Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 142 Wanting Money

Chen Afu sat on the kang and did not move. He saw Mrs. Wang hurriedly putting the work in her hands and the sewing basket on the kang table into the kang cupboard, and then grabbed the small silk gown that Alu would wear tomorrow that was spread on the kang. , also stuffed the kang cupboard, and then locked the kang cupboard. He got up again, went over to put a set of fine porcelain tea bowls bought in Dingzhou on the table into a box, and locked the box.

This style is completely to prevent bandits.

Wang quickly finished this, and when she saw Chen Afu still sitting on the kang in a daze, she quickly went over to pull her up, pulled her out of the west room and pushed her to the east room opposite. He said, Ah Fu, be obedient and don't come out.

When Mrs. Wang closed the door to the east room, followers Zhui Feng and Wang Cai also squeezed in.

Mrs. Wang calmed herself down before going out and opening the fence door. Her face was calm and she said, Mom, third brother, why are you here?

Ding said, If you don't go home to see me, I will have to come to your house to see you.

Wang Caixian greeted Mrs. Wang with a smile, Sister, you have gained weight and you seem to be living a good life. Then he said to Mrs. Ding, Mom, we haven't seen my eldest sister for a long time. Didn't you say you miss me so much? Why are you saying this again?

Ding snorted and was speechless.

Wang asked again, How is my father's health?

Mrs. Ding snorted coldly, I want to know if it's okay, why don't you go back and have a look yourself?

When the mother and son saw Wang standing at the door with no intention of inviting them into the yard, they were not polite and walked in from Wang's side.

They walked in front, Wang followed behind. After entering the room, they turned directly into the west room with the door open.

When they entered the west room, Chen Afu pushed the door of the east room open a crack and listened.

As soon as they entered, Ms. Ding got angry and said loudly, Ms. Wang Juan, I raised you like my own daughter in vain. Your family has become rich, why don't you go back and be filial to your parents? You are so unfilial.

Mrs. Wang kept a sullen face and said, My family is not rich.

Wang Cai smiled and said, Sister, we have all heard that your family has bought such a large piece of land and wants to build two second-level houses. My dear, even the landowners in our village are not so wealthy.

Wang said, My daughter bought the land and built the house with her own money. I didn't pay a penny. I don't have any money to give you, so you can leave.

When Ding and Wang Cai saw that Wang was the only one in the house, they were not afraid and sat down on the Kang. Ding took out a long pipe from her waist and put it into her mouth. Wang Cai hurriedly lit it for her with a fire sickle.

After Wang Cai lit a cigarette for Mrs. Ding, he looked around and then patted the big lock on the kang cabinet with his hand.

Mrs. Ding took a few puffs of cigarette and said, Ms. Wang Juan, what did you do to your mother and your brother? We came all the way to see you, but you didn't say anything about serving tea and water, killing chickens to buy meat, and you still wanted to drive us away. . Let us go, please take out twenty taels first. I heard that your idiot daughter has recovered from her illness and has become a needlework master in Tangyuan. She must have made a lot of money. Your daughters all know how to honor their parents, you Daughters should also learn from her.

She looked at the silver hairpin on Wang's head and the long silk coat on her body, and then said, Oh, you are already wearing gold and silver, and you lied to me that I have no money. You fool, take out the silver.

Wang Cai also smiled and said, Sister, those twenty taels of silver are not for us to spend, but for dad. Dad is sick.

Mrs. Wang ignored Wang Cai and said to Mrs. Ding, My father allowed me to be sold twice by you, openly accepting fifteen taels of silver. I know you secretly accepted the silver. With so much money, I have already I repaid my father for giving birth to me. Also, after you sold my second brother, I severed all ties with that family. Her voice choked up as she spoke. She tried her best to suppress her unwillingness and raised her voice and said, You go away and don't come to my house again. In the future, don't even think about squeezing even a penny out of me.

Today was the first time that Ding met Wang since she married the sick man Chen Ming. For more than ten years, Mrs. Wang has never returned to her parents' home, but that damn ghost sent Wang Cai to the Chen family to visit Mrs. Wang twice. Not only did Ms. Wang not bring back even a piece of candy to her parents' family, but she also only gave Wang Cai a piece of corn pancake, not even a meal.

Wang Cai came home and said that Chen Ming was so sick that he was lying in bed with more air coming out and less air coming in. Mrs. Wang had given birth to a fool, and the family was very poor...

After hearing these words, Ding became even more afraid of being exposed by this family.

However, a few days ago, someone from their village came to Xiangluo Village to visit relatives, and they heard that the Wang family was now prosperous and that the idiot daughter was cured of her illness. Because of her skillful hands, her daughter worked as a needlework master for the owner of Tangyuan, earned a lot of money, and also built two large houses...

She and Wang Cai were not calm, thinking that this daughter was really in vain. She had made a fortune and didn't know how to show filial piety to her mother's family. She originally wanted to drag the old man along, but the damn guy wouldn't come. He also said that he had no face to see that daughter.

Ding had no choice but to bring her biological son to Xiangluo Village to ask for some money from Wang. I also thought that it would be best to start this family relationship again so that my family can borrow more light in the future.

In Ding's memory, Wang Juanniang was always the silent, submissive and timid woman who had been manipulated by her since she was a child. But she didn't expect that Wang was no longer afraid of her and would dare to say such words.

My old arms and legs have traveled such a long way, so I can't come here in vain.

Mrs. Ding's face darkened and she cursed, You're a rotten, dirty bastard. I raised you like shit, but you still dare to say such rebellious words. Tell me, do you want me to give you any money? If you dare, If you don't give it, I will go to the villagers and say, you have been married for more than ten years and you have never returned to your parents' home. If you don't talk about being filial to me, your stepmother, your father is always your biological father, right?

Mrs. Wang also took the risk and raised her voice and said, You'd better tell me. Tell me how you sold your ten-year-old stepdaughter to be a child bride, and how you coaxed me. If I go to the Chen family obediently, you will treat me well. Brother. But what did you do? Sold me, and two years later, sold my brother who was just six years old. Mrs. Wang burst into tears and cursed, You have no conscience, I told you so When I grow up, I will earn money and take it back to my parents' house to raise my younger brother, but you still sold him. Let me tell you, don't say I don't have money now, even if I do, I would rather throw it into the river than give it to you again.

Mrs. Ding was so angry that Wang Juanniang rebelled. She stood up and hit Wang with a long cigarette pole. He cursed, I'll beat you to death for being such a rebellious and unfilial person. You dare to scold me...

Wang dared to talk back, but she didn't dare to fight back, so she was beaten ouch several times.

Chen Afu has been eavesdropping by the door of the east room. Hearing the sound of tables and chairs being collided in the west room, and Wang's ouch sound, he quickly opened the door and ran to the west room. When passing by the stove, he grabbed a fire stick.

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