Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 449 Asking for a royal decree for my sister

In the evening, Chen Afu took his older children and the old Marquis to Luyuan for dinner. It was impossible for Liao Chen to go, so she asked the two brothers to accompany her. Seeing that Mrs. Wang didn't bring her grandson again, she was extremely regretful. Chen Afu quietly told her the reason, and Wang had no choice but to give up.

After that, the two brothers were completely addicted to playing in Fuyuan. They enjoyed it so much that they didn't even want to go home at night. When they talked about going home, they groaned and felt uncomfortable. Liao Chen accompanied his two brothers to play here every day, and also stayed in Tangyuan.

A few days later, when Liao Chen wanted to go back to Yingxue'an, Chen Afu deliberately told the two brothers, What should I do? Grandma is leaving and doesn't want us anymore.

The two brothers were so smart that they burst into tears when they heard it. Liao Chen felt terribly distressed and sighed, Okay, okay, stop crying now. Grandma will stay with your grandson.

Chen Afu contentedly left the dust in Tangyuan.

However, there was one thing that made her extremely puzzled. It turned out that Mrs. Chen came to Luyuan for a meal every day, and she had been back for several days. She saw Hu Laowu coming to Luyuan, and also saw Wu Carpenter and Gao Lizheng. I have been to Luyuan, but I didn't see Mrs. Chen and Chen Ye coming here, let alone anyone else in the big house.

When Chen Ming was away, Mrs. Wang quietly told Chen Afu that last month, Mrs. Chen came to discuss with Chen Ming again, hoping that Chen Ming and Chen Shi would give money to build a courtyard like Luyuan for the big house at the north end of the village.

Chen Ming had been holding on to a sense of luck before, thinking that as long as Dafang had a yard in Fucheng, he would no longer ask for money from his brothers. Unexpectedly, not long after, the old lady asked for it again.

He finally knew that Ah Fu was right. If he didn't refuse, Da Fang would keep asking for it. This will not only harm the eldest brother who has been working hard, but also damage the friendship between the three brothers.

He asked someone to bring a letter to Chen Shi. When Chen Shi came back, he didn't live in the big house, but in Luyuan. The next day, they found Mrs. Chen, and the two brothers talked with her behind closed doors for most of the day. When she came out, Mrs. Chen's eyes were red from crying, and she scolded Chen Ming and Chen Shi for forgetting their roots and saying I'm sorry to the boss.

After Mrs. Chen returned, she never came to Luyuan again, and neither did Chen Ye. Only Chen Agui came secretly once to apologize to Chen Ming.

In those few days, there were rumors in the village that Chen Ming and Chen Shi had forgotten their roots and feelings, and only looked after their daughter-in-law's natal family. As soon as these words came out, some people said that if the two brothers forgot their roots and their feelings, how could Chen Ye and Chen Agui become landlords and shopkeepers, and how could they buy a house in Fucheng. People have given them so much, and they still say this. It's really unreasonable, and so on.

Chen Ming was furious after hearing those rumors. Even outsiders knew what was going on, but they still said those things without conscience. He thought twice and said to leave them alone and let them calm down. He also said that Chen Ye is a smart man and he will think clearly about what to do to his benefit. If you can't think clearly at the moment, keep thinking, and you will eventually figure it out. When he figured it out, they were still good brothers.

Later, Hu Laowu came to Luyuan and said that his sister and brother-in-law couldn't carry it clearly. He even went to the Chen family compound to scold them.

However, Chen Ming felt that he should be filial when he should be filial. Every ten days, he would ask Shan Zi to bring two jins of meat and two jins of snacks to Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen confiscated it the first and second time, but still took it after the third time. The old lady was not polite and kept accepting the one tael of silver she gave her every month.

Chen Afu was a little stunned and said with a smile, My father is a child after all, and he has a bright mind.

Mrs. Wang smiled and said, It's not entirely because your father is a child, but also because he thinks it's right to listen to your daughter.

Chen Afu was very happy to say that.

Wang also said that Ding was frightened when Chu Lingxuan took her to the capital to testify, and she was so sick that she couldn't get out of bed when she returned home. Not only did Wang Cai not ask for a doctor, he also took away all her silver and jewelry. Ding was angry and anxious, and her condition worsened. The people in the village originally hated her. Seeing that her son didn't care about her, and neither did Old Man Wang, they ignored her. She died within a few days.

After Ding's death, Wang Cai and Ding's family fought again over the five acres of land she left behind. Later, after Li Zheng's adjustment, Wang Cai asked for three acres and the Ding family asked for two acres.

Ding, who sold Wang twice and made Wang Cheng suffer for half his life, died like this.

Wang was calm when talking about those things, I wanted Ding to die at first, but when I heard that she was really dead, I wasn't as happy as I thought... ugh.

She had the same expression when Chen Afu told her that Chen Shiying's mother was divorced. He said, That old Mrs. Zhao, because she is Brother Ying's mother, no matter how she treated me, I never really hated her before. But after she wanted to harm you, I hated her. I can't figure it out. How can there be such a vicious person in the world, who can even use such despicable methods to harm his own granddaughter... God has repaid her for the fact that she has fallen into this fate, and I don’t need to hate her anymore.

When it was mentioned that she was included in the Chen family tree, her reaction was a little bigger. She was stunned at first, and then laughed. Said, Brother Ying and I are now brother and sister. I don't value the previous status. However, because my mother's name was corrected, Ah Fu no longer lives under the title of illegitimate daughter and no longer suffers injustice. , Mom is still happy.

The days in the countryside are pleasant and peaceful, and Chen Afu's belly is gradually showing signs of pregnancy. She was quite puzzled. When she was pregnant last time, she had a big reaction and wanted to eat sour and spicy food every day, but this time she didn't seem to have any reaction. If it weren't for her growing belly and someone reminding her from time to time, she would often forget that she was pregnant.

In addition to taking care of the children, she would also tend to the crops when she had nothing to do, mainly crispy cucumbers.

She didn't dare to use the cucumber seeds she brought into the space, but used the seeds left behind by those cucumbers, saying that Fanren had run out of seeds. Although the cucumbers grown from this seed are not as delicious as the previous cucumbers, they are still crisper, sweeter and smaller than ordinary cucumbers. Chen Afu calls it a crispy little cucumber.

Crispy cucumbers are now her favorite, including pickled cucumbers, refreshing cucumbers, spicy cucumbers, sweet and sour cucumbers, etc., which are indispensable in every meal.

On June 15th, she received a letter from Chu Lingxuan. Mr. Chu San has been named the Zuo Governor of the Zuo Army Governor's Mansion, a first-class official. He is also the youngest official of the first rank since the founding of the Dashun Dynasty. He is only thirty-eight years old this year.

Wang Cheng has been rehabilitated, and the emperor specially sent Wang Chengxuan to the Golden Palace to commend him, saying that it was a humiliation for the court to allow such a loyal hero to suffer for his country.

The emperor rewarded Wang Cheng with 500 taels of silver, a box of Dongzhu, and ten pieces of palace forge, and named him a fifth-grade senior minister of the Zuo Army Governor's Mansion. My experience was as a civilian official in the army. Because Wang Cheng was disabled, the emperor was considerate and made him an official.

Afterwards, the emperor asked Wang Cheng if he had any other requests. Wang Cheng, who was so frightened that he couldn't even speak smoothly, unexpectedly surprised everyone and asked for a royal title for his sister Wang.

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