Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 423 The disaster is over

Mrs. Song was very happy after hearing this. It turns out that houses in Dingzhou Prefecture are much cheaper than those in the capital, and such a good house only costs more than 500 taels of silver.

They bought a house like this, decorated it, and bought some furniture for only 600 taels of silver. Of the 1,000 taels, they could still live on with 400 taels left. Coupled with the more than two hundred taels of silver saved by her husband, as well as his salary and his own dowry, these days are really getting better and better the more he thinks about it.

Mrs. Song smiled again and said, When I went to Dingzhou Prefecture, I also learned from my sister-in-law to do business and earn some money. The Fuyunlai Trading Company opened by my sister-in-law not only made a lot of money, but was also commended by the emperor. The future business It will definitely be better.”

Chen Afu smiled and said, If my brothers and sisters need help with anything, just ask. I will definitely help if I can.

Brother Wen was familiar with the game, so he pulled Chen Afu's lapel and said, Auntie, Wen'er wants to see the dog.

Chen Afu smiled and said, Okay, auntie will ask someone to bring them here. Then he whispered, Our dogs are very humane and don't like to hear people call them dogs. Their names are Sasha, Changchang, and Shortly, when you see them, you have to call them by name.

Brother Wen quickly covered his mouth with his little hand and nodded.

Sa Sa, mother and son, came to the east side room. Wen Geer put on his shoes and got off the kang by the wet nurse, and played with the dog with snacks. The long and short ones competed with him for food, making him giggle.

Seeing that Brother Wen liked it, Chen Afu kept mother and son for lunch before sending them away.

Finally waited until the 30th day of the first lunar month. After Chen Afu had breakfast, he hurried to Anrong Hall with his children.

There was only the third lady sitting on the kang in the side room. Seeing that Chen Afu had gone, he quickly pulled her onto the kang. The third lady's palms were sweaty and she was extremely nervous.

Chen Afu was also nervous and felt that his heart was about to jump out.

The third master didn't go to the office today. He went to Liuyunzhai. The old Marquis and the Marquis of Chu must also be there.

At this time, a girl came in to report that the third master sent someone to convey a message to the third lady.

The third lady sat up straight and said, Let him come in and deliver the message.

A handsome young man walked in with his head lowered, and after saluting, he whispered, The Third Master asked his servant to come in and report to the Third Lady and Grandma that from seven quarters before today's hour, eight adult princes will begin their blood sacrifices at the Temple of Heaven.

The third lady nodded and said, I understand, go ahead.

Chu Lingwei and Chu Lingzhi are not going to school today and are here to pay their respects to the third lady.

Although they didn't know what happened, they knew something was wrong with the adults when they saw the solemn expressions on the third lady and Chen Afu. Not daring to be an eyesore here, they led Sa Sa and her son to play in their own yard.

Chen Afu and the third lady were sitting on the kang, feeling anxious and distressed, but fortunately there were two children who were amusing them. They fell asleep, and the two adults were in a daze. They woke up, Chen Afu finished feeding the baby, and the adults teased the child again.

At noon, the girl holding the curtain outside suddenly shouted, Third Madam, Grandma, the snow has lightened and the wind has stopped.

When the third lady and Chen Afu heard this, they looked at each other, got off the kang and walked quickly towards the living room.

The servants put cloaks on them, and the girl opened the thick curtain and looked out. The snowflakes as big as goose feathers have indeed turned into small snowflakes, and the howling wind has stopped.

The two people walked out and stood on the porch for less than half a quarter of an hour. The snow became lighter and lighter, and finally stopped.

Many people came out and cheered loudly when they saw the snow had stopped. They didn't want to go into the house yet and continued to look at the sky.

Soon, the thick clouds dispersed, and the long-lost sun finally came out. In an instant, the blue sky suddenly appeared in front of people's eyes, as clear as water and cloudless. The blue sky, which I had not seen for a long time, was so beautiful at this moment that it was dazzling.

