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That old lady was the old lady Chen Afu had seen at the Yuqilin Silver Building in Dingzhou - Chen Shiying's mother.

The day before yesterday, Chen Afu specially pulled shopkeeper Luo to talk for a while, asking about Chen Shiying's family. Her reason is that only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you take precautions.

Manager Luo felt the same way, so he told everything he knew about the Chen family without reservation.

Chen Shiying had a wife and two concubines. His wife was Jiang, and they had a daughter and a son. The second daughter is born, her maiden name is Chen Yuqing, she is thirteen years old. Son Chen Yulan, eleven years old, is also Chen Shiying’s only son. Tang is a noble concubine who has a daughter named Chen Yuhui. There is another concubine, Aunt Lu, who was once a girl of the Jiang family. She has a daughter who is only seven years old this year, named Chen Yuxia.

At that time, it was Aunt Tang's father who took a fancy to Chen Shiying. When Chen Shiying was still in the provincial capital Shi'an Mansion, he found Chen Shiying's younger brother, who is now Zhao Lizheng.

I don’t know what Father Tang and Zhao Li told Mrs. Chen, nor how they forced Mrs. Wang to agree to return to her parents’ home. After returning to her parents' home, her stepmother Ding forced Wang to get married within half a decade. Not only did Wang agree, but she also took the initiative to choose Chen Ming, who was about to die... Fortunately, Wang chose Chen Ming, because Ding had already found the next house. If no one wanted Wang anymore, she would sell her. To a foot trader from Lingnan...

I don’t know how much money the Tang family gave Zhao Lizheng and Ding. Anyway, within the next year, the Zhao Lizheng family purchased 200 acres of land and successfully deposed Yuan Lizheng, who became Lizheng. Ding not only purchased ten acres of land, but also renovated the thatched house into a large tile-roofed house...

More than half a month later, when Chen Shiying returned to her hometown, she learned that Chen's mother had driven away the Wang family and had verbally married the Tang family. She was furious. I ran to Wang's parents' house to take her back, but by then Wang had already married another woman. Chen Shiying didn't want to do anything to her mother, but she angered the Tang family and was determined not to marry the Tang family. Chen's mother also threatened her son with death, forcing her son to marry the Tang family.

At this time, Mr. Jiang, who was then the magistrate of Xiangzhou, Hu'an Province, asked Mr. Wu, who was the magistrate of Sanqing County in the same year, to arrange a marriage for his second daughter, Jiang Xiaoyu. When Chen's mother heard that she was the daughter of the magistrate, she was overjoyed. Instead of forcing her son to marry the Tang family, she agreed to marry a girl from the Jiang family instead.

After weighing the pros and cons, Chen Shiying also felt that marrying a daughter from the Jiang family would be of great help to his career. Besides, Wang was already married to someone else, so she agreed to marry the Jiang family.

Perhaps Chen's mother had done something that the Tang family had figured out, and Chen Shiying finally agreed to take the Tang family's daughter as a concubine. The Tang family knew that they were a merchant family and could not compete with the official family, so they settled for the next best thing and agreed that their daughter should be a concubine, but she must be a noble concubine.

Therefore, the Chen family used the sudden extra money to buy a four-bedroom house in Sanqing County. Three months later, the beautiful wives and concubines entered the Chen family one after another... After that, Chen Shiying went to the capital to take the exam, and unexpectedly became a blockbuster and was appointed by the Holy Emperor as the Tanhua Lang...

Chen Afu said in disbelief, Chen Shiying was just a poor man at that time. How could Mr. Jiang tolerate him taking a concubine at the same time?

Manager Luo added, I heard that Mr. Jiang's second daughter, who is now Mrs. Chen, killed two fiancés before. In addition, she is mediocre in appearance and has not been hired out at the age of seventeen. The whole family is very worried. Anxious. When Mr. Chen was taking the imperial examination in Shi'an Mansion, Master Jiang happened to be in Shi'an Mansion and met him. After that, Mr. Jiang asked Mr. Wang, who was the same year as him, to find out if Chen Juren was not married and his character was good, Just help me talk it over...

He also said that Mrs. Chen's reputation was not bad. Although she was plain in appearance, she was dignified and virtuous. She was on par with the handsome and handsome Chen Tanhua. Because the Chen family had few heirs, they even took the initiative to give their own girl as an aunt to Mr. Chen...

Mrs. Chen's father, Mr. Jiang, is also considered to have a prosperous official career, and is now serving as a third-rank Taipusi minister in the capital.

Chen Afu gathered his wandering thoughts and walked towards the house.

Old Mrs. Chen was wearing a dark brown jacquard brocade long cotton robe, a pea green skirt, a pair of jasper hairpins on her off-white hair, and a pine-colored beaded bead to mop her forehead. Her thin lips pursed into a thin line, making her nasolabial folds appear deeper and more serious and powerful.

Sitting next to her was a girl about fourteen years old, whom she had also seen at the Silver Tower. She should be the eldest daughter of the Chen family, the fourteen-year-old Chen Yuhui, the daughter of Aunt Tang.

Below Chen Yuhui, sat a woman with beaded hair. This woman is about thirty years old and should be Aunt Tang.

Aunt Tang is not ugly, and can be said to be quite pretty. However, Chen Yuhui inherited it from another generation and did not inherit the good looks of his parents, especially Mrs. Chen. She has a long face, small triangular eyes slightly upward, and droopy corners of her mouth. Even if she wears makeup and looks very glamorous, she can still be considered a middle-aged person.

There were two people standing behind the old lady, one was a woman in her forties and the other was a teenage girl.

Chen Afu ignored the few people standing there and asked Chen Mingdao directly, Dad, are you okay?

Chen Ming stood up and walked to Chen Afu and whispered, Dad is fine, um...

An extremely majestic voice sounded, it was Mrs. Chen. She frowned and said, Afu, you don't know how to salute when you see me. Then how did Wang teach you?

Chen Afu ignored the old lady and whispered to Chen Ming, Dad, don't be nervous. My daughter is here and everything is fine. Then he asked softly in his ear, Where is my mother?

Chen Ming's eyes glanced in the direction of the bedroom, which meant that Wang was in the bedroom.

Chen Afu nodded, she was not willing to let Mrs. Wang be humiliated by Mrs. Chen in front of her.

After that, Chen Afu turned his face to the old lady and said, My parents taught me very well. Others praise me for my talent, appearance, and good nature.

Those people all curled their lips after hearing this.

The old lady choked with anger and was about to blurt out the curse words, but thinking of the purpose of today, she suppressed her anger again. Said, Afu, do you know who I am?

Chen Afu said, This is my first time meeting you. How do I know who you are?

The old lady added, It's no wonder you don't know. This is the first time our grandparents and grandchildren have met. I am the mother of Mr. Chen Shiying, the prefect of Dingzhou, and your biological grandmother. Ah Fu, you should call me grandma. . After saying that, the expression on his face became charitable.

In her opinion, a little girl from a poor family would be overjoyed when she first learned about her background. She would immediately kowtow to her and acknowledge her ancestors... When she saw the little girl who came in, her appearance was very similar to hers. The sons were 80% similar, which also surprised me. It was because I was impatient at first. With such a good little appearance, it would be a pity to lose a good chess piece if it was really given to him.

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