"Brother Wei, I have an idea."

Lin Ye stopped his pace and spoke slightly.


Listening to Lin Ye's thoughts, Wei Huoqiang first gasped.

This night brother... Is there even the terrifying strength to kill everyone in the entire [Virtual Battlefield] in seconds?


he doesn't seem to know anything about this resource competition!

"Night brother, are you... Don't know the rules of the Resource Scramble?

Wei Huoqiang did not answer Lin Ye, but instead asked Lin Ye.


"I don't understand, what advice does Brother Wei have?"

Lin Ye shook his head,

this... He really doesn't know!

Wei Huoqiang's expression became even more strange.

He was an ordinary university student who had received popular science, and Lin Ye was a preparatory player, but he didn't know anything.

It's so weird!

"Night brother, are you sure you are the reserve player for this competition?"

"You didn't lie to me!"

Wei Huoqiang spoke in disbelief.

"Good fellow, you actually saw through it."

"I'm not a reserve player."

Lin Ye spread his hands and shrugged. He also didn't say he was a reserve player.

"Depend, what is the situation of the people above, Brother Night, your combat power is so strong, why didn't you choose two preparations."

"Fault, how did they... Alas, I don't dare to swear. Hearing

that Lin Ye was not even a reserve player, Wei Huoqiang couldn't help but sigh.

I wanted to scold the people above, but I didn't dare, so I had to sigh.

In the affairs of the country, it is not his turn to speak nonsense.

I just think that if Lin Ye does not go to the competition, it will definitely be a huge loss for the country.

"I'm seeded."

Just as Wei Huoqiang sighed, Lin Ye suddenly said again.


Wei Huoqiang was slightly stunned.

However, he was not shocked.

Lin Ye's strength and being selected as a seeded player is absolutely beyond reproach.


he is even more strange.

The seeded players who participated in the resource competition in Xia Guo didn't even know the rules of the [Virtual Battlefield]?

"Brother Night, the so-called competition for Heavenly Dao resources, I think it is necessary to popularize science with you."

"Brother Night's idea just now, it won't work."

"More than 200 countries and regions around the world, even if they do not enter the [virtual battlefield] to compete for places, there are still places to participate in the resource competition competition."

"Because, every country and region has a guaranteed quota."

"That's why there are seeded players and reserves."

"Seeded players are mandatory places, while reserve players are places earned [on the virtual battlefield]."

"In the regular first low-level match, the country will only select one or two people as seeded players."

"Even if you don't get any places in the first game, you won't lose much for one or more."

"Because the competition behind is the big head, even some countries will not participate in the first game."

"They will put the best places in the ring after the upper ranks, and by giving up the first fight, they can leave more places in their country behind."

"Do you understand that?"

"For example, there are only 10 places per country."

"If there is no one in the first game, the 10 places can be left in the later high-level competitions, as well as the top full level competitions, to strive for more abundant resources."

"Therefore, the idea that Brother Night just made is not of much use to the country."

"If you kill them all, including the people of your own country, send them away." Then Xia Guo will only have more places for you to stay in it alone.

"On the contrary, it made the entire people of the Xia Kingdom lose an opportunity to level up and obtain resources from the [Virtual Battlefield]."

"Brother Night, isn't there popular science on such an important matter?"

Wei Huoqiang explained all the knowledge he had received in school, and then asked Lin Ye in disbelief.

"I rely on, the cheap master really didn't say a word."

The corner of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, and he muttered in his heart, "Could it be that he doesn't know that I don't know?"

"The heart is so big, I guess I just think about tempting ninjutsu."

Spitting a sentence, Lin Ye smiled awkwardly, and fortunately met Wei Huoqiang.

Otherwise, if it comes to chaos, the devil knows what will happen.

"Go, Brother Wei, take you to upgrade first."

"Hahaha, that 1 point, I'll refund it to you!" I, Lin Ye, am not a hairless person. With

Wei Huoqiang, Lin Ye went all the way.

He and Wei Huoqiang entered the virtual battlefield for the first time, and there was no direction, so they chose a random direction to advance.

The entire battlefield is huge, bigger than Xia Guo.

The two walked for half an hour before they encountered a group of mobs.

"Brother Night, there are monsters, hahaha, we have encountered a group of monsters!"

Looking at the twenty-odd two-turn mobs not far ahead, Wei Huoqiang danced with excitement.

There are 27 two-turn mobs, and

killing one mob can gain about 1000 experience.

With a tenfold experience increase within the [Virtual Battlefield], you can gain 10,000 experience points.

If you kill all 27 mobs, that's about 270,000 experience!

270,000 experience, enough for him to level up three times.


forward, Wei Huoqiang is looking forward to it, he is ready to be brushed by experience points.

Lin Ye glanced at this group of two-turn mobs in disgust.

"Two-turn mob?"

"Yes, there is too little experience!"

"Brother Wei, this experience is a drop in the bucket, you should be patient first, and when you encounter a high-level monster later, I will take you to do a big job."

Laugh at!

Two fingers pinched the little ant's sickle and gently came to the little ant's neck.

In an instant, the 27 two-turn mobs didn't even have time to react, and their heads had already landed.

"Let's go, Brother Wei, there is too little experience, let's speed up the pace."

After killing the mob, Lin Ye spoke slightly.


There was a sudden muffled noise behind him.

Wei Huo's strong feet softened, and he sat directly on the ground.

He was dumbfounded.

The mouth is wide open

, the face is rosy, and it is difficult to breathe.

The upgraded light on the body is constantly lit.

On his panel, experience dominates the screen.

[Your captain kills mobs, congratulations on gaining experience points +3625000.] [Your captain kills mobs, congratulations on obtaining free attributes +30000.]

【Your captain kills mobs, congratulations on gaining experience points +2268000.】【Your captain kills mobs

, congratulations on obtaining free attributes +28000.】


2500 times the experience amplitude, and a monster exposed more than two million experience.

Lin Ye had no need for experience, and it all fell on Wei Huoqiang alone.

Full level in an instant.

Just a little monster, Wei Huoqiang's level instantly reached lv60, and the second turn was full level.

If it weren't for the need to write a job transfer assignment, this experience... Enough for him to upgrade to a high-level class.


Wei Huoqiang's whole body was numb and he lay motionless on the ground.

"Lie down, Brother Wei, don't scare me!"

Lin Ye helped Wei Huo up.

"What's the situation? I avoided you when I cast my skills, isn't your head still on your neck? "


~ hu ~

was shaken twice by Lin Ye, Wei Huoqiang woke up from the shock this time, and hurriedly took a big breath of fresh air.

He almost fainted from shock.

"Night... Night brother, you.."



took two deep breaths, Wei Huoqiang glanced at the panel, and everyone was numb.

LV60 class.

In addition to that,

there is a tip on the panel.

[Congratulations on the total number of free attributes +836400, please select the blessing option.] Free


What the heck?

Looking at the more than 800,000 free attributes, Wei Huoqiang looked confused.

He had never heard of any freedom attributes.

I didn't even learn about it in college textbooks.

"Shouldn't it be a blessing to the four-dimensional attribute, my mage, add a spirit to try?"

"Bless the spirit."

A mind decided in his heart

, hum~

his whole person suddenly shook, and his spiritual attributes increased by 836400.

His eyelids rolled his eyelids

, "My day..." "

Brother Night, you are my father!"

Wei Huoqiang spit out a few words, and the whole person fainted in shock.

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