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Chen Afu stretched out his arms and hugged Mrs. Wang and said softly, Mom, don't say that. You have not sorry for Ah Fu, and you have not embarrassed Ah Fu. Ah Fu also wants to thank you. Thank you for saving me in such a difficult situation. Ah Fu, gave birth to Ah Fu, raised Ah Fu, and sought medical treatment for Ah Fu... Mom, thank you. And dad, he never disliked Ah Fu and gave Ah Fu a warm home... …”

That little Ah Fu who had passed away must have felt the same way as herself.

Speaking of the latter part, Chen Afu also started crying. The two mothers held their heads and cried for a while. Wang thought of something, raised her tearful face and said, Ah Fu, what you said...what do you know?

Chen Afu added, Mom, no matter who I look like, or whose daughter someone says I am in the future, I don't care. I only know that you are the best mother in the world, and my father is the best in the world. Dad, Alu, Dabao, the five of us will always be a family.

Wang's eyes became more wet. Although her daughter didn't say it clearly, she already knew who her biological father was. Yes, my daughter is so smart and there are so many rumors in the village. How could she not guess it?

Mrs. Wang felt ashamed and cried, Afu, mother, when mother was young, he, he was very good to mother and relied on her very much, so, just...

I can't help myself, I couldn't say these words to my daughter no matter what, so she cried even harder.

Chen Afu advised, Mom, I know, I know, many things happen naturally and people cannot control them...

Chen Afu comforted Ms. Wang for a while. Although Ms. Wang felt that it was a bit embarrassing for her daughter to say this so frankly, she still felt better. Having such a well-behaved and sensible daughter makes everything worth it.

Wang's cry became quieter and she asked again, They are so afraid that if you fail to achieve your goal in Tangyuan, will they resort to other tricks? Zhao Li is very evil, that... woman is particularly powerful...

Chen Afu comforted him, Don't be afraid, mother. No matter how bad Zhao Lizheng is, he can't control our Xiangluo Village. No matter how powerful that woman is, she relies on her son. That man, no matter how high an official he is, comes from a poor family. He can't afford to offend his family. Mr. Chu from the aristocratic family. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so afraid of me working in Tangyuan. They must be afraid that the master of Tangyuan will know about the bad things they did in the past. We are now close to Tangyuan, and they can't do anything to us openly. It’s just that Mom must remember not to go to far places alone, stay at home when you have nothing to do, and don’t open the door at will. And my brother, Shanzi will pick him up and drop him off after school...

While the two were talking, the door rang. Shanzi opened the door, and Chu Hanyan was brought into Luyuan by Dabao and several people from Tangyuan, crying.

When the mother and daughter saw them coming, they quickly wiped away their tears. Mrs. Wang lowered her head and went to the upper room. Chen Afu came out and picked up the tearful Chu Hanyan. She was exhausted both mentally and physically now, and she had no intention of coaxing the little girl. She just held the little girl and sat on a chair to relax. The little girl sat in Chen Afu's arms, stopped crying, and pressed her face tightly against her chest.

Dabao saw his grandma's eyes were red when she went out, and he saw his mother's eyes were red and the circles under her eyes were also red. He walked over and pulled her and asked, Mom, why are you and grandma crying?

Chen Afu forced a smile and said, My mother and grandma thought of some old things and felt sad, so they cried for a while. Don't worry, son, it's nothing serious.

Mother Song and Mrs. Wei were extremely embarrassed. It seemed like something was wrong with them. But his little master was crying and making trouble, so he couldn't come to Master Chen's house.

After Chen Afu saw that the little girl calmed down, he took her to the south room to play with building blocks. The little girl sat down and said thoughtfully, I want to eat...meal from my aunt's house.

Song's mother blushed and whispered, Sister, you can't say that.

The little girl pouted and insisted, I want to eat.

Chen Afu sighed and said, Okay, aunt will go make some delicious food, and sister will play here obediently.

She went to the kitchen and told Aunt Mu which dishes to cook. She didn't do anything herself, she just sat and lit the fire as a rest.

The little girl ate here as she wished, and received Chen Afu's promise that he would go to Tangyuan after she woke up from her lunch break, so she returned to Tangyuan for her lunch break. Dabao still wanted to stay with his mother at home, so Chen Afu asked him to accompany Chu Hanyan to Tangyuan to rest.

When the west wing finally calmed down, Chen Afu entered the space. She was too tired and had too many things to talk to.

Jin Yanzi was busy and looked up to see Chen Afu's eyes were red, even his nose was red. He stopped what he was doing and chirped, Mommy, you have another father, and he is still a high official. You should be happy.

Chen Afu rolled his eyes in anger, sat down next to Yan Chenxiang, and said dullly, You are kidding me. That Chen Shimei made my mother suffer so much. I hate her so much. How can I be happy? he added. , That old man Zhao has already guessed who I am. He is the brother of old witch Chen. He will definitely tell the old witch my identity when he goes back. I don't know what kind of trouble the old witch will come for. If you want to be outside, just Okay, go and peck that old witch’s face to bits.”

Jin Yanzi said, Mommy thinks I can peck whoever I want.

Isn't it? Chen Afu asked.

Of course not. Jin Yanzi said, Only when someone attacks me or wants to hurt my master, can I peck it to hurt or even kill it. If this is not the case, if I directly hurt someone, I will get retribution. . Otherwise, I will not be able to be the king and hegemon in the world.

Chen Afu was hit again and sighed, closing his eyes to rest.

Jin Yanzi saw that Chen Afu didn't want to talk anymore, so he started working again with his long tail raised.

Feeling that it was almost time to go to Tangyuan for work, Chen Afu got up and left the space. At this time, she was full of strength again.

Come to Tangyuan, lead the children to do exercises, play games, and then let them play with building blocks.

When I returned to Luyuan in the evening, I saw the old lady, Chen Ye, Hu and Dahu all sitting in the upper room. It turned out that after they heard that Mr. Gao had returned and said that Ah Fu had bought two servants, they all came to watch the fun.

Chen Ming saw that Mrs. Wang had cried, and heard her say that Zhao Lizheng had come home. Knowing that she was in a bad mood, he did not stay with the others to eat.

But Mrs. Hu really wanted to enjoy being served by her servants. When Chen Ye proposed to go home, she sat still and said, My second uncle's family is very poor now. How can I not even care about dinner when my mother and brother and aunt are here?

Chen Ming had no choice but to ask and let them eat.

During the meal, everyone ate at the big Eight Immortals table in the east room.

Mrs. Hu was still waiting for Aunt Mu and her son to serve behind her, but why did she retreat when she saw the food being set out? Then he curled his lips and said, Hey, why didn't you let the servants serve you behind you? You are really a mud-legged person. You bought the servants and don't know how to use them.

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