodded with satisfaction, then raised his fist and punched hard on the wall of the base.

It looked like just a light punch, not painful or itchy, and could not cause any waves.


However, circles of fine cracks immediately spread along the striking point and quickly spread throughout the entire building.

When the cracks became dense to a certain critical point, the wall under Leon's fist collapsed and shattered instantly, breaking into debris wrapped in ice.

The collapse of this part of the wall was like the first domino to fall.

Soon the surrounding walls also began to break, and the entire garrison base fell into a chain reaction.

The walls, which had become extremely fragile due to low temperature freezing, could not resist the conduction of this force at all.

Buildings collapsed one after another.

What a spectacular scene.

With Leon as the starting point, all the base buildings and the items inside the buildings collapsed into ruins one after another.

But the sound of the building collapse was not dull, but was particularly pleasant because of the knocking of ice.

For a moment, the sounds of solid objects breaking and ice colliding came one after another, like millions of jade stones breaking and phoenixes singing.

When everything was broken, the huge base complex had become wreckage all over the ground.

Various fragments with rugged cracks reflected the moonlight at night in the ice.

Lyon landed on the ground and stepped on the ruins, making a crisp sound of crackling.

Directly in front of him was the only thing left in this garrison base-the Eagle soldiers.

Thousands of soldiers lost consciousness in the ice. Although they will definitely have roots of illness in the future, at least their lives are safe.

Lyon's control of power is extremely precise.

He destroyed all the base buildings and weapons and ammunition, but he was able to not hurt the soldiers inside the base.

Even the hidden injuries left to these people were intentional"small punishments and big warnings.""

"Asking for trouble."

Leon whispered, his eyes quickly turned red, and he shot out heat rays.

However, the highest temperature could exceed the temperature of the sun's surface, enough to burn everything in the world.

At this time, the heat rays swept across the ice sculptures of the soldiers, but only barely thawed them.

What a delicate control!

"Phew! Phew! So, so cold!"

"He, he is a superman! There is actually a superman in this world?!"

"We just provoked Superman!?" As soon as the soldiers thawed, they all collapsed to the ground, hugging their own bodies or others' bodies, rubbing them hard to generate heat.

They looked at Leon standing on the ruins, and dared not breathe.

Even the lieutenant colonels with three-bar epaulettes on their shoulders in the crowd did not dare to say a single arrogant word at this time.

"Now, I formally inform you that you must withdraw from Asia within a week, otherwise I will come again, don't say I didn't warn you!"

The ice under Lyon's feet reflected a faint blue light under the moonlight.

In the eyes of all the soldiers, Lyon at this moment was like a cold blade, hanging over their heads and ready to chop down at any time.

There was silence in the crowd, no one answered, no one dared to speak.

Lyon did not wait for an answer.

After leaving a warning, he took off and left.

These big-headed soldiers, as well as a few middle-level officers among them, did not have the power to respond to requests such as withdrawal.

He had to continue to demonstrate his strength in order to make the Eagles hesitate temporarily.

And if he wanted to completely resolve subsequent disputes, he would have to wait until he dealt with Hydra and resisted a nuclear bomb.

"The next target is 26 kilometers to the east, try to solve it within one minute!"Lyon accelerated suddenly in the air.

At the first base, he seemed to have done a lot of things and spent a lot of time.

But in fact, from the time he flew above the base to the time he destroyed the base and left. It actually took less than three minutes.

So Lyon planned to solve all the Eagle bases before the seven or eight satellites above his head could react.

That's right, in the past hour, more and more satellites have been monitoring over Lyon's head.

First, there were two high-precision satellites added by the Eagle.

Then the rabbit next door saw that something was wrong with the neighbor and sent one.

Then slowly, the five permanent members came, and a group of satellites were as lively as a meeting above his head.

Lyon didn't mind it at all.

He even wished that every country would broadcast live, so that the people who had suffered from the Eagle for a long time could see how he solved the Eagle base.


On the other side, Tony was still on his way to the scene

"Jarvis, what do you mean by Leon not answering my call and going to cause trouble at the military base by himself?"

Tony communicated with Jarvis while flying:"That's what I should have done!"

"Sir, do you mean that you are also planning to attack the Eagle Sauce base?" Jarvis asked

"Raid? Your word is not accurate. It should be to help them relieve the anxiety of excess ammunition!"

"I understand. You intend to do the same as Master Leon, destroy the Eagle's firepower and drive them out of this area."

"That guy is going to do this?" Tony curled his lips,"He always steals my work!"

"I came to ask for an explanation because the Eagles sent Jericho to a terrorist organization without authorization. What's his reason?"

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