"It's only three, and I've heard my classmates say that the most powerful is ten."

"No, Master, what are you shocked about?"

Lin Ye looked at Gao Tianxiao's shocked appearance, and couldn't help but ask.

"Three hidden, unique three hidden."

"Do you know what this concept is?"

Feeling that he was a little gaffe, Gao Tianxiao sat down, forced himself to hold back the excitement in his heart, and slowly spoke.

To be honest, Lin Ye did not have a concept in this regard, and he did not know much about this world.

At first, he thought that Fa Ye was very handsome, and it was one of the most powerful professions in his cognition.

But what rare and hidden professions came out later.

Even the only sexual profession he awakened.

I thought that the only profession was already at its peak.


, after going to college, through Wei Huoqiang's popular science, his cognition was refreshed again.

There are even reincarnation professions, even the legendary ancestral stacking professions.


Lin Ye wants to curse!

Reincarnation professions can fuse the level of two lifetimes.

For example, the level of the previous life was raised to the six-turn LV180 level, and the starting point in this life was eight turns from the beginning of the job change.

Directly good guy, change jobs and struggle more than people for a lifetime.

This is not

all, the ancestral occupation is outrageous, and all the cultivation of the same occupation of the ancestor can be superimposed.

The history of 800 years is 800 years higher than others.

What do you compare to?

If there were one or two gods in the ancestors, it would be beyond Lin Ye's understanding of the level.

Also, if it is a large family, the branches and leaves are luxuriant.

Merry families like Duozi and Duofu dare not imagine how many people's ranks can be stacked in one ancestral stack.

All right!

Zu Di is also counted, and there are the legendary four-five-six-seven-eight-nine, ten hidden occupations.

Hidden talent Lin Ye knows.

He relies on two hidden talents, one increase and one attribute superposition.

Until now, it felt like the two hidden talents were very against the sky.

After awakening the third hidden talent, Lin Ye had the illusion of invincibility.

The three hidden talents made him a little floating!

But ah, but

, after this, there are four five, seven, eighty, ninety hidden talents.

It's not as good as hanging up.

Therefore, even with the three hidden talents, Lin Ye felt that he was 108,000 miles away from others.

There is nothing to be proud of at all and there is nothing to hide.

He is not a son of luck, let alone the protagonist.

No one would target him on purpose.

Therefore, in front of the cheap master, a direct showdown.

"Do you know what the concept of uniqueness is?"

Gao Tianxiao asked in shock.

Lin Ye did not speak, quietly waiting for Gao Tianxiao's next words.

Gao Tianxiao took a deep breath, and then slowly popularized science with Lin Ye.

"Xiao Lin Ye, it seems that you still have no concept of career."

"In Xia Country... No, let's use the whole world as a metaphor.

"The probability of changing jobs is not high, and if you can successfully change jobs, then more than half of the people have already changed."

"Mage, you know, one in a hundred can appear."

"Above the mage, the potential is higher than the rare class of the mage, and one out of five hundred people can appear."

"And hidden professions, looking at the whole world, are basically high-potential professions that are unique in 10,000."

"There won't even be a single profession for hundreds of years."

"The reincarnation and ancestral profession you know is actually a joke in front of uniqueness."

"Master Venerable knows a unique profession, and with a uniqueness, he has reached the height of the ceiling of Xia Guo."

"He has killed reincarnation professionals with one punch, and he has also defeated the legendary Zu Dian profession with one punch."

"In the entire Xia Kingdom, it is only such a hand to admit defeat, which is stronger than him."

"Apprentice, tell you a secret."

Gao Tianxiao said this, revealing a proud expression.

"Xia Guo, the Dragon Emperor, was honored by the master when he was young... No, I was beaten by the only profession.

"It's a pity, that guy later awakened a few hidden talents..."

Gao Tianxiao shook his head and continued to speak.

"Xiao Lin Ye, you still don't know the horror of the true unique sex profession. When you one day clarify the evolutionary route of this profession and develop the profession to the limit, the strength will definitely exceed your imagination.

"No..., it should be said, it will be beyond the imagination of the whole world."

"Master... No, the uniqueness that Master Venerable knows, as long as he is willing, no one can stop him from moving forward.

"It's just that his pursuit doesn't lie in this..."

"Master tells you that the potential of a unique profession is definitely far beyond your imagination."

"If uniqueness is blessed with hidden talent..."

"Whew, let's go, Master will take you to get some merit value first."

"When your level rises, Master Venerable will find that guy from the Dragon Emperor and ask for one.... Forget it, you are still too weak now, and you don't understand what you said. "

Upgrade first."

Pulling Lin Ye, Gao Tianxiao tore through the space and walked in in one step.

The next moment, the scene changed, and the two appeared in a secret realm with no level limit.

"Hahaha, hahaha, two hundred years, exactly two hundred years, I finally saw two living people."

As soon as it appeared, an extremely terrifying voice sounded within the secret realm.

"Yo, after shelving the task for two hundred years, this guy seems to be a little stronger!"

Gao Tianxiao muttered and said to Lin Ye.

"This task, Xia Guo Lao Constellation is one of the most difficult. Merit is worth 178500, not right... It seems like 1900000.

"Good, Master pretends to be forced."

Gao Tianxiao held it with one hand, and in an instant, the space trembled.

"Trash, hahaha, dare to enter this secret realm with this bit of strength?"

"Wait for me to break through this limit..." the

voice continued, his tone full of contempt.

However, Gao Tianxiao did not let him say more than half a sentence.

"Absolute shock, death critical!"


Gao Tianxiao simply punched out.

This punch was unremarkable, and even the space did not bring out a ripple.

In Lin Ye's eyes, this punch was too ordinary!


, next, Lin Ye completely froze.

Bang bang, bang bang!

From the place where Gao Tianxiao's fist fell, the space exploded little by little.

In less than three seconds, the entire secret space was like boiling water, directly boiling, and the space bubbles exploded one after another.

"Impossible, this can't be..." A

punch fell, and the voice was full of disbelief.

"I am God..."

"Shut up!"

Gao Tianxiao drank lightly, and the voice stopped abruptly.

"Apprentice, come, you will mend the knife."

"If you have a soul attack skill, just shoot it."

"If not, you make a show and simply punch anywhere."


Lin Ye simply punched out.

"Is that so?"

Lin Ye opened his mouth to ask, and just as he asked, the medallion emitted a dazzling light.

The balance became 190070.

"My day,"

Lin Ye gasped.

This forced the master to pretend!

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