At this time, the golden swallow flew over, hung on Chen Afu's lapel and chirped, Mommy, this dog was abducted by Wangcai. When we were playing in Honglin Mountain, we saw several people taking this dog with them. Wangcai Cai abducted the dog when no one was paying attention. When people saw it, the sister who had lost the dog almost cried to death. They wanted Wangcai to return the dog, but Wangcai was like crazy and led the dog. The dog quickly ran into the mountains.

It's very sad to lose such a cute dog.

Chen Afu glanced at his wife and thought he was going crazy, but because he had Sa Sa as a reference, he looked down on the local dog's wealth and said, This dog doesn't look like a wild dog. Did someone lose it? The owner must be very distressed.

Wangcai also understands human language. He was afraid that Chen Afu would let someone take his wife back, so he barked at Chen Afu, which was extremely fierce. The dog seemed to have developed feelings for Wangcai. Seeing that Wangcai was angry, he quickly stretched out his tongue and licked Wangcai's head to comfort him not to be angry.

Chen Alu was so angry that he slapped Wangcai on the back and cursed, Why are you so powerful? Don't scare my sister.

Chen Ming said, I also think this dog is not like a wild dog. It has a docile temperament and good living habits. It must have been trained.

Several children also liked the dog and begged, Don't give it back, let's buy it with money. They even spontaneously started to collect their own money.

Chen Afu said, Even if I want to return it, I don't know who to give it to. Forget it, let's keep it for now. No one will claim it, it belongs to our family. Someone will come to claim it and see if we can buy it.

Chen Ming also said, Such a good dog, rich and loved, if the original owner comes to visit me, I will buy it no matter how much money I have.

Several children burst into joy and named it one after another. The Silver Fox chosen by Chu Lingzhi is the most appropriate, and the Xue'er chosen by Chu Hanyan is the most vivid, but everyone said that these two names do not match prosperous wealth. Finally, the Yuanbao that Dabao picked was most similar to Wangcai, so he was named this.

Chen Afu feels sorry for such a beautiful dog with such a money-worshiping name. But seeing that the original owner seemed to like it, wagging her tail and having fun with the children, she let it go.

It stands to reason that Fox Terriers are very shy and do not want to approach strangers. But Yuanbao is very gregarious, perhaps because he has been with Wangcai and Zhuifeng's family for a long time.

Everyone was making noise in Luyuan until the sky was filled with stars. Only then did Chen Afu and the others return to Tangyuan with their own animal home.

Li Xuan took Jin Yanzi, Dabao and Chu Lingzhi took Zhuifeng's family, and the little girl took Qiqi and Huihui back to their respective houses.

Jin Yanzi waited until Li Xuan fell asleep and then came to Chen Afu's bedroom. Chen Afu nodded his little head and said, You are a playful little thing. Beibei is sad after being gone for so many days.

Upon hearing this, Jin Yanzi hurriedly entered the space. Chen Afu also followed in and saw Jinbao lying down and holding Jinbei into his arms with his wings. Jin Bei's body glowed with green light, and Jin Yanzi kept saying sweet words.

Jin Yanzi finally coaxed Jin Bei until the green light disappeared, but she saw Chen Afu holding his cheek. Asked, Mommy, does she have a toothache?

Chen Afu said with a smile, Mommy doesn't have a toothache, it's a sore tooth. Oh my, the baby's little mouth is so sweet. Whoever becomes your little wife will be blessed. She will be soaked in honey pots every day.

Jin Yanzi was very happy after hearing this. She glanced at Jin Bei and said with a smile, Mommy is really good at talking. It makes others feel embarrassed.

On June 28th, Chu Lingxuan finally came back. Also coming back with him was Wang Cheng.

Chu Lingxuan did not return to Tangyuan, but went to Luyuan with Wang Cheng.

That afternoon, Hu Laowu, Wu Carpenter, and Gao Li happened to be playing in Luyuan when they suddenly saw Chu Lingxuan and Wang Cheng in official uniforms appearing at the gate of Luyuan.

Wang Cheng was wearing an official uniform from the fifth rank. Although his back was not straight, he was very majestic in the eyes of Wang, Liu and Wang Xiaomei. Several people rushed over to surround him.

Hu Laowu and others were very suspicious. Isn't Wang Cheng a horse feeder? Why was he wearing official uniform?

Chu Lingxuan hurriedly said to Chen Ming, Father-in-law, an official will come to deliver the imperial edict soon. Please quickly bring out the incense case and place it on the table.

That must be the imperial edict to confer royal titles on the Wang family and the Liu family. Chen Ming was excited and scared at the same time. He shook his legs to greet Shanzi, entered the room, took out the incense table and set it up.

Chu Lingxuan went over and whispered to Wang and Liu about the precautions for receiving the imperial edict.

After a short while, several officials came into Luyuan. One of the officials who received the imperial edict shouted loudly, Wang, please listen. Wang quickly knelt down, and the others knelt behind her.

The official who delivered the decree read the emperor's imperial edict conferring the title of fifth-grade Yiren to the Wang family, and also presented him with imperial edicts and official titles.

Then, he recited the imperial edict of conferring the title of fifth-grade Yiren to the Liu family and conferring the title of fifth-grade Yiren to the He family, and presented the imperial edict to the emperor.

Afterwards, Chu Lingxuan quietly handed the messenger a purse and sent them out again. Chu Lingxuan did not come to Luyuan again, but went directly back to Tangyuan.

After those people left, the people in Luyuan were still kneeling in confusion. Wang Cheng had become accustomed to big scenes in the past few days. He was the first to stand up and said with a smile, Sister, brother-in-law, and younger sister-in-law, please get up. They have already left.

Chen Ming and Wang respectfully placed the imperial edict on the incense table, and will bring the imperial edict into Chen's ancestral hall tomorrow. Wang Cheng is no longer close to the Wang family. He plans to build a small ancestral hall at his home in Fucheng and enshrine the imperial edict there.

The news of Wang's conferment spread quickly in Xiangluo Village like wings. People rushed to tell each other, beaming with joy.

Wang's and Chen Afu's titles are different. Chen Afu is the daughter-in-law of the Chu family and is no longer from Xiangluo Village. Everyone knows that she is not related by blood to the Chen family. And Mrs. Wang is the first royal wife of Xiangluo Village.

Almost all the villagers sent representatives to Luyuan with their belongings, and the whole family with whom they were close came. Mrs. Chen and Chen Ye stopped carrying them and led the whole family over. Uncle Chen Jiushu, the patriarch of the Chen family, was so excited that he cried and said that his ancestors had appeared.

Mrs. Wang led Aunt Mu to cook dinner and entertain the villagers who came to congratulate her. Hu Laowu's daughter-in-law and Gao Lizheng's daughter-in-law quickly persuaded her to let the young daughter-in-law go to the kitchen to help Aunt Mu cook. Just kidding, how can you let Mrs. Gaoming cook for them?

Since there were not so many ingredients, Wang asked Shanzi to go to Tangyuan to bring a lot of meat and fish. There are plenty of vegetables, just pick them from the fields.

At this time, Chu Lingxuan was talking to Chen Zhengzhong in the Zen courtyard. He tried to persuade Chen to go to his home in Fucheng, and he asked someone to build a nunnery for her at home.

Now, Rong Zhao was so disgraced that he couldn't even care about Dingzhou, which was far away from the capital. Moreover, the Chu family is no longer afraid of Concubine Rong Zhao and Ma Shu, so they want Liao Chen to practice in the nunnery at home. The younger generation can always be filial and it is much safer...

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