Xia Guo,

Tianhai Manor.

Lin Ye sat on the beach, looking far away.

He has been resting for three whole days.

Panel Tip: You have completed Job Transfer Task 4.

【Panel Tip】: Congratulations on completing all the transfer tasks and advancing to the five-turn LV121 level.

[Summoning Talent Tips]: Congratulations on completing the transfer, (5) level summons activated.

【Hidden talent one tip:】Congratulations on advancing to five turns, the external increase is triggered by 50 times, and the hidden increase is triggered by 5*10*50 times.


[Hidden talent 5, no defect summoning space automatically replenished, activated. ] 】

Defect-free summon space is automatically replenished.

Lin Ye probably glanced at this newly emerged hidden talent, and there was no description of skybreaking.

The introduction is simple.

Just as it takes literally.

In general, after this talent appeared, Lin Ye could not urge the summoning talent without swatting the ground with one hand.

No more worrying about missing summons, because your level increases too quickly.

With the help of this talent, as long as Lin Ye increases the level, the summoning space will automatically appear summons of the corresponding level.

Very practical.

Hidden Talent 5 automatic

summoning, now within Lin Ye's summoning space, there are already 6050 more skeleton warriors and one (5) level summon.

"Groove, what is this?"

Looking at the introduction of the (5) level summon, Lin Ye gasped.

"I'll drop a good thing, you don't dare to let you come out with this ability!"

"Stay with the monsters who summon the space scourge replica for the time being, I want to live a few more years."

"Made, how can these summoners be more perverted than one?"

Lin Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly.

However, the most important thing now is to fill the five-turn level, and before entering the [Virtual Battlefield], write and complete the six-turn high-level transfer mission.

And also strive to leave behind the simplest, instantaneous task.

Only in this way can he continue to play the advanced stage after participating in the lower division.

Urging a teleportation scroll, Lin Ye disappeared on the beach.

The next moment, he appeared outside the entrance of a secret realm.

Without a hint of hesitation, he walked straight in.

"Guys, come out and work!"

With a movement in his mind, Lin Ye released all 211283 skeleton warriors.

Similarly, 45 bone dragons and 6 baby ants.

and (4) level summons.

Lin Ye was all released.

Of course,

as for the (5) level summon, Lin Ye didn't dare to let it come out.

I'm worried, as soon as that guy comes out, I'm afraid that this secret realm will be completely destroyed.

"Brush monsters, upgrade!"

Lin Ye spoke slightly.


The voice fell, and all summoners were dispatched.

In just 10 seconds,

the entire secret realm was emptied.

Some skeleton warriors have not even touched the monsters, and the secret realm has already been cleared.


Lin Ye couldn't help but gasp.

This speed....

The moment the 45 skeletons appeared, they directly urged the godhead, and activated the godhead skill 40 seconds in advance.

In other words, when the bone dragon first appeared, 45 thunder pillars fell in the secret realm, causing the entire secret realm to collapse.

Plus 6 small ants spread out and pull the erhu.

There is also the [Chaos] launched by Xiao Huan.

10 seconds!

The monster was emptied,

it was incredible.


Lin Ye swallowed his saliva without any pressure.

Take a look at the panel, 2500 times the experience increase, a secret realm crazy to rise 20 levels.

The number of Skeleton Warriors has reached a terrifying 211283+137,550.

The number of osteosaurs increased by 66.

The number of small ants increased by 4.

Against the sky,

it is simply inhumane.

"My day..."

Lin Ye urged the magnet ring, recovered the equipment exposed in the secret realm, and left with steps that the six relatives did not recognize.

The next moment,

he appeared at the entrance of another secret realm.

Walk in.

8 seconds out.

Fast man,

the fastest in history.

At this time, he was already five turns full.

Writing the job transfer task,

Lin Ye rushed in the process of completing one job transfer task after another.

In the blink of an eye, another period of time passed.

At this time

, the countdown to the [Virtual Battlefield] begins, 23 hours.

Within the territory of

the Xia Kingdom, countless professionals have gathered around the entrances of the various passages that descended on the [Virtual Battlefield] of the Xia Kingdom.

"Brother, there is still 1 day to go, what is the biggest wish to enter the [Virtual Battlefield]?"

Around the professionals who are killing wild monsters and upgrading around each entrance, pause for a while, and chat in their busy schedules.

"My level is too low, I don't know if I can last a day when I enter the [Virtual Battlefield]."

"However, speaking of wishes, I want to kill a small samurai with my own hands."

"[Virtual Battlefield] Ten times the experience is the best opportunity to upgrade the level, you don't spend time on improving your strength, you won't regret it?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"The explosion rate [of the virtual battlefield] is very high, and I heard that those who can make it to the end often get huge benefits."

"It doesn't matter!"

"There is also a world boss in it, and if you are lucky enough to pick up a leak, it is enough to change your life against the sky."

"It doesn't matter!"

"Hahaha, brother, it's worthy of being a citizen of my Xia Kingdom, let's think of going together."

"In those small days, although I couldn't really kill them in the [Virtual Battlefield], I also had the same desire."

"I want to... Kill the two little days and cut off their twitter.

"Gee, you're good, it's worth dating."

"How? If you enter the [Virtual Battlefield] and get lucky, we will join forces. "Good


The two looked at each other and smiled.

"By the way, I know a dick cutting maniac, I don't know if he will enter the [Virtual Battlefield] this time."

"Listen to my old friend, that dick cutting madman gazed the Liu family master and the Liu family housekeeper."

"If he goes into battle, I hope he does it to those guys in the little days."

"Dick maniac? I haven't heard of it, but if I'm lucky enough to meet him, I'd like to learn a trick and a half from him.

"Hahahaha, I also know someone, his skeleton skills are very damaged, and the quest bosses are all abused by him."

"It's a pity that I'm too far away from him, otherwise I would like to ask him for advice."

"I was originally led by him and patronized to drink!"

"Needless to say, there are still 7 days, we continue to work hard, and we must kill him for a few days."


"Dad, I heard that you can get it in the [Virtual Battlefield]..."

"It doesn't matter what you get, dad is used to this old problem, promise dad one thing."

"Let's just be a professional for you, for your father... Kill a little day.

"But Dad, even if the [Virtual Battlefield] is killed, it will be teleported out unscathed, I think..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Lao Tzu's disease is no problem for a few more years, mother-in-law and mother, tell you to kill you, how can you make those wokou look down."


"The child must go all out!"

At this moment,

countless professionals in Xia Country all gathered outside the [Virtual Battlefield] passages in various places.

Looking at the whole world, all the professionals have already made a complete plan, quietly waiting for the opening of the [Virtual Battlefield].

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