Seeing Dabao's red eyes, Chen Afu lowered his head and touched his head with his face. He said softly, Good son, make a wish silently in your heart without saying it out loud. Blow out the candle in one breath, and your wish will come true.

Dabao looked up at her and asked, Can I only make one wish? My son has many wishes.

Chen Afu looked at his eyes as bright as the stars on a summer night, pinched his little face and said with a smile, I will only make one promise today, and save the rest for later. From now on, your mother will make a cake for you on every birthday.

Dabao nodded and glanced at the others proudly, feeling so happy that little bubbles popped up in his heart.

He silently made a wish in his heart that he most wanted to realize, which was to be with his mother forever and never be separated. After he made his wish, he glanced at his mother again. He really wanted to tell her this wish, but he couldn't. He pressed hard to suppress the words that were about to burst out of his mouth - if he said them, his wish would not come true.

After that, he blew out all the candles in one breath.

Chen Afu took the lead in applauding, took out the candles, divided the cake into teeth, and asked Xia Yue and Qiu Yue to share it with the children and Jin Yanzi, Qi Qi, and Hui Hui who were already jumping anxiously.

The cake was so fragrant that the children almost swallowed it with their tongues, and each one ate like a kitten. After eating, he still wanted more. Chen Afu spread his hands to express that he had no more.

A group of children, including Dabao, ran to show off their cuteness to Chen Afu.

Dabao licked the cream on his lips with his pink tongue and looked at his mother with admiration, a thousand words reflected in his little eyes.

Little Miss Chu wiped her creamy little mouth clean, and pursed her lips to make the little pear holes at the corners of her mouth appear deeper and more beautiful. Auntie liked these two little holes of hers the most.

Luo Mingcheng and Yang Chao clicked their lips loudly.

Yang Qian pouted and said repeatedly, It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, I want to eat it, I want to eat it...

Dahu and other children put their fingers in their mouths and sucked them, and the sound of sucking could be heard outside the door.

Their appearance made Chen Afu dumbfounded. The cake she made was not big, just because she was afraid that she would not be able to withstand the children's attack and be defeated. Children will definitely like this stuff, but they shouldn’t eat too much.

What made Chen Afu angry was that she secretly left a piece of cake for Alu and placed it on the table in her bedroom with a big bowl, but Jin Yanzi opened the bowl and closed it with Qiqi and Huihui. Eaten secretly.

When Chen Afu found out, the three flowerheads had already finished the tooth cake.

Chen Afu walked over in a hurry and slapped Qiqi and Huihui to the ground. Qiqi was so angry that he yelled stinky bitches.

She flicked Jin Yanzi hard again and said angrily, You've eaten so much and you still eat it. If you have diarrhea, don't let me wash your butt.

Jin Yanzi screamed angrily, Fu Ma is so annoying, her words are too vulgar... Before she could finish her words, she bowed and shouted, Ouch, ouch, my stomach hurts and I want to have diarrhea.

Chen Afu was angry, but when he heard that it was going to have diarrhea, he quickly said, Go and pull it into the toilet bucket. Once you pull it into the toilet bucket, I will wash your butt.

She threw Qiqi and Huihui out of the bedroom and said, Go find Xia Yue Qiuyue to wash your faces.

Then he closed the doors and windows, grabbed the golden swallow and entered the space together. Then he opened the lid of a respectful bucket with his own hands and said, Please pull it.

There is nothing she can do in such a hurry. The whole year begins with spring, and now is a good season for fertilizing.

There was nothing Jin Yanzi could do about being treated so rudely by her. Who could make him ask for help from her? It stood on the edge of the bucket, and covered its face with one of its wings in embarrassment, making a ding-ding-dong-dong sound. After having a bowel movement, my stomach no longer hurts.

After it was done, it was very environmentally conscious and held the lid in its mouth to cover the pail.

Chen Afu grabbed it out of the space again and took a basin of water to wash its butt. Then he poured the water into a big basin and poured it on the ground next to the yard.

During the day, the children played happily all day. But at night, Yang Chao's brother and sister were obviously not in a high mood because they were going home tomorrow.

At night, Chen Afu couldn't sleep for a long time while holding two soft and fragrant little girls in his arms. It wasn't that she didn't sleep, it was because Yang Qian was making so much noise that she couldn't sleep.

Being liked by a little girl is also a worrying thing, and being liked by a little girl who loves to move and talk is even more worrying.

Little Miss Chu sleeps very honestly. She just listens to Chen Afu's stories quietly before going to bed, and then falls asleep in the story. After seeing her fall asleep, Chen Afu would kiss her pretty little face, blow out the candle, and lie down to sleep.

But little girl Yang was not like that at all. After listening to the story, she would keep talking about it, and finally she had to be ordered to shut her mouth, stop talking, and go to bed quickly. She was not honest even when she was asleep, moving around like a little mouse. Therefore, he didn't dare to let her sleep next to Chu Hanyan.

Tonight, she held Chen Afu with one hand, and held Chu Hanyan with another hand across Chen Afu. She kept telling her feelings of missing each other in the future, But what should I do? I feel sad before I leave. I will miss you. , I will cry, cry every day, cry every night, and I can’t eat or sleep...

As I talked, I became really sad and started to cry. Chu Hanyan was also sad and cried, Auntie, don't let Sister Qian go. Sister Qian likes her...

The next day, everyone in Fuyuan got up early.

After the meal, Chen Afu took Chu Hanyan and Yang Qian, followed by Yang Chao, and sent Alu and Dabao out of the yard.

Dabao is wearing a beautiful little blue gown that his mother made for him today, and he is wearing a sky cannon tied with a blue ribbon. He is so beautiful. He also carried a small basket containing study supplies in his hand, with a confident look on his face.

Brothers Wu Mu and Xiao Shitou were already waiting at the gate of Fuyuan. They said hello to Chen Afu, and then turned to the east of Fuyuan and headed north together with Alu and Dabao.

Chen Afu also took several children to the east side of the yard and watched four tall and short figures walking towards the private school in Shangshui Village in the north in the morning light, gradually disappearing in the brilliant morning glow.

After that, they loaded a lot of food and play things into the little brother and sister's carriage, and watched as Yang Chao and Yang Qian, who were crying like tears, were forced into the carriage.

The carriage had gone a long way, and the cries of the little brother and sister could still be heard. Yang Qian stuck her head out of the car window and said, Aunt Chen, if we don't come for a long time, remember to send someone to pick us up. If you send someone, my grandma will not let us go...

Their behavior made Chen Afu's nose sore and Chu Hanyan burst into tears long ago.

The little girl hugged Chen Afu's neck and asked over and over again, Why does Dabao go to school, why does Brother Yang and Sister Qian go home...

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