Around this time, Chu Hanyan, Luo Mei, and Luo Mingcheng came over accompanied by adults.

Today is the first day of class in the new campus. Chen Afu and the children are very excited. Because of Yang Chao and Yang Qian, the atmosphere in the class became more active.

First, I listened to stories and played games in the activity room, then practiced martial arts in the front yard, and then learned counting and addition within ten in the study room. Then, have lunch and take a lunch break.

In the afternoon, we played games, played with building blocks, and learned Chinese characters. Then we went to the backyard children's playground for free activities and had dinner.

After the meal, the children were playing wildly in the yard again, and the birds that had been wild all day also came back under the leadership of the golden swallow.

People laughing, dogs barking, and birds chirping mingled together, making the Fuyuan even more lively.

Today, Chu Hanyan would sleep in the same bed as Yang Qian and her aunt, and she was so happy that her smile became a little sweeter.

Mrs. Wang and Chen Afu were sitting on the porch discussing how to celebrate Dabao's birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of Dabao being picked up, which is also Dabao's fifth birthday. After his birthday, he should go to private school.

When Chen Ming was still at home, he had already taken him to the private school in Shangshui Village to meet Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang liked Dabao very much and said that he was extremely intelligent and talented. He also asserted, Jiang can only teach this boy for one year at most. After that, you have to hire another good teacher...

Those words made Chen Ming cry excitedly. His family will finally have an official career.

Mrs. Wang felt that she could only give Dabao an egg for his birthday, so he wisely gave half of it to his mother, hoping to give him a lively birthday. The fun of country people is to invite more guests, set more tables, and prepare more delicious food.

Chen Afu was unwilling and said that the most important thing was that Dabao was happy. So she would only let the children spend time with her tomorrow. In addition to the children at home, at most she would invite Xiao Shitou, Sixi Zi, and Dazhu and Jizi, two children from Tangyuan who played well with Dabao.

The two of them were talking, but they were worried about Chen Ming in their hearts. According to his personality, he shouldn't miss Chen Afu's move, nor should he miss Dabao's birthday. But he hasn't come back yet, and Dabao's birthday may have to be missed.

Chen Afu looked at Ms. Wang, whose eyes were a little red, and advised, Don't worry, mother. Manager Luo is with them. If there is an emergency, someone will definitely send someone back to tell them.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a horse-drawn carriage outside the door, and the horse-drawn carriage stopped at the entrance of Fuyuan. Then came Zeng Shuang's voice, Open the door, Uncle Chen is back.

Old man Zeng hurriedly opened the door. Wang and Chen Afu both got up and went to the door, and the children also ran over.

Seeing Chen Ming and Zeng Jiang standing at the door, Chen Ming didn't look good. The carriage belonged to Tangyuan and sent them back to Tangyuan.

Zeng Shuang helped Chen Ming in, and Wang asked anxiously, What's wrong with the master?

Chen Ming shook his head and walked straight into the upper room. Chen Afu and Wang quickly followed in. Alu and Dabao wanted to follow, but Chen Afu stopped them and asked them to continue leading the little guests to play in the yard, and asked Aunt Zeng to go to Chen Ming and Zeng Shuang.

Chen Ming drank a glass of water before telling the whole story.

It turned out that Chen Ye and Hu regretted it as soon as they saw the luxury and business of the restaurant. Xinglong Restaurant is a three-story blue brick building with upturned eaves, carved columns and colorful lanterns, which dazzled them.

They originally thought that the restaurant was not big in scale and might be better than the restaurants in Sanqing County. They did not expect it to be more luxurious than the best restaurant in the county.

Moreover, business was surprisingly good, with all three floors occupied. How much money do you have to make?

Chen Ming shook his head and said, Business was so good in the first two days because of the connections between Shopkeeper Luo and Zeng Shuang. They went to many stewards of the General's Mansion, as well as people related to the General's Mansion, and even military masters. There are some waiters that the restaurant must hire. There will definitely not be so many people in normal times...

But Chen Ye and Hu didn't think so, they only thought that they had suffered a loss. The second and third bedrooms each account for 40% of the shares, while the large bedroom only accounts for 10%. In the future, the money for second- and third-bedroom apartments will definitely become more and more profitable, while the big-bedroom apartments will only become poorer and poorer...

Chen Ye's thought was that if he had known better, he should have contributed more money and taken more shares. This restaurant was obviously making a lot of money. It's all because of that stinky bitch, otherwise if I had to pay more than a hundred taels of silver, I wouldn't only have 10% of the shares.

But Mrs. Hu thought that the second and third houses were too stingy. If they wanted to give away shares, they should also give away 30%. Isn't it just right for each house to have 30%.

At that time, Chen Shi opened a private room in the restaurant and invited the entire Chen family to dinner.

Mrs. Hu was the first to attack, crying and accusing her second and third brothers of being selfish and careless, only thinking about getting rich for themselves, while leaving their eldest brother who raised them to suffer hardship and poverty, and their consciences were eaten by dogs. She also scolded Chen Afu, saying that it was all her idea, and that damn girl was so evil-minded...

It doesn't matter if Chen Ming gets scolded, but he won't be happy if he scolds Chen Afu. He said, My sister-in-law was the one who cried and made trouble that day and didn't want to give out the money. How can you blame my Ah Fu? Ah Fu was kind-hearted and allowed your eldest brother to have a share without giving out the money. That's why he came up with this idea. .”

Mrs. Zhang also said, Yes, Ah Fu came up with this idea that day, and I remember my sister-in-law was very happy. But she thought in her heart, not only Ms. Hu was happy, but the whole family was also happy.

Chen Ye was already angry, and when he heard Mrs. Hu scolding someone unpleasantly, he was about to yell at her.

But when he heard Chen Ming's words suddenly distanced relatives from far away, he became even more unhappy. He said with a serious face, Second brother, what did you say? Say it again! What does 'my Ah Fu' mean and what does 'your big house' mean?

Old Mrs. Chen also said, Second brother, are you stupid? You don't even know who is close to whom?

Chen Ming was originally afraid of Chen Ye, and indeed he said the wrong thing in a hurry, so he quickly said, I said the wrong thing, brother, don't be angry...

When Mrs. Hu saw her husband helping her, she felt even more stubborn. He curled his lips and said, Oh, you have the nerve to say that I am returning my Ah Fu... Now many people in the village are saying privately that Ah Fu is not your biological daughter, but was brought here by the Wang family, and is the biological daughter of the prefect... …”

These words scared the three Chen brothers and Mrs. Chen out of their wits. If someone overheard this, their whole family would be in bad luck. They quickly told her to stop talking nonsense.

Chen Ye even slapped her with too much force, causing Mrs. Hu to crawl on the table, with a pile of dishes underneath her. Fortunately, the weather was still cold and Mrs. Hu was wearing thicker clothes. Apart from a few blisters on her hands, she was fine. Mrs. Hu suddenly started wailing loudly, and the room was in chaos.

I couldn't eat any more, so I went home.

Chen Ming didn't feel well in the middle of the night because he was angry. Chen Shi and Chen Ayu went to invite her husband that night.

Early the next morning, a group of military lords suddenly broke into Chen Shi's house and arrested Hu, saying that she was suspected of falsely accusing an important court official, which was a serious crime. But because the case was related to the prefect, he handed the case over to the military in order to avoid suspicion.

Thank you for your tips and monthly votes. I am very happy that yesterday the number of monthly votes cast by readers at the academy exceeded ten, which is a milestone!

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