Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 174 Treating Distinguished Guests

At this time, although it was not yet dark, the red lanterns outside the door and in the yard were already lit.

The kitchen door was only opened a crack. Chen Afu saw a man in a black cloak walking in the front through the crack of the door. On his left shoulder stood Qiqi and on his right shoulder stood Hui Hui. He must be approachable and approachable. Mr. Chu, who likes flowers and birds. Two men followed closely behind. The one wearing a navy blue cloak was Chu Lingxuan, who was holding Chen Dabao's hand. Another man was wearing a navy blue cloak. He was holding Chu Hanyan in a red cloak. That man must be Mr. Chu San.

Chen Ming, A Lu, Luo Guanshi and his son, Zeng Shuang and others followed behind.

Chen Afu figured that they should sit down and start drinking, then began to stir-fry twice-cooked pork with garlic sprouts. After frying, he put the mutton wrapped with green onions and beef roasted with radish that were warm in the pot onto a plate, and took Zeng Xiaoqing to the living room to serve the dishes.

There were two girls standing at the door. Seeing them coming, they quickly opened the door and raised the curtain.

There were four candles and two charcoal pots burning in the hall, making it warm and bright.

An old man of about sixty sat in the upper seat. He had a rosy face and a gentle expression. He was wearing a dark red cotton satin gown with squirrel fur. He looked nothing like the majestic old marquis. Sitting on the left is a man in his early thirties. He has an imposing appearance, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a slight beard. He looks very much like Chu Lingxuan. He is wearing a brocade cotton jacket with gold trim and dark blue flowers and birds. Sitting under him is Chen Dabao. Chu Lingxuan, who was wearing a brown jacquard brocade cotton gown, sat on the right, and beneath him sat Chu Hanyan. Chen Ming and A Lu sat at the bottom of the table, opposite the old Marquis.

Manager Luo and others were waiting behind.

After all, Chen Ming sat down at the table. He must have been called up by the Chu family.

Chen Afu first placed the mutton wrapped with green onions and braised beef on the table, and then the twice-cooked pork with garlic sprouts. Yingying smiled and said, Though stir-fried twice-cooked pork with garlic sprouts is a home-cooked dish, it is also a little girl's specialty. Please give the old marquis and two adults a try. Do you like it?

The old Marquis smiled first and said, You're welcome, little girl. I heard from my grandson that you are clever and ingenious. You not only teach my great-granddaughter well, but you are also good at cooking and raising flowers and birds well. The dishes and snacks you cook are all good. , old man, I’m very satisfied.”

Chu Lingxuan glanced at the old man, and his face turned a little red, not knowing whether it was because of the heat. He quickly said, My grandson probably listened to what Yan'er and Shopkeeper Luo said. He then added, However, Master Chen is indeed good at delicious food.

Mr. Chu San didn't say anything. He first put a piece of twice-cooked pork in the old man's bowl, and then put a piece of meat himself and ate it. He chewed it slowly, as if savoring it. After swallowing it, he picked up a bunch of garlic sprouts and tasted it before nodding with satisfaction. He smiled and said, I have eaten twice-cooked pork many times, but this one is the most delicious. The meat is fat but not greasy, and the garlic sprouts are fragrant and delicious. The little girl's skills are very good, and she will soon catch up with the imperial chef.

He is really a handsome man, with a gentle manner and an amiable attitude.

Chen Afu was a little embarrassed to be praised. She knew that she was not at this level yet. This was mostly due to her special water and bird manure. He hurriedly said humbly, Old Marquis and your two lords, thank you very much.

Chu Hanyan spoke, The gold made by my the most delicious.

The old Marquis had already eaten several pieces of twice-cooked pork. After hearing what Chu Hanyan said, he stopped his chopsticks and said, What? Can you still eat gold?

Chen Afu explained with a smile, My sister must be talking about the golden smooth pork I made. He added, I will make another dish today called golden shrimp balls. My sister will definitely like it more.

Shrimp is relatively expensive, so I generally don’t buy it at home. This time Chufu sent some cold shrimps, and Chen Afu decided to make this dish.

Mr. Chu San smiled and said, Then we are waiting to eat this golden shrimp ball.

Chen Afu smiled and nodded, then glanced at Dabao, Alu and Chen Ming. Dabao is the least afraid. He carries his favorite food and occasionally introduces the dishes to Chen Ming. Alu is also okay. Although he is a little nervous, his face is red, and he doesn't talk much, he still knows how to lower his head to eat.

On the other hand, Chen Ming was too nervous to pick up the food, with sweat dripping from the tip of his nose.

Chen Afu was very distressed. But I had no choice but to aggrieve him first. This family must curry favor with the powerful in order to protect itself in the future. It will be fine once the dignitaries come more often and get used to it.

Her eyes were a little sad, she bent her knees and exited the hall.

When she was opening the door, Chu Lingxuan's voice came from behind her, Uncle Chen, don't be nervous, come and have a try...

The door blocked the sound in the room... She breathed a sigh of relief.

After the golden shrimp balls were ready, Chen Afu personally carried them to the living room and saw that the garlic sprouts twice-cooked pork on the table was gone. Chen Ming's bowl was filled with half a bowl of vegetables, and he was eating slowly with his head down.

Several people laughed when they saw the fat, golden shrimp balls with a small shrimp tail protruding from the top.

The old Marquis took one and tasted it, nodded and said, Yes, it's delicious. It looks good, has a crisp texture, and tastes delicious. It's very good!

After hearing this, Miss Chu said anxiously, Yes, yes, yes.

Chu Lingxuan quickly picked one up for her and put it in a bowl, and then put another one in Chen Ming's bowl before starting to eat it himself.

After Mr. Chu San and Chu Lingxuan ate, they nodded frequently and said delicious, delicious.

I listened to them comment on several dishes on the table.

Chen Afu felt that this was a bit like a food competition on TV in his previous life. Every time a dish was prepared, several judges would eat it first, and then start to comment on it after eating.

After the dishes were finished, Chen Afu started making golden silk cakes again. Wang had already done the preliminary work, she just fried the noodles directly into the pot.

By the time the golden silk cake was almost done and the people who came to the room were already full of food and wine, Aunt Zeng led others to put away the dishes.

Seeing that the golden silk cakes had cooled down, Chen Afu, Zeng Xiaoqing and Wei Shi went to the living room each carrying two food boxes containing golden silk cakes.

Walking in the yard, you can hear loud laughter coming from the hall. Chen Afu knew that it must be the two parrots talking nonsense again with their beaks open.

The room has returned to its original appearance. Old Marquis and Mr. Chu San are sitting at the Eight Immortals table, and several other people are sitting on both sides of them.

On the lap of the old Marquis stood Qiqi and Huihui. Their mouths were not empty because they had been eating. Now that my mouth is free, I can express myself vigorously and keep talking.

They recited poems for a while, sang Health Songs for a while, and Little Swallows for a while. They also imitated human speech, howled to chase the wind and make money... which made everyone in the room laugh. Especially the old Marquis Chu, who laughed the loudest. Feeling happy, I fed them another pine nut.

As soon as Chen Afu entered, Qiqi and Huihui rushed to shout, one called Mother and the other called Auntie, which were the voices of Dabao and Chu Hanyan. It made everyone laugh again.

Chen Afu and others placed six food boxes on the Eight Immortals table. Mr. Chu San nodded to express his thanks, waved his hand again, and a long-looking man brought up a tray.

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