
Countless monsters roared, and their eyes all turned to Lin Ye and Wei Huoqiang.

Boom, boom~

Almost instantly, all the monsters came towards the two.

Just the movement of running, it shook the earth.

"Ye... Brother Night, or I'd better commit suicide! "

Am I going to hold you back?"

Wei Huoqiang's legs trembled.

For the first time in my life, I have seen such a big scene.

Not to mention the battle, it is already very good that he is not frightened and paralyzed now.

The speed of the boom~

monster was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, several nine-turn monsters came to a hundred meters in front of Lin Ye.

Thousands of meters away, there are two monsters that have reached the ten-turn LV300 level and are sprinting towards this side.


The monsters that have approached cast their skills, and all kinds of energy swept over.

Lin Ye's eyes flashed with golden light.

So many monsters, it's all money!

"Blackie, ga!"

Lin Ye ordered.

The little ant squatting on the shoulder that was already hungry and thirsty made a twitter sound, lifted the scythe in his hand, and suddenly wiped it at his throat.


, ho ho ~

The action fell, and a weird scene appeared.

All monster heads flew up, blood like pillars.

Within a radius of 15,000, not a single monster standing was instantly killed.

For a time, blood flowed like rivers.


With a muffled sound, Wei Huoqiang sat on the ground in shock.

The brain melon is buzzing.

Looking at the monster corpses around him, he was like five thunders hitting the top, and his heart turned upside down.


, Lin Ye said that he could do ten turns of monsters, and

Wei Huoqiang thought that it would be a desperate fight.


I didn't expect it to be a flash sale!

And it's not just killing one.


Wei Huoqiang was completely dumbfounded.


Lin Ye swallowed.

He saw two ten-turn monsters cut off by Xiao Hei's [Death Harvest].

He remembered that when he was in the abyss some time ago, Xiao Hei could only kill the nine-turn monster in seconds.

Now even ten revolutions are killed in seconds?

"My day, five turns of the full level, can I harden the gods?"

"How exaggerated are Xiao Hei's attributes?"

"Take a look."

With a thought in his mind, Lin Ye checked Xiao Hei's attributes.

I really don't know if I don't look at it, but I am shocked when I look at it.

(3) Level Blackened Ant God

Level: LV150 Strength: 360000 Defense: 360000

Agility: 470000

[50 times increase]

Level: LV150


: 18 million Defense: 18

million Agility: 23.5


"Lying groove, The defense under 50 times the increase has reached 18 million?

"That is to say, now as long as it is less than 18 million defenses, all creatures will not be able to escape Xiao Hei's move?"

"It's too groove, this Nima is too groove!"

"It's a pity that I don't know what the defensive attributes of the gods are, so I will definitely take a look when I have the opportunity."

Lin Ye looked at Xiao Hei's attributes, and his heart was shocked.

"No, Xiao Hei, their 50-fold increase defense has broken 10 million, how much am I now!"

Suddenly reacting, Lin Ye hurriedly checked his attribute panel.

Lin Ye

Class: Necromancer

Experience Points: 100%/100%

Level: LV150 (Five Turns Full Level)

Strength: 97660 Defense: 78850

[Hidden Defense: 300757500]

Agility: 93640

Spirit: 387770


300 million?"

"My day..."

"This defense against the sky, even if I can't kill God, God can't kill me!"


"I didn't even discover my potential."

"Blackie can cast [Death Harvest], I hide the defensive blessing and cast [Ghost Floating]. Even if it is not opened and united, it is a killing move against the sky! "

Find the world boss to do a vote."

"I'm special, I can't say this without finding a god to practice hands."

After a period of narration in his heart, Lin Ye's eyes lit up.

"Brother Wei, I have very important things to be busy, and the next road is up to you."

"See you soon!"

After saying goodbye to Wei Huoqiang, Lin Ye urged the magnet ring and put away the equipment that had been exposed.

Stepping on and

one foot on the ground, Lin Ye disappeared in place, quickly rushing towards the place where the mushroom cloud rose.

"Daddy Lin, take care!"

Looking at Lin Ye's disappearing back, Wei Huo roared strongly, and only then got up with shaking legs.

"Nima, I don't know if this [virtual battlefield] has an edge, I still go to the edge area to kill a few mobs."

"Continue to follow Daddy Lin, I always feel that the ten-turn monster is not so terrible."

"To change your mentality, you must change your mentality, otherwise I will not live long."

Muttering, Wei Huoqiang turned and ran in the opposite direction towards Lin Ye.


At this time,

more than half of the people in the battlefield had died.

The monsters are all dispatched, and the low-level professionals under six revolutions can be regarded as luck if they live for one more minute.

"Yaga, why are there so many monsters!"

"In the next five professional transfers, they don't even have time to use their skills."

"Pulse Pressure Belt, I can't even see the appearance of the monster below!"

"I hope that the players of my Great Sun Empire can hold on, this place competition, human opponents are far less terrifying than monsters."

"Don't worry, my Great Sun Empire will definitely get the most places."

"Fak, damn [Virtual Battlefield], all the monsters went out together, and 10 increased experience 1 point was not caught."

"Even buy Ka, I was sent out in six turns of the high-level profession in one face, how should the low-level players insist!"

"Fakfake, after months of preparation, I even lost my equipment in the [Virtual Battlefield]."

"I'm Rinima, the monster will be crushed directly when it appears

, and I don't talk about the fighting style of martial virtue at all, I was sent out before I even found my teammates, they won't think that I don't believe my words!"

"Cut, maybe your teammates are still there, and you come out first."

At this moment, outside the [Virtual Battlefield] passage around the world, groups of people were slaughtered and sent out by monsters.

Everyone chatted in horror about the scene inside the battlefield.

One is more terrifying than the other.

"Uncle, I was trampled to death by a monster."

"At the moment of death, I seemed to feel that my was being stepped on."

"Depend, you're okay, I don't know what monster sneaked up on me, and I died inexplicably."

"Horror, [Virtual Battlefield] is terrifying!"

"Oops, it's so difficult, can my Xia Guo fight for an extra place?"

"I feel that not only my Xia Kingdom, I am afraid that the whole world will not be able to win a place."

"The place where I am is densely packed with monsters with nine turns and ten turns, it is simply hellish."

"What is nine turns and ten turns, the world bosses are all triggered together, that is a god-level existence."

"Do you know how strong the god level is?"

"God-level world boss, it..." The

conversation was vigorous, and suddenly at this moment, the Xia Guo people outside the battlefield passage were interrupted by the voice that appeared in his mind at the same time.

[Battlefield Announcement: Xia Guo professionals complete the world boss first kill, reward Xia Guo players +10.]



"This is the voice of the will of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Hey, hey, what's going on?"

"My Xia Guo player won the world's boss first kill?"

"Nima, cheer!"

"Ah, ah, someone in my Xia Kingdom slaughtered the god-level world boss, who slapped me, I'm not dreaming!"

At this time,

within the [Virtual Battlefield].

Lin Ye held the Heaven-Opening Knife in his hand, and his body floated behind a large tree like a ghost.

"Didn't I, I killed a world boss?"

"I lean, did Lao Tzu encounter a fake world boss?"

"Why.... So weak? "

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