Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 138 Daddy comes back

Luo Yuan took out a purse from his arms and handed it to Chen Afu. The bag contained ninety-six taels of silver. Among them, ninety taels are design fees and six taels are manual fees.

He also said that Luo Guangui also gave several bolts of silk and satin, a dozen bolts of fine cloth and velvet, and some embroidery thread. These were not only materials for designing clothes and making dolls, but also materials for making clothes for little girls. When these materials were waiting for Chen Afu to go home, the carriage was pulled home for her.

The winter days were short and it was already dark at Youshi. Chen Afu returned home from get off work in a carriage with Dabao, two dogs and two birds.

She first went to the new hospital to put away the ingredients, and then went to the old hospital.

Mrs. Wang has already put the rice on the table.

Chen Afu gave Wang five taels of silver and asked her to transfer one tael to Gao.

Mrs. Wang said, Agui's wife is very good, hard-working and studious. She has helped my mother with many things. Just give her twenty taels of silver. My mother only needs two taels. Ah Fu should also want two taels. You can do those things too. , and most of them were cut by you.

Chen Afu shook his head and said, My mother has been an embroiderer. She should know how big the difference is between doing complicated embroidery work and doing simple embroidery work. My mother used to embroider day and night and only earned a few hundred yuan a month. Give my sister-in-law a tael. The money is calculated to be too high. The brothers will settle the accounts clearly, so that they will not hurt their friendship in the future. If my mother feels sorry for her, take her out and do complicated work in the future, and get more money. As for me, I can only get one Two taels of handicraft money, let’s consider that money as mother’s wages for making clothes for Sister Yan.”

Most of the task of making clothes for Miss Chu was given to Wang. Last month, Wang took time to work with Chen Afu to make two sets of coats, two cotton pajamas, and two pairs of cotton slippers for the little girl.

Mrs. Wang said, You just said that you want your brothers to settle the accounts. Why do you pay me so much for those clothes?

Chen Afu smiled and said, The rest is my filial piety to my mother.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang smiled and put away the five taels of silver.

Chen Ming joked, Juan Niang is becoming more and more capable now, and she actually earns five taels of silver in a month. It's not like me, who is busy every day and doesn't even earn a penny.

The whole family laughed.

The night is getting darker and the snowflakes are falling bigger and bigger.

Seven or eight people on horseback came to the gate of Tangyuan. A man dismounted and knocked on the door, shouting, Open the door quickly, the uncle is back.

A voice came from the door, Coming, coming.

The door opened and several people walked in.

Chu Lingxuan, who was tired of work, went directly to the room to take a shower, and walked quickly to the backyard without caring about eating. When I met Manager Luo who came over after hearing the news, he said, Uncle Luo, wait a minute, I'll go see Yan'er first.

At this time, his daughter should be getting ready for bed, but he was still anxious to see her.

He pushed open the bedroom door, and a warm breath and a faint green fragrance hit his face. He saw his daughter standing in the middle of the room holding a big swallow doll, staring at him with big black grape eyes.

The daughter's black hair was spread down, with a crimson ribbon tied at the hairline and tied into a small butterfly flower on one side of her head. Wearing an ankle-length Yang Fei color cotton coat and a strange pair of Yang Fei color cotton slippers. The same cat face is sewn on the chest and upper, which is strange and beautiful.

I haven't seen her for nearly a month, and my daughter has grown taller. It seems that her eyes are a little brighter than before, and she is... more beautiful.

Chu Lingxuan walked over and knelt down, looked at her pretty face and said with a smile, How do you know that your father is back and waiting here?

Sound...sound. Chu Hanyan whispered.

This was the first time that his daughter answered his question so clearly, and Chu Lingxuan was overjoyed. He picked her up and said, Yan'er heard daddy's footsteps, so she's waiting for daddy here?

Chu Hanyan did not answer this time. She patted the little swallow doll in her hand and put it on her back, Little swallow, wear floral clothes and come here in spring... Swallow said that spring... is more beautiful.

Although her eyes were only looking at the doll and not at him, he knew that this was something his daughter recited to him specifically.

He was so surprised that he was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and said, My daughter is so capable, but she can even recite... uh, can recite articles.

Aunt... said, carry it, dad... is... happy to hear it. Chu Hanyan said stuttering.

Dad heard that, he is so happy. Chu Lingxuan said hurriedly.

His voice was trembling with excitement. He once thought that he would hide his daughter in another courtyard for the rest of his life, and her daughter would be so foolish and foolish all her life. Unexpectedly, my daughter could recite nursery rhymes and communicate with him.

As the woman said, her daughter is smart. It's just that she has to get out of her own world...

Chu Hanyan seemed to be encouraged, and she kept up her efforts, and retorted stumblingly, Little good, open the, don't open, don't open, daddy comes

The sound of the last word was still lingering.

What is this thing carrying? Chu Lingxuan's eyes widened.

The nursery rhyme Little Swallow is pretty normal, but this nursery rhyme Little Rabbit is so, so funny.

Chu Lingxuan laughed. After laughing, he was stunned. He laughed so happily, probably before anything happened at home, right?

It was the first time that Chu Hanyan saw her father smiling like this, and she also grinned.

Chu Lingxuan smiled proudly and said, My daughter is so kind. She doesn't open the door for others, only for daddy.

Chu Hanyan added, The big bad wolf... won't open.

Big bad wolf?

Although Chu Lingxuan was a little confused, he felt extremely comfortable. He held his daughter and sat on the edge of the bed, saying a few words to her. Although he mainly said that his daughter would occasionally say one or two words, which was something he had never dared to think about before.

Chu Hanyan's eyes began to get sleepy, and Song's mother came to pick her up, pulled off her long pajamas, took off the hair tie from her hair, and put her on the bed.

Chu Lingxuan gently walked out of the bedroom after seeing his daughter sleeping with the swallow doll in her arms.

When I came to the living room, I listened to Song's mother report a few words about my daughter's daily life. I knew that my daughter’s strange clothes and shoes were all made by Chen Afu. They were called lucky cat pajamas and lucky cat cotton slippers. My daughter liked them very much. He also said that his daughter can now play with other children. She recites nursery rhymes very seriously every day and wants to recite them to her father...

Chu Lingxuan walked on the road in a happy mood, with the corners of his lips curled up.

Returning to the outer study, wine and food were already placed on the table. While drinking, he listened to Manager Luo's report on his daughter's situation and the affairs of Tangyuan during this period.

Although he felt that Chen Afu's teaching method was strange, it was undeniable that it was extremely practical.

When he heard that Chu Hanyan went to Chen Afu's house for the first time and that Manager Luo brought so many people to serve and made noise at her house for a day, Chen Afu was so frightened that he dared not rest anymore, he couldn't help but laugh again.

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