In the dormitory of [Hua Hu Yuan],

Lin Ye was checking the details of the first task he followed.

Top Mission: Secret Realm, [Sin City] Mission Details: [Sin City],

which is one of the most sinful cities among the many secret realms of the Xia Kingdom.

This city is the hiding place of countless [villains]. They were protected by the lord of the city and did all kinds of evil.

Whenever the [Sin City] level limit is unlocked, these [Evildoers] will quietly enter the country and sweep wildly.

Mission: Please enter [Sin City] and let these [Evildoers] feel the thunder and evil methods of the Xia Kingdom Special Warfare Bureau.

Arrest the lord of [Sin City].

Mission completion reward: Merit is worth 120 points.

"Arrest someone?"

"I don't know if it's done to bring it back after beating it to death."

Lin Ye muttered and checked the address in the mission details.

Leaving the dormitory, Lin Ye went to the school's printing shop to print a map of [Sin City] in the secret realm.

Because entering the secret realm, all electronic devices will fail, and Lin Ye must be prepared.

Lest you enter the secret realm and even find [Sin City] anywhere.

After printing the map, Lin Ye bought some more things and went to the cafeteria restaurant to eat before setting off.

He did not notice that the 'rookie flock' at this time had been thoroughly fried.

"Verified, the status of [Sin City], one of the top missions, has been updated to Active."

"Good fellow, it turned out to be [Sin City], did a big cock come out and talk about this task?"

"Deadlock, do you still need to say this? How many pinning tasks are there that ordinary people can complete?

"Ordinary people? Hahaha, you laugh at me to death, who is ordinary here? "

It's all the top of Xia Country, okay!"

"However, the difficulty of the top task is really terrifying. I suspect the newcomer may not be able to come out.

"No need to doubt, as strong as I am now, the old fritters dare not easily take the top task."

"Hey, maybe it's a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. If you can't get it right, it is a reincarnation profession, and the strength has long been above you and me.

"You think reincarnation profession rotten street? The entire Xia Kingdom, it seems that there are just two people!

"Okay, that guy is not saved, if he goes online again in a month, I count him as good."

Newcomer Changwu: "Big guys, I know who that fool is, hahaha." "

No one cares

, newcomer Zhangwu: "That person's name is Lin Ye, and he is a necromancer. What's special, it's really a guy who doesn't know the height of the sky, how old can he be patient without a pen count? "

It's still unattended.

Newcomer Zhangwu: "Lin Ye, why don't you take advantage of the fact that you are not dead yet, quickly withdraw from the group, don't lower the IQ of the entire group." The

group announcement clearly states that the top task is a difficult task, please do not try it easily. Otherwise, do so at your own risk.

"You're such a fool!"

[Administrator forbids 'newcomer Changwu 1 day']

[Forcing Wang Chen Junqi (administrator)] "Who was that fool just now?

"Forget about him, I just saw someone take over the top task, organize it temporarily, and simply hold a memorial service."

"Two minutes of silence."

[Dong Feifei (administrator)]: "There are you everywhere, so aren't you afraid that the newcomer is an ancestral profession, or a hidden profession, and he will come back from the task and slap you in the face?" [

Forcing Wang Chen Junqi (administrator)]: "What are you kidding?" I forced the king of a generation, do you really think that I can only play lip service?

"Look, administrator status, anyone can have it?"

"Alas, I'll go, a large group of 'Seventh Masters' are @ me, come back and talk later!"

Two minutes later,

[Forcing Wang Chen Junqi (administrator)]: "Tide, that newcomer kid is really lucky." "

Seventh Master said that there are important things announced in a few days, let me be optimistic about you, don't waste too much."

"So, I will personally go to [Sin City] to bring that kid back."

"Guys, I'm pretending."

"When I force the king to come back, let that newcomer kid give a rescue speech in the group."

[Administrator Chen Junqi goes offline

] At this time

, Lin Ye stood outside the entrance of the [Sin City] secret realm, "Arrest the [Sin City]

City Lord, well, it should be done."

"Xiao Hei, be on guard!"


A little ant in a cloak appeared on Lin Ye's shoulder out of thin air.

"Without my instructions, no messing with people is allowed."

After warning the little ant, Lin Ye stepped into the secret realm.

Enter the secret realm, which is full of dense forests, and it is difficult to tell the direction.

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Ye released a bone dragon.

With one foot on the ground, Lin Ye stood on the head of the bone dragon with a thunder moment.


Lin Ye ordered.


The bone dragon's wings waved, and its huge body soared into the air.

After flying for nearly twenty minutes, Lin Ye looked into the distance, and finally saw a city at the end of his line of sight.

"Is that where it is?"

Glancing at the location on the map, Lin Ye verified the location.

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Ye released two bone dragons again.

"Little bones, mark the place where you exit to the secret realm."


The three bone dragons scattered separately, and the thunder and lightning condensed on their bodies, shooting out a mouthful of thunder at the location of the exit of the secret realm.


Three huge ravines about two hundred meters wide stretched from Lin Ye to the exit of the secret realm.

Looking down from the sky, three huge ravines form an arrow, pointing to the exit.

"Good job, so that even if you can't win and escape, you can quickly find your way."

With a mutter, Lin Ye withdrew the other two bone dragons into the summoning space, and rushed towards the city without any pause.

In just a few minutes, the body of the bone dragon covering the sky had already arrived in front of the city. And stopped.

On the city wall

, "Made, what kind of bird weather is this, it just thundered, and now it is going to rain again?"

A dark shadow shrouded above the city gate, and the two sentinels glanced up cursingly.

"Nima, what kind of fun is that?"

"Dragons, it's dragons. Necromancer bone dragon, lying groove, quickly notify the captain of the doorman..."

"No need to notify, such a big dragon, Lao Tzu can see it."

"What kind of low-level professionals of the three-turn LV62 level scared you into like birds?"


captain of the gate stepped out from the city wall and stood above the void.

"If you come to join the city lord, put away your big fellow, and kneel into the city."

"If you come to find trouble, do you know the consequences of provoking [Sin City]?"

The captain of the gate guard locked his gaze on Lin Ye, who was standing on the head of the bone dragon, and his face showed a fierceness.

Lick the blood at the knife's edge, do nothing evil.

The captain of the gatekeeper, who was accustomed to life and death, was not intimidated by the bone dragon, but showed a hint of defiance.

Especially after seeing that Lin Ye was just a low-level professional with three turns, he showed his usual rampant style.


The bone dragon seemed to feel the contempt of the other party, and the power of thunder and lightning on his body slowly condensed.

At the same time,

a figure was quickly coming from the entrance of the secret realm.

"No, don't harden steel."

"Uncle, is this newcomer so tiger? He wouldn't be pushing [Sin City] sideways!

"If you alarm the whole city, stimulate the evil city lord, and force the king, I will give my little life here."

Chen Junqi prayed while quickly approaching Lin Ye, hoping that Lin Ye would not mess around.


At this time, a terrifying roar sounded in the sky, and a thunder pillar shot into the city.

"It's over, these two goods actually went to war directly, don't you use your brains?"

"I was miserable by you, forcing me to ... Desperate! "

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