
Under the identification skill, Lin Ye looked at the two falling light masses and was directly dumbfounded.

[Replica Rebirth Flame (Unique Flame)] Level: Category outside

the rules: Dao Inside, Super Rule Special

Flame Use Effect: Urge Rebirth Flame

, can ignore the replica refresh rules, Respawn Quest Monster (valid in the quest).

Side Effect: Immune to all respawn monster attacks (valid in quests)

Value: No evaluation


Looking at the introduction of [Replica Rebirth Flame], Lin Ye couldn't help but swallow.

A unique flame, that is, this flame, like a unique class, cannot have two identical flames in the world.

After Lin Ye obtains this flame, then this flame is the only one in the world, and no one will get it again.

When he was replenishing knowledge in the library of Huahuyuan, he saw the introduction of (unique) special foreign objects.

This [Flame of Replica Rebirth] is a (unique) special foreign object.

It is precious enough for a country to rise.

"[Replica Rebirth Flame], the ability to urge this flame can respawn all replica monsters.

In other words, as long as I enter a quest and urge [Quest Rebirth Flame] after clearing the level, then all the monsters of the quest will be refreshed again.

"Moreover, beyond the refresh rules of the copy itself, as long as I want, I can continue to respawn monsters and continue to brush monsters."

"Oh my God, this is outrageous!"

"It takes 10 years for an S-class secret realm to refresh once, while an SS-level copy will be refreshed in 50 years."

"Replicas that are equivalent to SSS level can only be refreshed once in more than 100 years."

"With this copy of the Rebirth Flame, as long as the copy channel is opened, I can continue to brush after entering, isn't this against the sky?"

"The most important thing is to avoid all attacks in the dungeon!"

"Bug, this is definitely a bug-level flame."

Just thinking about it, Lin Ye felt terrified.

Few resources? High level replicas take a long time to refresh?

That's not a thing!

"Enter a copy, I can brush to the old of the wasteland."

"It's a pity that you still need to write the transfer task, otherwise, you can be invincible in one copy."

"Bull puff!"

Picking up the light mass, Lin Ye urged his spiritual power, and the [Flame of Replica Rebirth] directly disappeared into his eyebrows.

"From now on, I am the copy rule. Inside the copy, I have the final say.

Lin Yezhong's second murmured, and his smile was as bright as a blooming chrysanthemum.

The gaze turned to the second photophore.

[Pure Resource Crack Scroll]

Level: Useless

: Randomly enter a pure resource Crack Duration:

20 minutes

This is a scroll, and there is not much introduction.

Lin Ye picked up the scroll and directly urged the use of spiritual power.


A dazzling light flashed, and Lin Ye disappeared into the copy.

The next moment, Lin Ye opened his eyes and had already appeared in an unknown dimensional space.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Ye was stunned.

In front of him, there was a small fruit tree glowing with blue light. The fruit tree is not tall, about half a meter.

Above the fruit trees, fruits the size of dark blue fingertips are produced.

There are so many of them, when you look at them, they are all of them.

"Good fellow, what a joke is this."

Lin Ye squatted down and launched an identification skill against a small fruit.

[Origin Blue Ghost Fruit]

Category: Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruit

Grade: Heaven and Earth Spirit Grade Use: Oral, Juicing

Effect: Enhance mental power, restore physical strength, restore injuries

Additional effect: Affinity with Heaven and Earth Elements


100 million star coins "Lying groove, 100 million

star coins? Fake it!

"I'm like... Get rich!

Lin Ye couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and two fingers carefully picked a blue ghost fruit and put it in his mouth.

The taste is slightly sweet, cool, like imported sugar, and the taste is good.

A blue ghost fruit fell into his stomach, Lin Ye's expression was shocked, he obviously felt that the whole person was refreshed, and the tiredness of using the two skills before was swept away.

On the contrary, he also felt that the strength in his body was abundant, and even the scope covered by spiritual power had increased to a certain extent.

Hurriedly glanced at the properties panel.

Good fellow, a blue ghost fruit, actually allowed him to directly increase his spiritual power by 1,000 points.

It's terrifying.

"I'm Nima, I'm rich!"

"This wave, rich and enemy."

Urging the value of the magnet, countless blue ghost fruits were all absorbed into the ring.

The number was huge, and Lin Ye didn't know how many there were.

Anyway, even if you eat the blue ghost fruit as a meal, you can eat it for several years.

After putting away the blue ghost fruit, Lin Ye wandered around in the dimensional crack for a while, and there was no other harvest.

In the blink of an eye, 20 minutes passed, Lin Ye retreated from the crack space and had returned to the copy of [Muddy Forest].

It felt like a dream.

With a flip of the wrist, a blue ghost fruit appeared in his hand.


very true.

Lin Ye grinned, having gained such a huge harvest, and his mood was extremely beautiful.

Urge the [Flame of Rebirth]

, buzz~ The

entire replica ground ignites colorful flames, and in just a few moments, countless monsters condense in the flames and are reborn again.

In just 3 minutes, the entire quest's monsters are resurrected.


The roar of the boss resounded in the depths of the quest.

"Open brush, hahaha, this wave is going to pull the level full."

Laughing, Lin Ye released all the more than 60,000 skeleton warriors.

The skeleton warriors are divided into two echelons and push directly forward.

The first echelon is responsible for launching skills, and the second echelon is responsible for chopping.

Soon, Lin Ye's panel showed a steady stream of tips for increasing experience.



Rapid rise in rank.

After half a day, as the level increased, the three-dimensional attributes of the skeleton warrior increased dramatically.

Even if he doesn't use his skills, with the help of the Heaven-Opening Saber, the skeleton warrior can already maneuver in the hands of the seven-turn elite monster.

Laugh at!

After the little ant wiped out the replica boss, a boost appeared on Lin Ye's panel.

[The level reaches the upper limit, and the experience points reach the upper limit, please write the transfer task as soon as possible to complete a higher transfer level.] "

Full... Is it full level?

"Good guy, it's really worthy of being an S-level copy, and it only took two brushes to get me to the full level of three turns."

"lv90, I'm afraid this speed is a little too fast!"

Chuckling, Lin Ye launched another LV90-level summon.

The atmosphere fluctuated, and 2700 skeleton warriors appeared. At the same time, 7 bone dragons also appeared.

"Great harvest,"

"Shuang died!"

The gains brought by this copy are simply terrifying.

The number of skeleton warriors has reached a terrifying 84,683.

28 bone dragons.

3 small ants.

"Complete the task writing first, with my current strength, I should not be stumped by the transfer task!"

"Gee, after the transfer task is completed, enter the replica again, with the help of the [Flame of Rebirth of the Copy], and come out again at full level."

"It's a pity that you can't take the copy away, otherwise, let the skeleton warrior stay in the copy all the time, it will be lying flat."

With a thought in his mind, Lin Ye withdrew from the copy.

Taking out a teleportation scroll, Lin Ye went directly back to the school.

He hadn't forgotten that there were free job transfer scrolls in school.

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