"I'm going to destroy your Nine Clan, Lin Ye, ah~"

"I'm going to tear you alive, ahhhhhh

Liu Zhongkai roared loudly, looking at Lin Ye's distant back, his eyes showing infinite anger.

With a flip of his wrist, a [Mini Blood Spirit Fruit] appeared in his hand, and Liu Zhongkai quickly paused.

The medicinal effect of the [Mini Blood Spirit Fruit] was activated, and Liu Zhongkai glanced solemnly at the bottom of him.

The bleeding stopped,

but the thing didn't grow at all.


With a hint of panic in his eyes, Liu Zhongkai flipped his wrist and swallowed a large handful of [Mini Blood Spirit Fruit].


there is still no sign of growing meat.


, at this moment, Liu Zhongkai was completely panicked.

With a flip of his wrist, he took out a bottle of green liquid and hurriedly swallowed it.

No response

, "Lin Ye, my Rinyima Immortal, ah lying groove!"

In a moment, Liu Zhongkai swallowed all the healing elixirs on his body.

With a panicked face, Liu Zhongkai was anxious.

He couldn't take care of Lin Ye who was far away.

Taking out the phone, Liu Zhongkai hurriedly dialed the number of housekeeper Liu.

"Butler, quick, quickly help me consult if there is any elixir in the world that will regenerate there."

"Consult the strongest medical practitioner in Xia Country, can you take me back."

"Nima, where else can it be, of course it's there!"

"Dog day, go to the medical doctor. If not, go and catch it, and give it all to Lao Tzu to catch and wait. "

Ah, ah, Lin Ye, I must slaughter you with my own hands!"

With a roar, Liu Zhongkai picked up the lump of meat on the ground and left in a panic.

At this time,

on an isolated island in the sea area of Xia Country.

This is the base camp of the Liu family.

At this time, the entire Liu family was in chaos.

"Have you heard? The head of the house has been sucked off..."

"Shh, why are you looking for death, shut up."

"The best medical team in Xia Guo has entered the main room, it should be fine."

"Phew, what kind of divine is that Lin Ye, who can actually break the defense of the family master."

"Brother, I'm ready to leave. If the Liu family goes to war with Na Lin Ye and blindly makes a few people

, I..." "Go, I don't want this month's salary."

"I'm leaving the capital and going back to my hometown, the Liu family can't stay!"

Several members of the Liu family talked in a low voice, put away their burdens and left quietly.

Of course, the current Liu family can no longer take care of them.

In the room

, "Waste, it's all waste."

"Roll, aaaaa

Liu Zhongkai was furious, and his face was bruised.

The voices that speak are a little, sharp.

It's like moving in some ineffable direction.

The medical doctor who invited him not only did not cure him, but the special physiotherapy drugs also made the meat a little festering and smelly.

"Take it and freeze it, don't let him fester."

"Master, you go in person."

"Ah, Lin Ye who killed heaven, arrange for people, arrange for people to capture that Lin Ye, I will cut his flesh."

Liu Zhongkai's sharp voice sounded.

"Patriarch, that Lin Ye's strength cannot be underestimated, I will personally go and capture him!"

Butler Liu spoke solemnly, and then carefully took the rotting piece of meat out of the room.

After everything was arranged, Steward Liu urged the teleportation scroll and went directly to no man's land.

At this point,

three days have passed.

In no man's land,

Lin Ye stopped in front of an abandoned oil mill.

There were huge rust-covered tubings everywhere, and between the tubing, some wild monsters suddenly looked up at the giant skeletons.

"Twitter, twitter."

On Lin Ye's shoulder, the little ant made an excited sound.

It was not because he found the monster, but because he saw the butler Liu with his hands attached behind him on the tubing, with killing intent.

Because of Lin Ye, Steward Liu was physically and mentally tired these days.

If Lin Ye is not captured, I am afraid that his future life will not be good.

I heard that Gao Tianxiao had an important task and had left Xia Country.

Such a good opportunity, he naturally will not miss it.

Of course, Lin Ye could break through the family's defenses and cut it out there.

Butler Liu was also fully prepared and came here.

Consuming the wealth he had accumulated over the years, close to 10 billion, Butler Liu asked the caster to cast a pair of golden briefs with a legendary level.

"Lin Ye, are you going back with me yourself, or will I destroy you and capture you back?"

Butler Liu stood on top of the YouTube, and the gold briefs were worn on the outermost layer, which was particularly dazzling.

Lin Ye's face was a little solemn, it

was said that the strength of this Liu butler was at least 8 turns full level.

Although he can be invincible for 61 seconds, after invincibility, it can be very bad.

"Xiao Hei,"

Lin Ye began.

The little ant noticed, and the scythe in his hand was across his neck.

"Hmph, it seems that you won't obediently follow me!"

"Then don't blame the old man for bullying the small."

Stepping on,

Butler Liu took a step forward.

Laugh at!

Suddenly, a cold light appeared in his throat.

Butler Liu was slightly startled, and his back felt cold.

At that moment, he actually felt the threat of death.

He glanced solemnly at the little ant with the scythe on Lin Ye's shoulder across his neck, and he could be regarded as understanding.

"How can the next three abusive means hurt me."

Butler Liu drank lightly, jumped up on one foot, and his golden briefs emitted a dazzling light.

This is the effect that he paid extra for the foundry to add.

This flash can make Lin Ye dazzle, even if he is a black hand, he can't see his weakness.

Seeing that Lin Ye was squinted by the light, a smile appeared on Butler Liu's face.

That's what I want.

"Lin Ye, your good days are over!"


Butler Liu's body shook suddenly, and the power above his fist emanated little by little.

The power of this punch, the space was beaten to fluctuate.

"Twitter, twitter!"

On Lin Ye's shoulder, the little ant made an angry sound.

The defense was actually lower than the other party

, and in just three days, he encountered two guys who couldn't break the defense.


With a hint of anger, the little ant's figure moved, and it disappeared directly on Lin Ye's shoulder.

The next moment

, in mid-air, Butler Liu's powerful momentum had already rushed towards him.

Laugh at!

The golden briefs under him suddenly lost their luster, and a trace of blood spilled out of their pants.


Steward Liu's whole person was stunned above the void.

"Twitter, twitter!"

The little ant returned to Lin Ye's shoulder and made a chirping sound.

It was now pulling on its cloak to wipe the blood from its scythe.


Looking at Steward Liu who was stunned in midair, Lin Ye's heart moved, and the little soldier rushed towards the front.

Lin Ye did not have a love war.

The most important thing at the moment is to reach the end.

If you start a fight here, although you are sure to kill Steward Liu. But a lot of time will definitely be wasted.

At that time, if the head of the Liu family comes again, the master may not be able to save him.

If you want to kill, kill a nest, and don't give the Liu family any chance to breathe.

During the run, Lin Ye had already made up his mind.

After waiting for the past few busy days and getting some recovery spirit fruits, he personally went to Liu's house to send them together.

In less than half a minute, Lin Ye and the small soldier had already left and disappeared from sight.

Butler Liu's body was still frozen in midair.

The more blood flows over the month.

The pants are soaked.

"Impossible, this can't be. Obviously the gold pants are not broken, why do they bleed!

"It's not my blood, it certainly isn't."

Steward Liu was panicked in his heart, and his face was incredulous.

He carefully pulled open his pants and took a look.

This look

, "Fake, this is fake!"

"Ah, Lin Ye ~ (broken sound)"

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