At four o'clock on the fourth day, Chen Afu went to Princess Rongzhao's mansion in a carriage alone.

Princess Rongzhao knew that Chen Afu and his son were coming today, and she was sitting on the Arhat bed in the side room with Lord Chu, waiting for them.

Ever since Rong Zhao was pooped by birds last year, he has been in bad luck. Almost no one came to visit the house, and he was even sent by the Queen Mother to copy scriptures in the temple and follow a vegetarian diet for three months. Especially at the end of last year, there was a snowstorm in the north. Many ministers blamed her for the snowstorm, and she was banned by the Queen Mother. She had nothing to do in the house. Apart from copying scriptures, she would pester Mr. Chu every day. If Lord Chu is not here, she will seek misfortune on her servants.

Her daughter Xue Baoyi has been married by the Queen Mother. Because Concubine Ma Shu was afraid that her husband's family would not be happy if her granddaughter was exposed to bad luck, since Rong Zhao was banned, she allowed Xue Baoyi to enter the palace and be educated by Concubine Shu herself.

Rong Zhao still didn't understand why he was so disgusted by the Great Bird Immortal that he often pooped on her. Sometimes, she wondered whether she was really impeached as the minister said, because she was so angry with the first prince-in-law, took away other people's husbands, made other people become monks, and even harmed other people's granddaughters, thus causing the birds to die. The great immortal's disgust.

But most of the time, she thinks that's not the case. There is no one in the world who is a prince. She is the emperor's daughter, so whoever she wants to be her consort will be her consort. Even if that person is already someone else's husband, as long as she wants it, he is still hers. This is not robbery, but duty.

However, since her misfortune, not only the emperor and the queen mother have become cold towards her, but even the second prince is not as warm to her as before. Especially Chu Lang, whom she loves deeply, is much more perfunctory than before. She would often go out to walk around while she was copying scriptures. It lasted most of a day, or a day or two, and the longest one lasted three days, which made her so angry that her chest felt tight.

Rong Zhao complained about him unhappily, and Lord Chu did not either coax her or go to another room to sulk like in the past. Instead, he said with a cold face, You can't leave the house, so you can't let me leave the house, right? In other words, you can only be happy if you let me be as bad as you are by staying in this house? Then, I went to the outer study room by myself, or went out to walk around again.

Rong Zhao was so angry that he cried, made trouble, and smashed things. Once, he grabbed Lord Chu and refused to let him go.

Lord Chu gave her a cold look and said, Princess, please let go.

Rong Zhao was panicking inside. How could Chu Lang, whom she had admired since she was ten years old, look at her like this? She cried loudly, Chu Lang, the reason why those stinky censors attacked me is because I like you and accept you as my consort.

The Marquis of Chu said, The princess is wrong. They attacked you because you provoked the Bird Immortal and caused a snowstorm in the north of Dashun. After saying that, he left without looking back.

Rong Zhao was furious. She suspected that the reason why Chu Lang treated her like this was because he had an extramarital affair. She asked her servants to follow him, but he dumped her not long after she left. However, clues were still discovered on the 20th of the first lunar month. The servant came back and reported that the consort had entered a house. He spent money to ask his neighbors, who said that a young woman lived in that house, and it looked like a high-ranking official's aunt.

Rong Zhao was furious after hearing this and asked a powerful nun to lead a group of guards to catch the person. But when they got there, the woman in the house had long disappeared.

That night, Lord Chu returned to the princess mansion very late.

Rong Zhao asked solemnly, Where did you hide that woman?

What woman? Lord Chu asked with a frown.

Rong Zhao screamed, My people have seen it and you still don't admit it. She grabbed a teapot on the table and threw it at Lord Chu.

Immediately, blood flowed from Lord Chu Hou's forehead, flowing down together with the water and tea leaves.

Rong Zhao was frightened and rushed forward to hug Lord Chu and said, Chu Lang, I didn't mean it.

The Marquis of Chu pushed Rong Zhao away, and then shook off the two servants who came forward to try to bandage him. He covered his forehead with a handkerchief and left.

In this mansion, the nanny and the eunuch must be Rong Zhao's people, but the guard is not necessarily. The Marquis of Chu left the princess's mansion unimpeded, but did not come back for another two days and two nights.

After she cried, she took it out on the people around her. Several of her personal maids were always trembling with fear, fearing that they would be the one the princess took out her anger on next moment.

One of the nuns figured out Rong Zhao's thoughts and said, The princess is a golden branch and jade leaf, how can she be so angry? We have to go into the palace and report to the empress Shu, and ask the empress to make the decision for the princess to find the prince consort. Apologize to Her Highness the Princess, and then beat that outer chamber to death.

Rong Zhao acquiesced, and they went to the palace to see Concubine Ma Shu.

Concubine Shu heard this and took them to the emperor to cry and complain. She said that now Rong Zhao was defeated by everyone, even the prince-in-law dared to bully her, and even dared to find an outside room.

The emperor said to Concubine Ma Shu, I don't believe that Chu's consort would look for an outside wife.

Then he said coldly to the nuns, If you dare to help the tyrants to do evil again, you will make this prince-in-law angry to death. Even if Rong Zhao goes to the nunnery to become a aunt, you will not die peacefully.

When the nuns heard this, they were so frightened that they dared not say a word and hurried back to the princess's house.

Seeing the emperor's attitude, Ma Shufei's heart sank. It turned out that even if the censor made trouble again, the emperor would protect Rong Zhao, but this time he even said that he wanted her to be his sister-in-law. Concubine Ma Shu did not dare to make any more troubles. Rong Zhao was currently suffering from internal and external troubles, and everyone stayed away from her. If she annoyed the emperor again, she might be forced to become a monk. She opened her mouth, not daring to speak any more, and returned to her palace. Another nanny was sent to Princess Rongzhao's mansion to ask Rongzhao to be honest and stop causing trouble.

Afterwards, the Queen Mother sent a nun to reprimand Rong Zhao, telling her to be chaste, quiet and virtuous, to be courteous to her husband-in-law, to be kind to her husband's family, and to suppress the bad influence.

Rong Zhao just became more honest.

Now, as long as the prince-in-law can stay in the princess's mansion honestly, even if he keeps a cold face and doesn't speak, Rong Zhao will feel better.

I received a message from Chen Afu yesterday, and Rong Zhao was not used to it. In this house, no one has taken the initiative to send a message to visit me for nearly a year. Those who came to visit were all invited by her through postings. She invited ten, and it would be nice if one could come, but the one who came would not offend her.

But when she thought of Chen Afu's twin sons, she touched her belly and felt a twinge in her heart.

Chen Afu entered the room, knelt down and kowtowed, My daughter-in-law pays her respects to Her Royal Highness the Princess, and pays her respects to her father-in-law.

When Rong Zhao saw that she didn't bring her children, he frowned and asked, Where are the children? Why didn't you bring them to kowtow to me? As a grandmother, I have even prepared a greeting gift...

Lord Chu interrupted and said, Daughter-in-law, please get up and sit down to answer.

Rong Zhao opened his mouth, but still didn't say I can't get up.

Chen Afu said, Thank you, Your Highness, Princess, and thank you, Father. He stood up and sat on the chair next to him.

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