As the night deepened, the tipsy Rod and Ethan were taken away.

Only Pepper, Tony and Leon were left in the mansion.

Leon sat on the sofa after having a good meal and a good drink, looking out the window at the ups and downs of the sea level, his mind wandering.

Tony looked at Pepper who was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen, and then at Leon who was in a daze, hesitating to speak, with a look of wanting to cover up something.

"Hey, Leon!" He finally couldn't help but called Leon

"Huh? What for?" Leon retracted his gaze, with some confusion. Tony glanced at Pepper:"Didn't you say you were going to see Obadiah tonight? When are you leaving? Also, don't let Pepper know for the time being, otherwise she will say it's too dangerous and she will resign if we go."

Usually, no matter how Tony messed around, Pepper would just keep a cold face and continue working.

But as long as it involves Tony's safety, Pepper's most common threat to stop Tony is to resign.

——Even though every threat she made was ineffective

"Then wait until Pepper leaves."Lyon glanced in the direction of Stark Industries and said casually.

"Anyway, Obadiah is still in the industrial park. Wait, he is... Damn it, Tony, let's go there now!"

Leon grabbed Tony and pushed him out.

He did not forget to shout towards the kitchen:"Pepper, Tony and I are going out for a walk and will be back later!"

""Hmm? Okay!" Pepper replied.

As they walked out, Tony lowered his voice and asked,"Wait, wait! What did you just see that makes you so anxious?"

"Obadiah is contacting his Afghan friends!" Leon also lowered his voice

"What?"Tony was stunned, and then Leon pulled his arm up into the sky.

The two soon arrived at Stark Industrial Park.

At this time, only a few lights were on in the office building.

Among them, Obadiah's office was brightly lit, like a burning torch at night.

Leon took Tony to float outside the window of Obadiah's office.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows allowed them to see every corner inside clearly.

At this time, Obadiah was sitting at his desk with his back to the window in the room, talking to the computer screen.

"He is on a video call with someone from a terrorist organization?" Tony's face was not very good."Can you hear what he is talking about?"

"It's not a good thing. You can listen to it yourself."

Leon put his hand on the gap of the French window and shook it gently. A corner of the glass lifted up. He grabbed it and flipped it back.

Then the whole French window was silently lifted down.

Tony was shocked again and opened his eyes wide.

But the next second, a voice came from the office, leaving him no time to care.

"Our leader died because of your commission, so before the next cooperation, you must compensate us!" said the person on the other side of the computer.

Obadiah retorted angrily:"You let Tony run away! You actually have the guts to ask me for compensation!"

"I told your chief to make sure Tony Stark's body was 100% gone! How did he do that, huh?"

"That has nothing to do with us. If you don't pay us, we will expose your actions to Tony Stark. The terrorists used their usual tactics.

Obadiah's eyes became colder, as if he wanted to eat the person in front of him alive.

"Aren’t you afraid that I will no longer supply you with arms and weapons?"

"Sorry, now that Tony Stark has shut down the weapons department, I'm afraid you're of no use."

The terrorists were fearless.

They threatened again:"Will you accept the compensation? If you don't, I believe Tony Stark is also willing to pay for the information about the real murderer."

Obadiah's lips were tightly closed, and the corners of his lips moved to hide his anger.

After a few seconds, he suddenly laughed, his smile was like a spring breeze:"Okay! Of course! I accept your request for compensation, but I have a condition!"

"You say!"When the other party heard that they could get compensation, they immediately became excited.

"I will find a way to get Tony to go abroad again, and this time, you must kill him for me!"

Obadiah said the plan:"I will give you a batch of Stark arms, and you will use them to attract media attention."

"Tony had just announced the closure of the weapons department. At this time, weapons produced by Stark Company appeared in large quantities on the battlefield. He must be unable to sit still.……"

The terrorist continued,"I know. We will take care of the rest. I promise that the Ten Rings will complete our friend's commission perfectly this time."

Obadiah smiled and turned off the video call,"That's great."

With a beep, the video was disconnected.

Obadiah sat in silence on the chair, his smile gradually cooling, and then gradually becoming ferocious.

His anger began to erupt.

Even if he was sitting still, he felt as if he would rush out of his workstation at any time to choose someone to eat.

"Idiots! A bunch of idiots!"

After a moment of silence, Obadiah finally exploded.