People cheered both inside and outside the courtyard.

The third lady's body swayed, and Chen Afu supported her. Her body was trembling slightly, she was afraid! The first prediction of Master Wu Zhi has become a reality, so what about the next sentence?

Chen Afu also felt very conflicted. He was happy that the snowstorm was over, but also worried about the unknown future of the Chu family. Dabao, the Marquis of Chu, and the Third Master, if anything happens to any of them, the Chu family will be ruined.

She helped the third husband back to the side room and whispered into her ear, Third aunt, don't worry. We did the first thing so perfectly because of Master Wu Zhi's suggestion. The second thing will also be done because of his suggestion. To break the situation, don't you have that magic medicine? If something happens, the magic medicine will save people.

The third lady said quietly, I hope so.

The two of them had a tasteless meal, and Chen Afu took the child back to Zhuxuan.

The snow stopped and she wanted to pack her things and go back to Dingzhou capital.

At the end of the day, Lord Chu and the old Lord Hou, who had not been seen for several days, came to Zhuxuan together.

The two children had not seen their grandfather for a few days. When he came, their eyes shone with excitement, their limbs kept shaking, their giggles became much louder, and they were so excited.

Chen Afu smiled and said, Oh, I see grandpa, I see they are happy.

Lord Chu was also happy. He leaned over and pinched their little faces and said, Grandpa is busy, I will come to see you another day. Then he left without even sitting down.

When the two brothers saw that the grandpa they liked stopped teasing them, they burst into tears. They are usually very well-behaved and don't like to cry or chase others away. But this time, she cried extremely aggrievedly.

When he reached the entrance of the courtyard, Lord Chu could still hear their cries. He paused for a moment and then walked away.

The old Marquis told Chen Afu to take her children back to Dingzhou Mansion first, but he did not want to go back for the time being. This matter is over, but there is another thing that scares the Chu family more. He will go back after this matter is resolved. In his opinion, his two sons were more likely to get into trouble than Master Eleven.

The eight princes made blood sacrifices to heaven, finally stopping the snow disaster that had been raging for more than a month. Not only was the emperor overjoyed, but the people were also grateful for the emperor's grace. It was said in the streets that the princes' benevolence and filial piety moved God. I heard that the theater troupe in the capital was putting on two plays to praise the princes. One was called Eight Dragons Sacrifice to Heaven and the other was called Sick Dragon Sacrifice to Heaven.

The emperor issued an edict to commend and reward eight princes. Special commendations were given to the second prince who proposed blood sacrifice to heaven, Prince Rui who proposed brothers working together, and the third prince who was sick but still insisted on fasting and offering sacrifices to heaven. Each of them was also rewarded with an extra sweat. Bloody BMW.

The eighth prince, who was also the daughter of the empress, entered the Ministry of Household Affairs for training. The ninth prince and the tenth prince, who had never been valued by the emperor, also entered the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Work respectively. In addition, the third prince and the second prince were allowed to practice together in the cabinet, and an uncle of the third prince was asked to fill the vacancy of the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and a close confidant of the third prince was transferred to become the governor general of the Chinese Army Governor's Mansion...

It can be seen that in this blood sacrifice to heaven, it seems that the third prince, who is sincere and commendable, has won the emperor's favor and gained the most benefits.

This made the Ninth Prince and the Chu family breathe a sigh of relief. Although the emperor has changed his view of the second prince and has a better impression of Prince Rui and the third prince, his original intention has not changed...

There is another update this afternoon, which is for monthly tickets. Qingquan has been saving articles before, but unfortunately the number of articles he has accumulated has never met the editor's requirements. Qingquan writes slowly and has some obsessive-compulsive disorder. If the article he has written is not uploaded, he always feels that it is not good. He keeps revising, revising, revising, which also slows down the writing speed even more, so he has not finished it. Even. Please forgive me.

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