Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 453 It’s hard to end

The next day, while Chen Afu was still dreaming, he heard the voices of Miss Chu and Chu Lingxuan outside the window.

This is the beginning of time. Chen Afu laughed and got up.

Dabao and the others took a break today, but because Chu Lingxuan hadn't been back for a long time, he and Chu Lingzhi didn't sleep in, so they got up early and came here.

While they were having breakfast, Dabao said, I heard from my uncle last night that my grandma's family is going to have a flowing banquet today and a theater troupe will be invited to perform. My fifth uncle and I are going to Luyuan for a banquet.

Chu Hanyan said quickly, Mother, I want to go too.

Dabao was used to being wild in the village, and now his danger is gone. Chu Lingzhi grew up in the border area, and the third lady also let him live. Chen Afu would not restrain them, but he did not let Miss Chu go.

He said, Yan'er really wants to play, so go play in Fuyuan. You can also hear the excitement in Luyuan there. Let me find some girls to play with you in the garden.

After dinner, Chu Lingxuan went to the Chanyuan to continue to persuade Chen. Dabao and Chu Lingzhi led Zhuifeng and his family to Luyuan. When passing by Fuyuan, I saw Wangcai and Yuanbao guarding the door, barking at Zhuifeng and them. Yuanbao doesn't like crowds, so Wangcai very considerately brought him to Fuyuan to play. When Zhui Feng and his family saw it, they all entered Fuyuan.

Dabao and Chu Lingzhi came to Luyuan and saw that except for the people who helped cook and Chen Ye's family, no other guests had arrived. Dabao told Wang that his mother regretted not letting his sister come.

Wearing a jujube-colored embroidered jacket and a long jasper hairpin, Ms. Wang seemed to be several years younger all of a sudden. She smiled and said, There are many people today, and all the men, women, and children in the village are coming. Sister Yan is the rich daughter of the Hou family, so we can't let others rush into her. It's not convenient for your mother to come here. Go back and tell your mother , Grandma will send two tables to Fuyuan, and invite your relatives, your parents, and your sisters to eat there, and you can have fun with us.

Dabao thought it was a good idea and asked Xiaoluzi to go home and tell his mother.

Around noon, Liao Chen insisted on returning to Yingxue Nunnery. No matter how Chu Lingxuan tried to persuade her to stay, and Chen Afu later brought her three children over, all knelt down to her and said they were willing to live with her in Tangyuan, she still insisted on leaving.

Chu Lingxuan regretted it very much. If he had not persuaded his mother to practice at home, would his mother have stayed in Tangyuan for a while longer?

Chu Lingxuan and Chen Afu led Chu Hanyan and the two brothers to send Liao Chen out of the gate of Tangyuan.

The two brothers play with Liao Chen every day, and this moment is when they are playing in Fuyuan. They felt uncomfortable at first. They all burst into tears when they saw grandma hugging them and kissing them twice. Instead of continuing to play with them, she drove away in a carriage.

The car in which Abbot Liaochen was sitting had already traveled some distance, and the howls of the two brothers could still be heard. Her tears also flowed out. She couldn't bear to leave them, her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. But she couldn't go to the Chu family's nunnery, so who was she? She can't always let her daughter-in-law and grandson live with her in Tangyuan. She can't be so selfish.

She felt useless. It turned out that she couldn't let go of the worldly affairs and wanted her son and daughter to be safe. She thought that when her son and daughter were safe, she would be able to put aside her worldly affairs and devote herself to Buddha. But when my son and daughter are safe, I also want my granddaughter to be safe and my son to have a future. Now her granddaughter is safe, her son is pregnant, and her two grandsons are so cute, but she still can't calm down.

Liochen, when she first took up this name, she hoped that she could put an end to all worldly matters, but after so many years, she found it difficult to put an end to them...

After seeing Chen off, Chen Afu and others went to Fuyuan, all in a low mood. Especially the little girl Chu and the little brother were both in tears.

The old Marquis sighed heavily, looked into the distance with dark eyes, and said, Oh, it should be soon, right? In that way, our family can be together and never be separated.

After saying that, he got up and went to tease the birds on the porch.

There are many birdcages hanging in the main room, east wing, and west wing, and under each corridor. There are more than fifty in total. There are nearly a hundred birds in them, all brought back by the golden swallows. These birds seem to prefer to live here, where they usually have enough to eat. Occasionally, they will follow the bird king to the mountains to relax and live a comfortable and happy life.

Fuyuan has become a blessed place for birds. Following Chen Afu's instructions, old man Zeng stayed alone in Fuyuan and was lonely, so he was very good to birds. Not only would he keep the birds in the birdcage, but he would also feed other birds that came to look for food.

In addition to Qiqi, Huihui, and Jin'er at the beginning, Chen Afu only brought a few birds to his home in Fucheng to raise them. The rest of the birds stayed in Fuyuan, and a few were in Tangyuan and Luyuan. Now almost everyone in the Dashun Dynasty knew about Rong Zhao being attacked by a flock of birds, and she didn't want people to see that her family had a special relationship with the birds.

These birds know people. In addition to old man Zeng who has been feeding them, they also know Chen Afu's family and the people in Luyuan.

Seeing that the old man came to tease them, they were even more happy, and they could scream with all their strength. The ones that can be brought into Fuyuan by golden swallows are those that are either particularly handsome or have particularly melodious songs, so they don't sound noisy at all and can make people happy.

But today, they couldn't be happy no matter what. Chen Afu saw Chu Lingxuan's frown and thin lips and asked quietly, My mother-in-law doesn't agree to go home with us and we are so far away. What should we do?

Chu Lingxuan whispered, We have to build a nunnery outside Dingzhou Mansion and take my mother there to practice.

At this time, Wang Xiaomei led Chen Daya and several little girls from the villagers to Fuyuan. Chen Afu asked Luo Mei to lead Chu Hanyan and those girls to play in the backyard, and then asked Mother Lin and Mother Jiang to make a fuss and cry. The two little brothers also hugged him.

At noon, Luyuan sent over two tables, one for the masters and one for Manager Luo and Old Man Zeng.

While eating, he heard that Luyuan was getting busier and there were cries and howls. Old man Zeng quickly got up and went to Luyuan. After a short time, he came back and said that it was his wife's father who came with Wang Cai and his concubine Wu. He said that when his son became an official, he would follow his son to take office and enjoy the blessings. He also said that since his daughter became the royal wife, her pension would also increase.

Chen Ming was afraid that the flowing banquet would be disturbed by Old Man Wang, so he had already asked Hu Laowu to take the three old men to the backyard for dinner. He said that no matter what happened, he would solve it after eating.

When Chen Afu heard about that dead old man, his scalp went numb. It was so shameless that Mrs. Ding sold her son to the fire pit and her daughter twice. Now that my son is an official and my daughter is successful, I want to follow him to enjoy the blessings and increase my pension income. However, no matter how shameless he is, Wang and Wang Cheng cannot ignore him. Just like Chen Shiying's mother, Chen Shiying still had to find a way to prevent her from being abandoned by her tribe.

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