He suddenly stood up, swept everything on the table to the ground, and broke the mouse and smashed it against the wall, breaking it into pieces.

""They even let a playboy escape, what a bunch of trash!" He roared, and his roar shook the windows.

Leon glanced at Tony outside the window, who was looking furious, and knew that Obadiah's performance was over.

He took a step forward and led Tony into the room. He said politely:"Well, how should I put it, sorry to interrupt."

A sudden voice behind him stopped Obadiah's roar abruptly.

"Who!? Tony?"

He was instantly covered in cold sweat and turned around. Standing opposite him were Tony and Leon.

Leon looked unfriendly.

Tony stared at him with red eyes.

Those always beautiful eyes were now filled with disbelief and anger at being betrayed by his beloved.

"Tony and I heard what you just said." Leon pointed at the computer,"Do you have anything else to say?"

Obadiah's face was visibly panicked, but he quickly suppressed his emotions.

He raised his hands and his mouth trembled:"Oh, Leon, why are you still here so late, that... Actually, what happened just now was a misunderstanding."

"Listen to me, there is a reason for all this.

Obadiah's mind was spinning rapidly at this moment.

He put down one hand nervously and opened the drawer:"This is because there is a force that I cannot resist, threatening my life and asking me to...……"

"Kill you all!"

Obadiah said as he suddenly pulled out a pistol from the drawer, quickly loaded it, and pointed it at Tony and the other man.

"Put your hands up and back off!"

Obadiah, who had just been gentle like an elder, turned into a ferocious villain in the blink of an eye.

"You'd better stop now."

Tony pursed his lips tightly, raised his hand first, blocked in front of Leon, and stepped back.

"Humph, Tony, you still want to protect that little bastard, what a touching family love."

Obadiah's words made Tony even angrier.

He said coldly:"Obi... Obadiah, I thought you were one of the people I trust the most."

"Really? Tony, I am really touched by what you said." Obadiah pointed the gun at Tony and said,"I also want to play this wonderful family game with you."

"But since you've already discovered it, there's no need for me to hide it!"

"Tony, actually you are just my goose that lays golden eggs!"

"You know, I founded this company with your father, and I have been assisting you for the past 30 years, but I have gained nothing!"

"Even the outsider behind you can get half of the company, but what about me?"

"Only by killing you, killing both of you, can I get everything I want!"

Obadiah said, waving his fist in pain:"Everything should be like this, as long as you die in Afghanistan, Leon can die in outer space, but why did you run away, and why did you want to see everything tonight!"

His eyes were bloodshot, and he used the gun to force Tony to retreat:"You forced me to do it, you pushed me into a desperate situation, then I will destroy everything, and no one can stop me!!"

Tony was staring at his uncle from beginning to end, his cheeks were tight, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable grief and anger.

He tilted his head back due to the muzzle of the gun, and then finally closed his eyes

"Go ahead, Leon. He no longer had any expectations.

""I'll listen to you, Boss!"

As soon as Leon's voice fell,

Obadiah's neck was tightly clamped by a large hand like an iron clamp, and he was lifted up.

"You! Drink! Cough cough!"Obadiah's face quickly turned red due to lack of oxygen.

His eyeballs bulged and he stared at Leon. He couldn't understand what happened in the brief moment just now.

Why didn't he blink his eyes, and Leon behind Tony appeared in front of him and subdued him.

He raised his arms with difficulty and wanted to struggle again.

But Leon just glanced at him, threw him out of the window without caring.

Three seconds later, there was a heavy landing sound outside the window.

It sounded like Obadiah had been smashed into peanut butter.

"Why bother?"

Leon sighed, walked to the desk, connected the phone to the data cable, and then plugged it into the computer.

The computers of Stark Industries executives are generally not connected to the Internet, so if you want to invade, you can only connect manually.

Like Obadiah just now, directly connecting to the external network for a video call is already a serious violation.

"Jarvis, hack into this computer, collect evidence of Obadiah's crime, hand it over to the police, and note that he committed suicide out of fear of crime, and jumped to his death"

""Okay, Master Leon!"

After arranging the task for Jarvis, Leon turned around and saw Tony still standing there, but a little depressed.

He walked over and patted Tony on the shoulder.

"It's all over, go back and have a good sleep, or maybe date a few more cover girls this week to relax."

Tony's sad expression paused for a few seconds, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:"You kid……"

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