On the tenth day of the lunar month, the third lady and Chen Afu took Chu Hanyan, the younger brothers, Xiao Yuer, and the second concubine Chu Lin and Chu Bi to Prince An's Mansion.

Chu Lin and Chu Bi are already thirteen years old, and they have been looking at their in-laws for them since last year. Although they were second-born concubines, their father was incompetent, and their illegitimate mother was insignificant, but the Chu family had become more powerful, and they were pretty and pretty, so they could always find concubines who could protect their family, or legitimate children with a lower family background.

A few months ago, someone proposed marriage to Chu Lin, and Mrs. Li and the second master actually agreed. The descendant's family is high enough, and he is the second son of the Marquis of Cheng'en. But everyone in the capital knew that this Second Young Master Xiao was not only a cut-off man, but also had a violent temper and was uneducated. No daughter of a good family was willing to marry into him.

The Xiao family had high standards before and always wanted to find a well-matched legitimate daughter. Therefore, after the delay, Mr. Xiao is already twenty-five years old and has not yet married a wife.

At the end of last year, there was another scandal in which the second young master Xiao beat Chulou's waiter to death, but the Xiao family paid for it and found a scapegoat to suppress the incident. Now the Xiao family has lowered the conditions. As long as they are well-matched, a good-looking concubine will be fine.

The Xiao family chose the Chu family and sent the head of the family's daughter-in-law to find the Li family to negotiate an agreement. He also hinted that if the marriage was successful, in addition to the official betrothal gift worth 10,000 taels of silver, the Chengenhou Mansion would also privately give an additional 5,000 taels of silver as a betrothal gift.

When Mrs. Li heard this, she agreed and went to persuade the second master.

The second master made some calculations and found that sacrificing a concubine would not only gain an extra five thousand taels of silver, but would also help his son's future, so he agreed.

After the old marquis got the news, he angrily scolded the second master and kicked him several times, saying that the Chu family could not sell their daughter, not even their concubine. The marriage was not finalized.

After that, the old Marquis handed over the matter of marrying Chu Lin and Chu Bi to the third lady. The third lady was bored at home and felt sorry for the two ladies, so she agreed. For this lotus banquet, although Prince An's Mansion did not invite anyone from the second room, the third lady still brought the two girls.

After arriving at Prince An's Mansion, the sedan went directly to Hanlianxuan, not far from Mingyan Lake.

As soon as Chen Afu and others got off the sedan, a servant pushed a fancy stroller over. Although this season is not the hottest, it is still relatively hot. Chen Afu didn't want anyone to hold the baby, as it would make the baby too hot and prone to prickly heat.

As soon as she put Xiao Yu'er into the stroller and sat down, the two brothers ran over, one holding their sister's stroller, for fear that someone would steal her.

The two brothers love and care for their sister so much because Chen Afu taught her well. She has always felt that no matter what era, boys must be responsible. Only with a sense of responsibility can they work well and find ways to protect their families and children. Cultivating their sense of responsibility starts with Xiao Yuer.

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Yu'er was born, Chen Afu taught them to love and protect their sister, and to have the mentality and awareness to deal with difficulties on their own and put their sister first.

Now, the two brothers were so frightened when they saw so many people coming to see their sister, for fear that these people would steal their beautiful sister away. In fact, people not only looked at Xiao Yu'er, but also looked at them, and even this beautiful little stroller, but they felt that all eyes were on their sister. Moreover, that look was filled with the naked word robbery.

Seeing someone approaching and teasing them, he stopped and said in a loud voice, Sister, ours.

When they roared, the spectators became even more happy.

These three kids are so adorable. The little girl in the car is wearing a magenta embroidered silk dress and an aqua blue silk skirt. There is also a small swallow doll sewn on the skirt. There were two little crocodiles on her head, and she was looking around with big bright eyes. When she sees someone talking to her, she will yell ahhh twice, and her attitude is extremely friendly.

The two little boys not only look very similar, they also dress exactly the same and have the same tile hair. They are not that friendly. When someone comes up to them, they yell at them for fear of taking their sister away.

Chen Afu blushed and secretly thought that he would bring these two little things out to meet them in the future. Chen Afu had attended several banquets before, but he only brought Miss Chu, not the three younger ones.

She said in a low voice, Baby, they are not here to snatch my sister, they are here to say hello to her because they see her cuteness. If you do this, my sister will have no friends in the future.

After hearing this, the two brothers softened their expressions and said to the people surrounding them, We like looking at my sister. We don't like robbing my sister.

Someone laughed and said, Oh, what a lovely child. Not only do I want to take my sister back home, I also want to take my two brothers back together.

Seeing the alert eyes of the two brothers, someone else quickly laughed and said, We are not robbing, we are just joking.

Everyone walked and talked all the way and entered Hanlianxuan.

In the hall, Prince An and several women of high status and seniority were sitting there talking and laughing, including Princess Rongzhao.

Out of courtesy, Prince An's Mansion also sent a note to Princess Rongzhao's Mansion, thinking that Rong Zhao, who had not been out of the palace for a long time, would definitely not come. Who would have thought that Rong Zhao, who was in good health, would actually come.

Because Rong Zhao had been close to the second prince in the past and had used such methods to force the Chu family to break up, neither Prince An nor Princess An wanted to have any more contact with her. But when she came, Princess An had no choice but to entertain her warmly.

Seeing the third lady and Chen Afu coming with the children, Princess An waved and said with a smile, Hua Chang is here too. Come and sit here. As long as you are here, it won't be quiet here.

The third lady laughed loudly and said, When will the lotus banquet hosted by the Emperor's aunt be silent? Just kidding.

Among these people were the princess, the county princess, the eldest princess, the princess, and two old princes.

Chen Afu led the children and Chu Lin Chu Bi to salute and say hello to them. When she came to Rong Zhao, Chu Hanyan turned pale with fright. She held Chen Afu's hand tightly and her body was shaking a little. She whispered, Mom, I'm afraid.

Chen Afu squeezed the little girl's hand and told her not to be afraid.

Chen Afu and his children blessed Rong Zhaofu again, and the two brothers bowed.

Rong Zhao's attention today is not on Chu Hanyan, but on the other children. Compared with the other three children, Chu Hanyan definitely hated the other three children more.

No matter what, Chu Hanyan still has the blood of the Ma family. But the other children only have a relationship with that bitch.

Her eyes swept over the children, and the hatred in her heart was extremely strong, but she still suppressed it. He chuckled and said, These children are my grandsons and granddaughters. It's their first time to pay homage to grandma. They should kowtow. Then he said to Chen Afu, Lingxuan's wife, how do you teach your children such etiquette? Don’t you understand?”

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