Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 177 Liveliness and Loneliness

This year, the second and third bedrooms gave many gifts, Hu and Chen Aju did not look for trouble, and the Chen family enjoyed the New Year's Eve dinner very happily.

Of course, Hu's emotional reminiscences were indispensable at the dinner table, and Chen Ming and Chen Shi sincerely thanked their big brother Chen Ye. Chen Ye was also happy. What he wanted to see most was this scene. The three brothers were in harmony and the two younger brothers were closely united around him.

Chen Ye told Chen Ming again and asked him to find a way to invite Guanshi Luo and his son to Hu's house on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, Hu Laowu invited guests, including Xia Baotou from the county town and several nearby Lizhenghe landowners, including the Chen family brothers. He also went to Tangyuan to invite Guanshi Luo and his son. Everyone else readily accepted the invitation, except for Manager Luo and his son, who said it would depend on the situation and were undecided.

Because of Hu Laowu, Chen Ye now has a warm relationship with Xia Baotou, and even visited Xia's house. Hu Laowu asked him to talk to Chen Ming and find a way to help invite Manager Luo to the Hu family.

Chen Ming accepted Hu Laowu's affection, so he agreed, saying that if Guanluo had nothing to do that day, he would definitely invite him to Hu's house. If Manager Luo has something to do, he will also find a way to invite Manager Luo to go.

After dinner, Erfang will go back to Luyuan. Chen Atang and Chen Dahu heard that the firecrackers bought by people in Tangyuan were better, not only loud, but also had beautiful flowers, so they wanted to follow them to watch the excitement outside Tangyuan. Dabao and Alu took them with them. When passing by Xiao Shitou's house and Sixi Zi's house, he called the two children out again.

Chen Afu asked the children to play between Fuyuan and Tangyuan, where there was a large wasteland. Chen Dabao ran to the back of Tangyuan again and called Luo Mingcheng and several other children from Tangyuan servants and Sheungshui villagers over. Those children usually played on the boundary of Sheung Shui Village behind Tang Yuan and rarely came to the front of Tang Yuan, so this area seemed particularly quiet.

After Chen Afu and others returned home, they cleaned up the living room. They will have dinner in this room during the Chinese New Year. Moreover, two tables were set up, and the master and his servants would all eat here.

Hearing the laughter of children, the sound of firecrackers and the barking of dogs outside, Chen Afu was very satisfied. Children represent hope, and excitement represents prosperity. She hopes that this peaceful land will be full of hope and prosperity from now on.

She also brought a bowl of freshly fried crispy meat and went out to feed them, and saw Qiqi and Huihui running over to play. Children, dogs, and birds all lined up with their mouths open, waiting for Chen Afu to feed them. Qiqi still wanted to pinch her, but was pulled back by Dabao.

Chen Afu smiled and fed each person one by one. When I looked up, I saw the vermilion gate of Tangyuan in the distance opened at some point. Chu Hanyan in a red cloak was standing at the door, looking at it with envy. Although she was followed by Song's mother and Miao'er, she still looked lonely and lonely.

Chen Afu waved to her, and she hesitated for a moment before walking towards here. It seems that Song's mother and Miao'er don't approve of the young master's passing. She is a lady of the family, and they are afraid that the children of the servants and the villagers will disturb her. But when they saw Chen Afu waving, they didn't dare to stop him and had no choice but to follow Chu Hanyan.

Chen Afu knew what they were thinking, and also knew the gap between the daughters of princes and the children of villagers in this world. But considering that Miss Chu is still young and has this disease, every opportunity should be used to encourage her to be gregarious. Now she is in the countryside, and there is no young lady who matches her status here. Just because there is no one with the right identity, she cannot be prevented from joining the group. That would be a waste of food.

However, Chen Afu did not feed the little girl the few pieces of crispy meat left in the bowl. The little girl was so pampered that she couldn't be allowed to open her mouth to eat in the wind, and the crispy meat was already a little cold.

She fed the meat in the bowl to the rough guys, smiled and wiped off the silver thread running down the corner of the little girl's mouth with a handkerchief, and whispered, Auntie will take you to my aunt's house to eat good food later.

When the little girl heard this, she pursed her lips and smiled.

Chen Afu also stood here and watched those boys going crazy. When the children saw such a beautiful little girl watching them, they became even more cheerful, making Chu Hanyan giggle.

The little girl is laughing more and more now, and her voice seems to be getting louder.

Chen Afu felt that the time was almost up, so he invited all the children to his home. One person treated them to a few slices of bacon and braised pork, and put some candies and melon seeds in their bags before sending them out. Because there were many people in Dahu, he let them go back to the village by themselves.

After Chen Afu gave Miss Chu some braised pork, he took out a food box. There was a small pot of braised pork and three shredded cold dishes inside, and Miao'er was asked to take them to Tangyuan. Both her grandfather and grandson liked to eat these two dishes.

The little girl obviously didn't want to leave. Chen Afu knelt down, gently pinched her little face and said with a smile, Today is the Chinese New Year, so I have to eat the New Year's dinner at my own home. When I come to my aunt's house tomorrow, my aunt will cook something delicious for you. . Then he put a red envelope with six silver peanuts in her arms, touched the toe of her small bag and said, This is the New Year's money given by my aunt to my sister. I put it under the pillow to sleep today. I will give it to you next year. You will be healthy and happy.

After hearing this, the little girl patted her chest and left reluctantly.

After they left, Chen Afu asked Zeng Xiaoqing to take a food box and send it to Steward Luo's house. This was the braised food he gave to them.

Afterwards, the whole family sat down to the living room to have a reunion dinner, with the master at one table and the servants at another. A kang table was also placed on the ground. Zhuifeng and Wangcai squatted on the ground to eat, while Qiqi and Huihui stood on the kang table to eat.

Shi'er Shanzi would take Alu and Dabao to set off firecrackers outside the yard. As soon as they ran out, the two dogs and two birds would also run out, making it very lively.

Seeing this lively scene, Chen Ming's eyes turned red. My family has prospered.

However, one person was particularly unhappy. Chen Afu often flashes the image of Jin Yanzi crying in his mind. The louder the firecrackers sound, the harder his little body trembles, and his eyes are swollen from crying. Yes, it’s the Chinese New Year and everyone is happy. Even Zhuifeng, Qiqi and Huihui’s voices are louder than usual, but the little guy is alone in the space. He is lonely.

Originally, Chen Afu wanted to play with Chen Ming and Wang later, but now it seems that he has to put Dabao to bed earlier so that he can have some space to spend time with the little thing.

At around 12:00, after eating the dumplings, Chen Afu took Dabao, who was still in a playful mood, to the west wing on the pretext that he was tired, and asked Zhui Feng, Qi Qi, and Hui Hui to go back to the room to sleep. Qiqi, who was having a good time, got upset and called her a stinky bitch again, which made Chen Afu so angry that he flicked it so hard that his brains collapsed.

Dabao went crazy for a day. Although he didn't want to sleep, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Chen Afu went to the space and took two small bowls of food.

Golden Swallow was covering her little head with her wings and crying bitterly.

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