February 28th is a good day to move, and this is also the day Chu Lingqi moves.

They invited the Chen Afu family, the Fu family, the Qin family, the Liu family, the Wang family and their son, the Jiang family, and even the Liu family who they had never met before.

Chu Lingqi had just arrived in Dingzhou Mansion not long ago, and his familiar circle of friends were Chu Lingxuan's friends and relatives.

Two days ago, Mrs. Song thoughtfully asked Chen Afu if Wang and Jiang could be invited at the same time.

This matter has troubled the Song family for a long time. She could see that Chen Afu had a very close relationship with his biological mother Wang, and he also had a very good relationship with his stepmother Jiang.

Of these two people, Mrs. Song didn't know who to invite. In order to make it easier for me to socialize in Dingzhou Prefecture in the future, I should invite Jiang. But in order to have a better relationship with Chen Afu, it seems that Wang should be invited.

Chen Afu smiled and said, My mother and mother are both very good. If you are willing, please invite them both.

This answer surprised Song. She told Chu Lingqi about it that night.

Chu Lingqi said, You should learn more from your sister-in-law in the future. Not only should you learn her skills in dealing with things, but also her courtesy and kindness. She, her stepmother Mrs. Chen, her mother's current husband Uncle Chen, and even Yan Son, Dabao, these are not blood relatives, but they get along like family members, or even better. On the contrary, look at some big houses, they are blood relatives, and they fight to the death for a little benefit...

Mrs. Song knew that her husband had something to say, so she nodded in agreement. He smiled and said, I know. Not to mention anyone else, this is Wen'er. These days are also the happiest days for him. He is even more courageous, and he also said that he likes the eldest uncle.

Of course, the time here is the happiest time for her and her husband. Relaxed, happy, no need to be defensive, no worries about being scolded or punished...

It will be even better when you move to a new home and become the master of your own house.

From what my husband said, it seemed that the Marquis Mansion in Beijing had survived a great disaster. If this catastrophe does not pass, the Chu family will be doomed. God, I don’t know anything yet, maybe I’m going to die soon. From now on, if my husband works hard with his eldest brother, his family will not only live a better life, but he will also know many secrets of the Hou family.

Thinking of these, Mrs. Song felt happy and felt that the days were getting more and more excessive. Unlike in the capital, I feel that the future is bleak every day.

Early in the morning, Chu Lingqi led Mrs. Song, Chu Siwen and Aunt Fang to say goodbye to Chen Afu. Chu Siwen also kowtowed to Chen Afu and said thank you to his eldest uncle.

This was the second time Chen Afu saw Aunt Fang today. She bent her knees and thanked Chen Afu for his help, but never said a word after that.

Chen Afu also had to admit that Aunt Fang was a smart woman. No wonder she was so old and not particularly beautiful, and she still had the long-term favor of Mr. Chu Er.

She can fully recognize her own identity, and will never do anything unpleasant, let alone brush up her sense of existence. Even if his son buys a house, he will never make it difficult for him and proposes to live in the back room.

Around this time, Chen Afu took several children and Zhuifeng's family by car to another Chu mansion. Yesterday, Jin Yanzi took Qiqi and Hui Huifei to play in the forest. It said it had not been there for a long time and would go to Fuyuan.

Chen Afu arrived at Chu Lingqi's house and visited the front and back yards.

This house is in the alley before Chen Mingjia. It is the same size as Chen Mingjia and has a similar layout. Chu Lingqi and Song lived with their sons in the main courtyard, and Aunt Fang lived in the back room.

Now is the best weather of the year, neither hot nor cold, and gentle breeze. The men were sitting under the tree drinking tea and chatting, the women were sitting on the porch talking and laughing, the boys were talking about knowledge or playing with Zhui Feng's family in the yard, and Chu Hanyan and the other little girls were turning over strings on the porch.

As soon as Mr. Jiang arrived, he talked with Mr. Wang.

Since Chen Shiying's accident, his story has quickly spread all over the country. Especially his family affairs are the talk of the streets. Rumors in the market are almost unanimous, everyone thinks that Chen Shiying is a good official. Chen Shiying's mother is unworthy and dislikes the poor and loves the rich, which harms Chen Shiying and even the Wang family who is kind to Chen Shiying. The cheapness...

During the snowstorm, people in the north did not bother to spread these gossips, but it was spread lively in the far south. After the snowstorm, those rumors sprung up all over the north.

The speed of spread was completely beyond Chen Afu's knowledge and imagination. She did not expect that ancient people spread gossip more crazily and would add fuel and jealousy to it.

She felt that if it had been someone else, it would not have spread so quickly.

But the person who had the accident was Chen Shiying. Chen Shiying was the youngest and handsome Tanhualang in the Dashun Dynasty, and a model of grassroots inspiration. He is as gentle as jade, young and promising, and has a smooth career. A student from a poor family, in his early thirties, became a fourth-rank official through his own efforts. Not only is he a role model for students, he is also the pride of all people.

The common people completely ignored and were unwilling to acknowledge the efforts that Chen Shiying's mother had made for Chen Shiying's career. They preferred to believe that Chen Shiying had reached this point by relying on his own strength, because this way they or their descendants would have hope.

Students and grassroots people did not want their idol to be tarnished, so they went to great lengths to describe Chen Shiying as filial and innocent, and Chen's mother as unworthy and vicious. There are even some storytellers who have made up many jokes, the most famous of which is Tan Hua Duo Mu, but only changed the name of the protagonist.

If Chen Afu had known that this would happen, he would not have bothered to ask his servants to go to Chen Shiying's hometown to talk about those things.

Now almost everyone in the Dashun Dynasty knows Chen Shiying's predecessor, the Wang family, and the current Jiang family.

The guests invited today know more about the Chen family.

In their imagination, it would be very awkward for two women with such a relationship to meet. After all, one was the legitimate wife who was forced away by her evil mother-in-law. It was against the law for Chen's mother to verbally drive her away. If Wang had not remarried, the court would probably have rehabilitated her and recognized her as the head wife again. Then Jiang's status would be embarrassing, and she would definitely be downgraded to Chen Shiying's common wife. A common wife is actually equivalent to a noble concubine.

Unexpectedly, these two women far exceeded their expectations and got along extremely harmoniously. Jiang, in particular, has a lot of respect for Wang.

Wang and Jiang held hands and hid aside to talk, their eyes were red, and Wang was still comforting Jiang.

Jiang now regards Wang as Chen Shiying's real eldest sister, and she is truly grateful to Wang from the bottom of her heart. In her opinion, Chen Shiying is so good not only because of his own good qualities, but also because Wang taught him so well. If the old lady had brought her husband up with her own hands, she didn’t know what her husband would become.

Of course Jiang had heard those rumors, but she was not jealous of Wang, let alone angry with Wang. When she thought about it, Wang had already married another woman, and she had indeed found a good husband.

Moreover, her husband also benefited from the help of Chen Afu and Chu Lingxuan.

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