Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 223 Just pretend you didn’t see it

A relatively gentle-looking man bowed and took the jade string from Master Jiu's hand, and brought it to Chu Hanyan. Chu Hanyan lowered her head and didn't dare to answer it at all.

Chen Afu said softly, Sister, take the gift from Master Jiu quickly.

After hearing this, Chu Hanyan raised her buried little head. There was still a layer of mist in her eyes, and she timidly stretched out her hand to take the jade string.

Manager Luo and others bowed and sent Master Jiu and others out of the restaurant, and then heaved a sigh of relief. Manager Luo looked at the jade string in Chu Hanyan's hand and said to Song's mother, You must keep this jade string well.

Mother Song agreed and reached out to take the jade string.

Chen Afu picked up Chu Hanyan, kissed her little face and said, Sister, I am so capable. I am no longer afraid of strangers. Look at Master Jiu just now, how much he likes you.

After hearing the praise, the little girl burst into laughter again.

Chen Afu quietly said to Manager Luo, That Ninth Master looks like a noble person at first glance. How come he appears in the small town of Sanqing County?

Manager Luo's eyes flickered and he whispered, Miss Chen, just pretend you didn't see him. Don't mention to others that you saw him when you go back.

Manager Luo's expression made Chen Afu even more aware that Master Ninth was unusual, and he nodded in agreement.

After the group had dinner, they went to the Yang family.

The servants invited Chen Afu and Chu Hanyan to the courtyard where Yang's mother lived, and the housekeeper invited Manager Luo to drink tea in the outer courtyard.

Yang's mother is in her forties, looks kind, and is in frail health. She knew that Miss Chu was a girl from the Hou Mansion, and her son relied on the influence of the Hou Mansion when doing business, so she hurriedly invited the little girl to take a seat.

Chen Afu helped him refuse, holding the little girl on his lap and sitting down.

Mother Yang sent someone to invite her brother and sister to come here.

Chen Afu asked in surprise, Brother Chao, didn't you go to school?

Yang's mother sighed, A few days ago, when my brother and I were having a fight in private school, we fell to the ground and broke our arm. It's so pitiful that I suffered such a sin. I blame him, but a six-year-old child is so impatient. I want to send him to school. I thought, if his arm is healed, he won’t be in a hurry to go to private school. Let’s wait until he turns seven next year. No matter what happens, it’s not too late to go to school at the age of eight.” After saying a few more words, he added Out of breath.

Chen Afu was shocked that something like this happened. She complained a little to herself that she should have sent someone to visit the Yang family for nothing, but she only found out about such a big thing.

Just as he was talking, Yang Qian came. Her face was flushed, and she looked like she had run all the way here.

She first greeted Mother Yang, then ran towards Chen Afu, shouting, Aunt Chen, sister Yan'er, why did you come to pick us up now? My brother broke his arm and was crying in pain. It's so pitiful, Sister Qian's heart aches so much. As she said that, tears welled up in her eyes again.

Chen Afu wiped her tears and whispered some words of persuasion.

After a while, Yang Chao also came. His left arm was hanging on his chest and he walked slowly, completely losing his previous lively appearance.

Yang Chao came to Chen Afu and said with red eyes, Aunt Chen, I'm injured. Oh, it's so shameful. I was defeated by that boy Cao Yang. I can't even go to school. He looked very aggrieved.

Chen Afu put Chu Hanyan down, leaned Yang Chaola on his lap, stroked his head and said distressedly, Ah, how could this happen? Remember to be more careful in the future and avoid fighting. Don't be sad, little one. Children's bones grow quickly, and it won't take long for their arms to grow.

Mother Yang felt sour when she saw this scene. Although it was the first time she met Chen Afu, her son, grandson, and granddaughter had already talked about her countless times. Her grandson and granddaughter like her very much, and her son is even more passionate about her and wants to marry her as his wife. It's a pity that she has already been favored by Mr. Chu. His son is a businessman. How dare he compete with the powerful officials for women, so he has to give up that idea.

It would be great if she could marry in. Not only would her son like her, but she would also truly love her grandson and granddaughter. She would also be able to worry less and take care of herself.

Alas, what a pity.

Mother Yang calmed down her thoughts and smiled again when she saw several boxes of snacks on the table, Thank you, Miss Chen. Not only are the snacks you sent delicious, I actually felt less angry after eating them. She laughed at herself again. He smiled and said, This must be a greedy thing.

The words made several people laugh.

Yang's mother suffers from asthma and needs decoction all year round. Although Chen Afu had never met Yang's mother before, she also hoped that Yang's mother would be healthy for the sake of Yang Mingyuan and her two children. She felt that the agarwood tree slag might not be able to cure Mother Yang's disease, but it would always be beneficial for the patient to eat it, so she would send someone to deliver snacks once a month.

After hearing Mother Yang's words, Chen Afu smiled and said, Mrs. Chen likes to eat. From now on, I will have people deliver it twice a month.

Mother Yang smiled and said thank you.

After chatting for a while, Yang Qian proposed that she wanted to go to Fuyuan for a few days. After hearing this, Yang Chao seemed to have some energy and shouted to go play.

Chen Afu smiled at Mother Yang and said, Mrs. Chen, I like these two children very much, so I will take them to the countryside to play for a while. Don't worry, I also have a few servants at home who will take good care of them. I will not wrong them.

Chen Afu originally wanted to take them to Fuyuan, but Yang Chao was injured and wanted to take them even more. Then add some agarwood to his medicine, and his injury will heal faster.

Mother Yang smiled and said, That's a good relationship. Every time these two little monkeys come back from your house, they are extremely happy and in good spirits. I'm just afraid that they will be naughty and cause you trouble.

Chen Afu took Yang Chao and Yang Qian out of Yang's house as he wished. This time we not only went with the young man Lidong, Huang’s mother, and the coachman Old Uncle Yang, but also Yang Chao’s wet nurse, Mother Li.

When I returned to Fuyuan, I saw Qiqi and Huihui standing in the middle of the yard, playing with Zhuifeng and Wangcai.

Yang Chao and Yang Qian liked them the most and ran towards them as soon as they got off the car. Chu Hanyan looked around, looking for Jin Yanzi.

On the roof, there were a few chirping little birds. One is a golden swallow, and the other is colorful, which is Jin'er. Two of the other four are skylarks at home, and Chen Afu named them Ge'er and Qu'er. The other two, one is in the green series, called Lu'er, and the other is in the blue series, called Lan'er. Because the feathers of these two birds are very beautiful, they always follow the golden swallows to play at home, so Chen Afu chose these two names.

Golden Swallow was standing on the roof looking at the scenery. When he saw them coming back, he quickly flew to hang on the little girl's body and looked at her happily with the corner of his mouth raised.

Chu Hanyan smiled with crooked eyebrows and said, Jinbao is back?

Jin Yanzi chirped at her twice, then flew to Chen Afu's shoulder and chirped, From now on, Lu'er and Lan'er will live at home like Jin'er. The other younger brothers and sisters still prefer Linzi, I only come here occasionally to play.”

Chen Afu breathed a sigh of relief, this was for the best. The little guy is cute, but if he comes too often, he will be too noisy and annoying. From now on, I just need to drop by occasionally to improve the food.

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